5,224 research outputs found

    Application of Ultra-high Pressure Processing Technology

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    High pressure processing is an innovation for the traditional food processing and preservation method. Since the method of ultra-high pressure processing (HPP) exerts a very little influence on the covalent bond of food, its influence on the nutrition, taste, and texture of food is minimized. However, HPP food is perishable in long distance transportation and sales process. Since food freshness directly affects the final demand in market, how to use the appropriate strategy to manage commodity stocks effectively during the long time and distance in food transportation and match the supply and demand of HPP food to improve the competitiveness of companies are the challenges faced by HPP food companies in upstream and downstream supply chain. This paper describes of the different features of HPP foods compared to that of traditional processed foods, and analyzes the collaboration of HPP foods supply chain members

    A Continuous Dual-Axis Atomic Interferometric Inertial Sensor

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    We present an interferometric inertial sensor that utilizes two counter-propagating atomic beams with transverse two-dimensional cooling. By employing three parallel and spatially aligned Raman laser beams for Doppler-sensitive Raman transitions, we successfully generate inertia-sensitive Mach-Zehnder interference fringes with an interrogation length of 2L=54 cm2L=54\,\rm{cm}. The measured rotation and acceleration sensitivities are 0.25 (μrad/s)/Hz0.25\,(\mu\rm{rad/s})/\sqrt{Hz} and 0.12 mg/Hz0.12\,\rm{m}\textit{g}/\rm{\sqrt{Hz}}, respectively. The sensor's capability to measure rotation and acceleration simultaneously in dynamic environments is validated through comparative analysis with classical sensors under force oscillation in different directions. Additionally, we conduct experiments on a turntable to calibrate the gyroscope's scaling factor and address nonlinearity.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    PanoGRF: Generalizable Spherical Radiance Fields for Wide-baseline Panoramas

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    Achieving an immersive experience enabling users to explore virtual environments with six degrees of freedom (6DoF) is essential for various applications such as virtual reality (VR). Wide-baseline panoramas are commonly used in these applications to reduce network bandwidth and storage requirements. However, synthesizing novel views from these panoramas remains a key challenge. Although existing neural radiance field methods can produce photorealistic views under narrow-baseline and dense image captures, they tend to overfit the training views when dealing with \emph{wide-baseline} panoramas due to the difficulty in learning accurate geometry from sparse 360∘360^{\circ} views. To address this problem, we propose PanoGRF, Generalizable Spherical Radiance Fields for Wide-baseline Panoramas, which construct spherical radiance fields incorporating 360∘360^{\circ} scene priors. Unlike generalizable radiance fields trained on perspective images, PanoGRF avoids the information loss from panorama-to-perspective conversion and directly aggregates geometry and appearance features of 3D sample points from each panoramic view based on spherical projection. Moreover, as some regions of the panorama are only visible from one view while invisible from others under wide baseline settings, PanoGRF incorporates 360∘360^{\circ} monocular depth priors into spherical depth estimation to improve the geometry features. Experimental results on multiple panoramic datasets demonstrate that PanoGRF significantly outperforms state-of-the-art generalizable view synthesis methods for wide-baseline panoramas (e.g., OmniSyn) and perspective images (e.g., IBRNet, NeuRay)

    An Exploratory Study of the Relationship among the High-level Management’s Security Awareness, Organizational Information Security Activities, and the Execution Level of Organizational Information Security

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    As the issue of information security becomes increasingly important, high-level management security awareness on operation of organizational information security activities is a significant factor in success. Hence, the aim of this research is to explore how the organizational information security activities are being influenced by high-level management security awareness, and to use information security standard BS7799 to evaluate the execution phase of organizational information security. Combining literature research, case study and the main security codes of BS7799, this paper proposes a conceptual model of high-level management security awareness, organizational information security activities and organizational information security standard in relation to each other. In our conclusion, we discovered that the higher the high-level management security awareness cognizance about industry risks, the implementation of security measures and the threats to organizational security not only facilitate the four information security activities of deterrence, prevention, detection and recovery, they also enhance the standard of organizational information security. In practice, the conclusion of this paper hopes to remind high-level management to be aware of the threats of human factors and also to strengthen risk evaluation and deterrence activity
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