28 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of TMEM106B haplotypes have distinct gene expression patterns in aged brain

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    Table S1. Tissue samples available and selected for inclusion in this study. Table S2. DEGS in TCX. Positive fold change represents higher gene expression in SS than TT. Negative fold change represents lower gene expression in SS than TT. Table S3. DEGS in CER. Positive fold change represents higher gene expression in SS than TT. Negative fold change represents lower gene expression in SS than TT. Table S4. Overlapping genes between TCX and CER based on top 500 genes with |FC| ≥ 1.2 ranked by unadjusted p value. Table S5. Enrichment of modules for their respective DEG signatures. Table S6. Significant modules identified in the TCX and CER matched cases. Table S7. Significant modules identified in separate disease groups in TCX and CER. Table S8. Significant modules identified in the TCX and CER controls. (DOCX 54 kb