8 research outputs found

    Extensive germline-somatic interplay contributes to prostate cancer progression through HNF1B co-option of TMPRSS2-ERG

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    Abstract Genome-wide association studies have identified 270 loci conferring risk for prostate cancer (PCa), yet the underlying biology and clinical impact remain to be investigated. Here we observe an enrichment of transcription factor genes including HNF1B within PCa risk-associated regions. While focused on the 17q12/HNF1B locus, we find a strong eQTL for HNF1B and multiple potential causal variants involved in the regulation of HNF1B expression in PCa. An unbiased genome-wide co-expression analysis reveals PCa-specific somatic TMPRSS2-ERG fusion as a transcriptional mediator of this locus and the HNF1B eQTL signal is ERG fusion status dependent. We investigate the role of HNF1B and find its involvement in several pathways related to cell cycle progression and PCa severity. Furthermore, HNF1B interacts with TMPRSS2-ERG to co-occupy large proportion of genomic regions with a remarkable enrichment of additional PCa risk alleles. We finally show that HNF1B co-opts ERG fusion to mediate mechanistic and biological effects of the PCa risk-associated locus 17p13.3/VPS53/FAM57A/GEMIN4. Taken together, we report an extensive germline-somatic interaction between TMPRSS2-ERG fusion and genetic variations underpinning PCa risk association and progression

    Disassembly of α6β4-mediated hemidesmosomal adhesions promotes tumorigenesis in PTEN-negative prostate cancer by targeting plectin to focal adhesions

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    Abstract Loss of α6β4-dependent hemidesmosomal adhesions has been observed during prostate cancer progression. However, the significance and underlying mechanisms by which aberrant hemidesmosome assembly may modulate tumorigenesis remain elusive. Using an extensive CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genetic engineering approaches in different prostate cancer cell lines combined with in vivo tumorigenesis studies in mice, bone marrow-on-chip assays and bioinformatics, as well as histological analysis of prostate cancer patient cohorts, we demonstrated that simultaneous loss of PTEN and hemidesmosomal adhesions induced several tumorigenic properties including proliferation, migration, resistance to anoikis, apoptosis, and drug treatment in vitro, and increased metastatic capacity in vivo. These effects were plectin-depended and plectin was associated with actin-rich adhesions upon hemidesmosome disruption in PTEN-negative prostate cancer cells leading to activation of EGFR/PI3K/Akt- and FAK/Src-pathways. These results suggest that analysis of PTEN and hemidesmosomal proteins may have diagnostic value helping to stratify prostate cancer patients with high risk for development of aggressive disease and highlight actin-associated plectin as a potential therapeutic target specifically in PTEN/hemidesmosome dual-negative prostate cancer

    GATA2 co-opts TGFβ1/SMAD4 oncogenic signaling and inherited variants at 6q22 to modulate prostate cancer progression

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    Abstract Background: Aberrant somatic genomic alteration including copy number amplification is a hallmark of cancer genomes. We previously profiled genomic landscapes of prostate cancer (PCa), yet the underlying causal genes with prognostic potential has not been defined. It remains unclear how a somatic genomic event cooperates with inherited germline variants contribute to cancer predisposition and progression. Methods: We applied integrated genomic and clinical data, experimental models and bioinformatic analysis to identify GATA2 as a highly prevalent metastasis-associated genomic amplification in PCa. Biological roles of GATA2 in PCa metastasis was determined in vitro and in vivo. Global chromatin co-occupancy and co-regulation of GATA2 and SMAD4 was investigated by coimmunoprecipitation, ChIP-seq and RNA-seq assays. Tumor cellular assays, qRT-PCR, western blot, ChIP, luciferase assays and CRISPR-Cas9 editing methods were performed to mechanistically understand the cooperation of GATA2 with SMAD4 in promoting TGFβ1 and AR signaling and mediating inherited PCa risk and progression. Results: In this study, by integrated genomics and experimental analysis, we identified GATA2 as a prevalent metastasis-associated genomic amplification to transcriptionally augment its own expression in PCa. Functional experiments demonstrated that GATA2 physically interacted and cooperated with SMAD4 for genome-wide chromatin co-occupancy and co-regulation of PCa genes and metastasis pathways like TGFβ signaling. Mechanistically, GATA2 was cooperative with SMAD4 to enhance TGFβ and AR signaling pathways, and activated the expression of TGFβ1 via directly binding to a distal enhancer of TGFβ1. Strinkingly, GATA2 and SMAD4 globally mediated inherited PCa risk and formed a transcriptional complex with HOXB13 at the PCa risk-associated rs339331/6q22 enhancer, leading to increased expression of the PCa susceptibility gene RFX6. Conclusions: Our study prioritizes causal genomic amplification genes with prognostic values in PCa and reveals the pivotal roles of GATA2 in transcriptionally activating the expression of its own and TGFβ1, thereby co-opting to TGFβ1/SMAD4 signaling and RFX6 at 6q22 to modulate PCa predisposition and progression