3,514 research outputs found

    Exclusive Queueing Process with Discrete Time

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    In a recent study [C Arita, Phys. Rev. E 80, 051119 (2009)], an extension of the M/M/1 queueing process with the excluded-volume effect as in the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) was introduced. In this paper, we consider its discrete-time version. The update scheme we take is the parallel one. A stationary-state solution is obtained in a slightly arranged matrix product form of the discrete-time open TASEP with the parallel update. We find the phase diagram for the existence of the stationary state. The critical line which separates the parameter space into the regions with and without the stationary state can be written in terms of the stationary current of the open TASEP. We calculate the average length of the system and the average number of particles

    Quantum Monte Carlo diagonalization for many-fermion systems

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    In this study we present an optimization method based on the quantum Monte Carlo diagonalization for many-fermion systems. Using the Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation, employed to decompose the interactions in terms of auxiliary fields, we expand the true ground-state wave function. The ground-state wave function is written as a linear combination of the basis wave functions. The Hamiltonian is diagonalized to obtain the lowest energy state, using the variational principle within the selected subspace of the basis functions. This method is free from the difficulty known as the negative sign problem. We can optimize a wave function using two procedures. The first procedure is to increase the number of basis functions. The second improves each basis function through the operators, e−ΔτHe^{-\Delta\tau H}, using the Hubbard-Stratonovich decomposition. We present an algorithm for the Quantum Monte Carlo diagonalization method using a genetic algorithm and the renormalization method. We compute the ground-state energy and correlation functions of small clusters to compare with available data

    Off-diagonal Wave Function Monte Carlo Studies of Hubbard Model I

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    We propose a Monte Carlo method, which is a hybrid method of the quantum Monte Carlo method and variational Monte Carlo theory, to study the Hubbard model. The theory is based on the off-diagonal and the Gutzwiller type correlation factors which are taken into account by a Monte Carlo algorithm. In the 4x4 system our method is able to reproduce the exact results obtained by the diagonalization. An application is given to investigate the half-filled band case of two-dimensional square lattice. The energy is favorably compared with quantum Monte Carlo data.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    The importance of temporal stress variation and dynamic disequilibrium for the initiation of plate tectonics

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    We use 1-D thermal history models and 3-D numerical experiments to study the impact of dynamic thermal disequilibrium and large temporal variations of normal and shear stresses on the initiation of plate tectonics. Previous models that explored plate tectonics initiation from a steady state, single plate mode of convection concluded that normal stresses govern the initiation of plate tectonics, which based on our 1-D model leads to plate yielding being more likely with increasing interior heat and planet mass for a depth-dependent Byerlee yield stress. Using 3-D spherical shell mantle convection models in an episodic regime allows us to explore larger temporal stress variations than can be addressed by considering plate failure from a steady state stagnant lid configuration. The episodic models show that an increase in convective mantle shear stress at the lithospheric base initiates plate failure, which leads with our 1-D model to plate yielding being less likely with increasing interior heat and planet mass. In this out-of-equilibrium and strongly time-dependent stress scenario, the onset of lithospheric overturn events cannot be explained by boundary layer thickening and normal stresses alone. Our results indicate that in order to understand the initiation of plate tectonics, one should consider the temporal variation of stresses and dynamic disequilibrium

    Minimal Trinification

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    We study the trinified model, SU(3)_C x SU(3)_L x SU(3)_R x Z_3, with the minimal Higgs sector required for symmetry breaking. There are five Higgs doublets, and gauge-coupling unification results if all five are at the weak scale, without supersymmetry. The radiative see-saw mechanism yields sub-eV neutrino masses, without the need for intermediate scales, additional Higgs fields, or higher-dimensional operators. The proton lifetime is above the experimental limits, with the decay modes p -> \bar\nu K^+ and p -> \mu^+ K^0 potentially observable. We also consider supersymmetric versions of the model, with one or two Higgs doublets at the weak scale. The radiative see-saw mechanism fails with weak-scale supersymmetry due to the nonrenormalization of the superpotential, but operates in the split-SUSY scenario.Comment: 23 pages, uses axodra

    One-neutron knockout from 57^{57}Ni

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    The single-particle structure of 57^{57}Ni and level structure of 56^{56}Ni were investigated with the \mbox{9^{9}Be (57^{57} Ni,56^{56}Ni+Îł\gamma)X\it{X}} reaction at 73 MeV/nucleon. An inclusive cross section of 41.4(12) mb was obtained for the reaction, compared to a theoretical prediction of 85.4 mb, hence only 48(2)% of the theoretical cross section is exhausted. This reduction in the observed spectroscopic strength is consistent with that found for lighter well-bound nuclei. One-neutron removal spectroscopic factors of 0.58(11) to the ground state and 3.7(2) to all excited states of 56^{56}Ni were deduced.Comment: Phys. Rev. C, accepte

    Ground state of the three-band Hubbard model

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    The ground state of the two-dimensional three-band Hubbard model in oxide superconductors is investigated by using the variational Monte Carlo method. The Gutzwiller-projected BCS and spin- density wave (SDW) functions are employed in the search for a possible ground state with respect to dependences on electron density. Antiferromagnetic correlations are considerably enhanced near half-filling. It is shown that the d-wave state may exist away from half-filling for both the hole and electron doping cases. The overall structure of the phase diagram obtained by the calculations qualitatively agrees with experimental indications. The superconducting condensation energy is in reasonable agreement with the experimental value obtained from specific heat and critical magnetic field measurements for optimally doped samples. The inhomogeneous SDW state is also examined near 1/8-hole doping.Comment: 10 pages, 17 figure
