4,036 research outputs found

    Cali-Sketch: Stroke Calibration and Completion for High-Quality Face Image Generation from Poorly-Drawn Sketches

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    Image generation task has received increasing attention because of its wide application in security and entertainment. Sketch-based face generation brings more fun and better quality of image generation due to supervised interaction. However, When a sketch poorly aligned with the true face is given as input, existing supervised image-to-image translation methods often cannot generate acceptable photo-realistic face images. To address this problem, in this paper we propose Cali-Sketch, a poorly-drawn-sketch to photo-realistic-image generation method. Cali-Sketch explicitly models stroke calibration and image generation using two constituent networks: a Stroke Calibration Network (SCN), which calibrates strokes of facial features and enriches facial details while preserving the original intent features; and an Image Synthesis Network (ISN), which translates the calibrated and enriched sketches to photo-realistic face images. In this way, we manage to decouple a difficult cross-domain translation problem into two easier steps. Extensive experiments verify that the face photos generated by Cali-Sketch are both photo-realistic and faithful to the input sketches, compared with state-of-the-art methodsComment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    TediGAN: Text-Guided Diverse Face Image Generation and Manipulation

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    In this work, we propose TediGAN, a novel framework for multi-modal image generation and manipulation with textual descriptions. The proposed method consists of three components: StyleGAN inversion module, visual-linguistic similarity learning, and instance-level optimization. The inversion module maps real images to the latent space of a well-trained StyleGAN. The visual-linguistic similarity learns the text-image matching by mapping the image and text into a common embedding space. The instance-level optimization is for identity preservation in manipulation. Our model can produce diverse and high-quality images with an unprecedented resolution at 1024. Using a control mechanism based on style-mixing, our TediGAN inherently supports image synthesis with multi-modal inputs, such as sketches or semantic labels, with or without instance guidance. To facilitate text-guided multi-modal synthesis, we propose the Multi-Modal CelebA-HQ, a large-scale dataset consisting of real face images and corresponding semantic segmentation map, sketch, and textual descriptions. Extensive experiments on the introduced dataset demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method. Code and data are available at https://github.com/weihaox/TediGAN.Comment: CVPR 2021. Code: https://github.com/weihaox/TediGAN Data: https://github.com/weihaox/Multi-Modal-CelebA-HQ Video: https://youtu.be/L8Na2f5viA

    Domain Fingerprints for No-reference Image Quality Assessment

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    Human fingerprints are detailed and nearly unique markers of human identity. Such a unique and stable fingerprint is also left on each acquired image. It can reveal how an image was degraded during the image acquisition procedure and thus is closely related to the quality of an image. In this work, we propose a new no-reference image quality assessment (NR-IQA) approach called domain-aware IQA (DA-IQA), which for the first time introduces the concept of domain fingerprint to the NR-IQA field. The domain fingerprint of an image is learned from image collections of different degradations and then used as the unique characteristics to identify the degradation sources and assess the quality of the image. To this end, we design a new domain-aware architecture, which enables simultaneous determination of both the distortion sources and the quality of an image. With the distortion in an image better characterized, the image quality can be more accurately assessed, as verified by extensive experiments, which show that the proposed DA-IQA performs better than almost all the compared state-of-the-art NR-IQA methods.Comment: accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT

    GAN Inversion: A Survey

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    GAN inversion aims to invert a given image back into the latent space of a pretrained GAN model, for the image to be faithfully reconstructed from the inverted code by the generator. As an emerging technique to bridge the real and fake image domains, GAN inversion plays an essential role in enabling the pretrained GAN models such as StyleGAN and BigGAN to be used for real image editing applications. Meanwhile, GAN inversion also provides insights on the interpretation of GAN's latent space and how the realistic images can be generated. In this paper, we provide an overview of GAN inversion with a focus on its recent algorithms and applications. We cover important techniques of GAN inversion and their applications to image restoration and image manipulation. We further elaborate on some trends and challenges for future directions

    Ketogenic therapy towards precision medicine for brain diseases

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    Precision nutrition and nutrigenomics are emerging in the development of therapies for multiple diseases. The ketogenic diet (KD) is the most widely used clinical diet, providing high fat, low carbohydrate, and adequate protein. KD produces ketones and alters the metabolism of patients. Growing evidence suggests that KD has therapeutic effects in a wide range of neuronal diseases including epilepsy, neurodegeneration, cancer, and metabolic disorders. Although KD is considered to be a low-side-effect diet treatment, its therapeutic mechanism has not yet been fully elucidated. Also, its induced keto-response among different populations has not been elucidated. Understanding the ketone metabolism in health and disease is critical for the development of KD-associated therapeutics and synergistic therapy under any physiological background. Here, we review the current advances and known heterogeneity of the KD response and discuss the prospects for KD therapy from a precision nutrition perspective
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