375 research outputs found

    Ultra-compact branchless plasmonic interferometers

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    Miniaturization of functional optical devices and circuits is a key prerequisite for a myriad of applications ranging from biosensing to quantum information processing. This development has considerably been spurred by rapid developments within plasmonics exploiting its unprecedented ability to squeeze light into subwavelength scale. In this study, we investigate on-chip plasmonic systems allowing for synchronous excitation of multiple inputs and examine the interference between two adjacent excited channels. We present a branchless interferometer consisting of two parallel plasmonic waveguides that can be either selectively or coherently excited via ultra-compact antenna couplers. The total coupling efficiency is quantitatively characterized in a systematic manner and shown to exceed 15% for small waveguide separations, with the power distribution between the two waveguides being efficiently and dynamically shaped by adjusting the incident beam position. The presented design principle can readily be extended to other configurations, giving new perspectives for highly dense integrated plasmonic circuitry, optoelectronic devices, and sensing applications.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Commuting Mode Choice Behaviour Study and Policy Suggestions for Low-Carbon Emission Transportation in Xi’an (China)

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    This study established the commuting mode choice models in the typical Chinese city of Xi’an by using the Logistic regression method. Results show that commuters will transfer from the walking, bicycle, electric-bicycle/motor or bus to the car if the commuting distance, household income or the car availability increase; commuters will transfer from the walking, bicycle, electric-bicycle/motor to the car and transit if the commuting distance increases; compared with transit, the shorter driving time is the significant factor for the commuters choosing cars. The findings indicate that there is the necessity of great investment in the public transit with high-quality services to shorten the traveling time, combined with measures of car restriction, parking control, road congestion charging and transit priority lanes for the low-carbon emission transportation development in Chinese cities. The findings in the typical city of Xi’an will provide reference value for other cities in the world

    Anapole-Assisted Strong Field Enhancement in Individual All-Dielectric Nanostructures

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    High-index dielectric nanostructures have recently become prominent forefront alternatives for manipulating light at the nanoscale. Their electric and magnetic resonances with intriguing characteristics endow them with a unique ability to strongly enhance near-field effects with minimal absorption. Similar to their metallic counterparts, dielectric oligomers consisting of two or more coupled particles are generally employed to create localized optical fields. Here we show that individual all-dielectric nanostructures, with rational designs, can produce strong electric fields with intensity enhancements exceeding 3 orders of magnitude. Such a striking effect is demonstrated within a Si nanodisk by fully exploiting anapole generation and simultaneously introducing a slot area with high-contrast interfaces. By performing finite-difference time-domain simulations and multipole decomposition analysis, we systematically investigate both far-field and near-field properties of the slotted disk and reveal a subtle interplay among different resonant modes of the system. Furthermore, while electric fields at anapole modes are typically internal, i.e., found inside nanostructures, our slotted configuration generates external hotspots with electric fields additionally enhanced by virtue of boundary conditions. These electric hotspots are thereby directly accessible to nearby molecules or quantum emitters, opening up new possibilities for single-particle enhanced spectroscopies or single-photon emission enhancement due to large Purcell effects. Our presented design methodology is also readily extendable to other materials and other geometries, which may unlock enormous potential for sensing and quantum nanophotonic applications

    Direct amplitude-phase near-field observation of higher-order anapole states

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    Anapole states associated with the resonant suppression of electric-dipole scattering exhibit minimized extinction and maximized storage of electromagnetic energy inside a particle. Using numerical simulations, optical extinction spectroscopy and amplitude-phase near-field mapping of silicon dielectric disks, we demonstrate high-order anapole states in the near-infrared wavelength range (900-1700 nm). We develop the procedure for unambiguously identifying anapole states by monitoring the normal component of the electric near-field and experimentally detect the first two anapole states as verified by far-field extinction spectroscopy and confirmed with the numerical simulations. We demonstrate that higher order anapole states possess stronger energy concentration and narrower resonances, a remarkable feature that is advantageous for their applications in metasurfaces and nanophotonics components, such as non-linear higher-harmonic generators and nanoscale lasers

    Analysis of Herbaceous Plant Succession and Dispersal Mechanisms in Deglaciated Terrain on Mt. Yulong, China

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    Ecological succession itself could be a theoretical reference for ecosystem restoration and reconstruction. Glacier forelands are ideal places for investigating plant succession because there are representative ecological succession records at long temporal scales. Based on field observations and experimental data on the foreland of Baishui number 1 Glacier on Mt. Yulong, the succession and dispersal mechanisms of dominant plant species were examined by using numerical classification and ordination methods. Fifty samples were first classified into nine community types and then into three succession stages. The three succession stages occurred about 9–13, 13–102, and 110–400 years ago, respectively. The earliest succession stage contained the association of Arenaria delavayi + Meconopsis horridula. The middle stage contained the associations of Arenaria delavayi + Kobresia fragilis, Carex capilliformis + Polygonum macrophyllum, Carex kansuensis, and also Pedicularis rupicola. The last stage included the associations of Kobresia fragilis + Carex capilliformis, Kobresia fragilis, Kobresia fragilis + Ligusticum rechingerana, and Kobresia fragilis + Ligusticum sikiangense. The tendency of the succession was from bare land to sparse vegetation and then to alpine meadow. In addition, three modes of dispersal were observed, namely, anemochory, mammalichory, and myrmecochory. The dispersal modes of dominant species in plant succession process were evolved from anemochory to zoochory
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