5 research outputs found

    A global view on the Ordovician stratigraphy of south-eastern Europe

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    The Ordovician documented in south-eastern Europe reflects different sedimentary environments, from shallow water to basin, belonging to diverse palaeogeographical domains. Some of these geological sectors and their palaeontological content have been well described for a long time, like the Carnic Alps, that represent one of the most continuous Palaeozoic sequence in the world. For some other areas, the quality of the data is variable and the knowledge is less detailed, sometimes with lithostratigraphic units still to be formalized, also reflecting the fragmentary nature of the outcrops. The Ordovician stratigraphy of diverse successions of south-eastern Europe has been herein revised and integrated with new data in the attempt of detecting a global scenario for this critical time interval in the evolution of life.This research was undertaken within the framework and with the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, project PID2021-125585NB-100 (to JCG-M and JC).Peer reviewe

    Braquiópodos inarticulados del Ordovícico Inferior de la Unidad Ranovac-Vlasina ("Supragethicum") y paleobiogeografía de las unidades tectónicas balcánides de Serbia oriental (Yugoslavia)

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    9 páginas.-- En Rábano, I. (Ed.), Actas de las XV Jornadas de Paleontología y Simposios de los Proyectos PICG 393, 410 y 421.Peer reviewe

    Novi nahodki na trilobiti i graptoliti v ordovika na Bulgaria

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    8 páginas, 2 figuras, 1 lámina.Darriwilian trilobites and graptolites from the Grohoten Formation (Svoge anticliorium, Sofia Stara Planina Mountain) are reviewed in the light of the new records and by direct examination of the original material reported by previous authors between 1934 and 1958 years. Middle Ordovician fossils are distributed in three stratigraphically successive assemblages. The oldest one derives from Lower Oretanian shales with nodules and consists of pendent and extensiform didymograptids (Didymograptus cf. artus, D. cf. spinulosus, D. s.l. ferrugineus), some biserials (Haddingograptus ?), a single benthic atheloptic trilobite (Placoparia balcanica n. sp.), and probably also of rare pelagic form Cyclopyge cf. kossleri. The middle assemblage which is dominated by pelagic trilobites such as Pricyclopyge binodosa binodosa, R binodosa prisca and Microparia sp., and sparse benthic elements (Ectillaenus sp.), is recorded from siltstones and silty shales that directly overlie a variously developed middle, quartzitic member. The presence both of the graptolite Didymograptus murchisoni and the rare biserial forms confirm an Upper Oretanian age for the association. Finally, the third and youngest Middle Ordovician palaeontological horizon is characterized by the occurence of the Dobrotivian cyclopygid trilobite Pricyclopyge binodosa longicephala, which derives from the settled shales and is located well below the latest assemblage of trilobites and brachiopods already of Berounian (Upper Ordovician) age. Closest comparisons of the Bulgarian trilobites are with the cyclopygid biofacies from the deep outer shelf settings of the peri-Gondwanan platform, shown by the record of some typical Bohemian taxa as P. binodosa prisca and P. binodosa longicephala.Proyectos: Nº 2001BG0005, 2001-2002. 602/1996 y 410 de PIGS (IUGS-UNESCO).Peer reviewe

    New biostratigraphical data from the Ordovician of Bulgaria

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    7 páginas, 2 figuras.-- Edited by: G. L. Albanesi / M. S. Beresi / S. H. Peralta.-- Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Ordovician System. San Juan - Argentina 2003.Peer reviewe