5 research outputs found

    Inequalities in dental services use by older adults in Chile according to eligibility for a national dental programme

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    OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence and trends in dental service use among Chilean older adults (60+ years) between 2006 and 2017; to assess the association between socioeconomic factors and dental service use and type (public/private) in 2017 and whether these differ by eligibility to a national dental programme (GES-60). METHODS: This study involved secondary data analysis of five nationally representative cross-sectional surveys between 2006 and 2017. Trends were assessed for use of dental services and types of services used among 60-79-year-olds. Logistic regression models examined the association between use of dental services in 2017 and socioeconomic variables (income and education), accounting for covariates (age, gender, residence, ethnicity, cohabiting status, employment and disability). Estimated marginal means and odds ratios (ORs) were calculated to assess the association between socioeconomic variables and the outcomes by GES-60 eligibility. RESULTS: Across surveys, the average prevalence of use of dental services in the last 3 months was 5.0%. There was a slight increase in dental visits between 2006 and 2017. This trend was higher among GES-60 eligible individuals using public dental services. Inequalities were observed in regression analyses. Compared to the poorest quintile and those with no formal education respectively, the ORs were 2.36 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.79-5.68) for the richest quintile and ranged from 2.91 (95% CI 1.49-5.68) to 6.43 (3.26-12.68) for each higher level of educational attainment. Inequalities were wider among GES-60 non-eligible than GES-60 eligible older adults for both outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Socioeconomic inequalities were present among older adults regardless of GES-60 eligibility. However, these inequalities were more pronounced among non-eligible individuals. Our findings suggest a limited impact of GES-60 only among eligible older adults. Policies considering the needs of the whole older adult population are likely to have a stronger impact

    Prevalencia de maloclusión y hábitos bucales no fisiológicos en niños de primaria de Ercilla, Chile.

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    Introduction: Dentomaxillary Anomalies (DMA) affect the growth and morphology of the stomatognathic system of individuals, representing a public health problem. Few studies have described its prevalence among vulnerable populations in Chile. The aim of the study was to explore the prevalence of DMA and its association to non-physiological habits (NFH) and sociodemographic characteristics among primary school children living in Ercilla, Chile. Material and Methods: A convenience sample of 327 primary school students from six schools in Ercilla, were assessed through an intraoral and extraoral evaluation. Overjet, overbite, molar relationship, presence of DMAs, and NFHs were measured. Descriptive statistics, analysis of association between DMAs and studied factors, and logistic regression models were done and odds ratio with 95% confidence intervals presented. Results: A total of 61.5% of students presented at least one DMA. Chi-square test showed no significant association between DMA prevalence and NHFs, however, after adjusting for sociodemographic factors, children with NFH were 1.69 (95%CI 1.02-2.78) times more likely to have DMAs. Gender and area of residence were not significantly associated with DMAs. Conclusion: In children from Ercilla, DMAs were associated with NFHs, however, sociodemographic characteristics did not have a significant role in the presence of DMA, suggesting that sociodemographic factors might not strongly influence orthodontic needs among children from this geographical area.Introducción: Las anomalías dentomaxilares (ADM) afectan el crecimiento y la morfología del sistema estomatognático de los individuos, lo que representa un problema de salud pública. Pocos estudios han descrito su prevalencia en poblaciones vulnerables en Chile. El objetivo del estudio fue explorar la prevalencia de ADM y su asociación con hábitos no fisiológicos (HNF) y características sociodemográficas en niños de escuela primaria que viven en Ercilla, Chile. Material y Métodos: Se evaluó una muestra de conveniencia de 327 estudiantes de educación básica de seis escuelas de Ercilla mediante una evaluación intraoral y extraoral. Se midieron el resalte, la sobremordida, la relación molar, la presencia de DMA y HNF. Se realizó estadística descriptiva, análisis de asociación entre ADMs y los factores estudiados, y modelos de regresión logística y se presentaron odds ratio con intervalos de confianza del 95%. Resultados: El 61,5% de los alumnos presentó al menos una ADM. La prueba de chi-cuadrado no mostró una asociación significativa entre la prevalencia de ADM y HNF, sin embargo, después de ajustar de acuerdo a factores sociodemográficos, los niños con HNF tenían 1,69 (IC del 95%: 1,02 a 2,78) veces más probabilidades de tener ADMs. El género y el área de residencia no se asociaron significativamente con las ADMs. Conclusión: En los niños de Ercilla, las DMA se asociaron con NFH, sin embargo, las características sociodemográficas no tuvieron un papel significativo en la presencia de DMA, lo que sugiere que los factores sociodemográficos podrían no influir fuertemente en las necesidades de ortodoncia entre los niños de esta área geográfica

    Prevalence of malocclusion and non-physiological oral habits in primary school Children from Ercilla, Chile.

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    Introduction: Dentomaxillary Anomalies (DMA) affect the growth and morphology of the stomatognathic system of individuals, representing a public health problem. Few studies have described its prevalence among vulnerable populations in Chile. The aim of the study was to explore the prevalence of DMA and its association to non-physiological habits (NFH) and sociodemographic characteristics among primary school children living in Ercilla, Chile. Material and Methods:A convenience sample of 327 primary school students from six schools in Ercilla, were assessed through an intraoral and extraoral evaluation. Overjet, overbite, molar relationship, presence of DMAs, and NFHs were measured. Descriptive statistics, analysis of association between DMAs and studied factors, and logistic regression models were done and odds ratio with 95% confidence intervals presented. Results: A total of 61.5% of students presented at least one DMA. Chi-square test showed no significant association between DMA prevalence and NHFs, however, after adjusting for sociodemographic factors, children with NFH were 1.69 (95%CI 1.02-2.78) times more likely to have DMAs. Gender and area of residence were not significantly associated with DMAs. Conclusion: In children from Ercilla, DMAs were associated with NFHs, however, sociodemographic characteristics did not have a significant role in the presence of DMA, suggesting that sociodemographic factors might not strongly influence orthodontic needs among children from this geographical area.Introducción: Las anomalías dentomaxilares (ADM) afectan el crecimiento y la morfología del sistema estomatognático de los individuos, lo que representa un problema de salud pública. Pocos estudios han descrito su prevalencia en poblaciones vulnerables en Chile. El objetivo del estudio fue explorar la prevalencia de ADM y su asociación con hábitos no fisiológicos (HNF) y características sociodemográficas en niños de escuela primaria que viven en Ercilla, Chile. Material y Métodos: Se evaluó una muestra de conveniencia de 327 estudiantes de educación básica de seis escuelas de Ercilla mediante una evaluación intraoral y extraoral. Se midieron el resalte, la sobremordida, la relación molar, la presencia de DMA y HNF. Se realizó estadística descriptiva, análisis de asociación entre ADMs y los factores estudiados, y modelos de regresión logística y se presentaron odds ratio con intervalos de confianza del 95%. Resultados: El 61,5% de los alumnos presentó al menos una ADM. La prueba de chi-cuadrado no mostró una asociación significativa entre la prevalencia de ADM y HNF, sin embargo, después de ajustar de acuerdo a factores sociodemográficos, los niños con HNF tenían 1,69 (IC del 95%: 1,02 a 2,78) veces más probabilidades de tener ADMs. El género y el área de residencia no se asociaron significativamente con las ADMs. Conclusión: En los niños de Ercilla, las DMA se asociaron con NFH, sin embargo, las características sociodemográficas no tuvieron un papel significativo en la presencia de DMA, lo que sugiere que los factores sociodemográficos podrían no influir fuertemente en las necesidades de ortodoncia entre los niños de esta área geográfica

    Absence of Association between Child Temperament and Early Childhood Caries: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Early childhood caries (ECC) is a worldwide public health problem. The biological and behavioural determinants that are directly involved in ECC have been well documented; however, evidence on the effects of some psychosocial factors remains conflicting. This study aimed to assess the association between child temperament and ECC in Chilean preschoolers. Prior approval of the protocol was obtained from the ethics committee of Universidad de La Frontera (Folio N° 020_17), and all of those involved in the study provided signed informed consent forms. The cross-sectional study was conducted with 172 children aged 3 to 5 years attending preschools in Temuco, Chile. Each child’s temperament was assessed based on parents’ responses to the Early Childhood Behaviour Questionnaire. The outcomes assessed were caries prevalence and caries experience (dmft scores). The covariates included were socioeconomic position, cariogenic diet, prolonged breastfeeding, presence of dental plaque and hypoplasia. Logistic regression models were used to predict caries prevalence and negative binomial regression for caries experience. The prevalence of ECC was 29.1%, and the most frequent child temperament was ‘effortful control’. Regression model analyses, adjusting for covariates, showed no evidence of an association between any domain of children’s temperament (surgency, negative affect and effortful control) with the prevalence of caries or caries experience. This cross-sectional study found no association between childhood temperament and ECC in preschool children for this population. However, due to the specificity of this population, the association cannot be entirely ruled out. Further studies are needed to help understand the association between temperament and oral health, including the influences of family environment factors and culture