1 research outputs found

    Medan Makna Verba Makan dalam Bahasa Melayu Dialek Sambas

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    . This research focused on the field of semantics, in order to describe the eat verb meaning field in Sambas dialect of Malay language. The method used in this research are the words that contain verb eat in SDML field. Source of data in this research is SDML spoken by the informant in Tebas Kuala village, subdistrict of Tebas, in Sambas Regency. The techniques of data collecting are observation, involvement, competent, and stimulation tecniques. Prosedures and techniques of data analysis are transcription, translation, data classification, data analysis, are transcription, translation, data classification, data analysis, and conclusion. Based on data analysis, it was found 22 leksem verb eat in SDML which has a field of meaning, is the components of meaning, meaning types, and function semantic