39 research outputs found

    Effect of Double-Ovsynch and Presynch-Ovsynch on postpartum ovarian cysts and inactive ovary in high-yielding dairy cows

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    IntroductionOptimizing the management of dairy cattle reproduction can reduce postpartum ovarian disease in high-yielding dairy cows and thus enhance ranch economic benefit. The hypothesis of this study was that the Double-Ovsynch (DO) protocol in high-producing dairy cows would result in a lower incidence of follicular cysts but a higher incidence of luteal cysts compared to those undergoing the Presynch-Ovsynch (PS) protocol.MethodsIn this experiment, 384 cows (204 primiparous and 180 multiparous) were allocated to the DO group, which followed the protocol: GnRH-7d-PGF2α-3d-GnRH-7d-Ovsynch-56 h (GnRH-7d-PGF2α-56 h-GnRH-16hTAI), starting on 39 ± 3 days in milk (DIM). Additionally, 359 cows (176 primiparous and 183 multiparous) were assigned to the PS group, which followed the protocol: PGF2α-14d-PGF2α-12d-Ovsynch-56 h, starting on 31 ± 3 DIM. In DO, B-mode ultrasound examinations were conducted 1 day after the GnRH-7d-PGF2α-3d-GnRH protocol to diagnose the presence of ovarian diseases followed by reexamination after 7 days of suspected cases. In PS, B-mode ultrasound examinations were conducted 1 day after the PGF2α-14d-PGF2α protocol to diagnose the presence of ovarian diseases followed by reexamination after 7 days. For all cows confirmed to having ovarian diseases, a second B-mode ultrasound examination was conducted at the time of the second GnRH and timed artificial insemination (TAI). If the ovary showed a normal developing follicle in combination with normal ovulation, the ovarian disease was considered to be cured.ResultsThe current study revealed no significant difference in the overall incidence and cure rate of postpartum ovarian diseases between DO and PS (incidence rate: 3.9% vs. 6.7%, cure rate: 50% vs. 41.7%, DO vs. PS). Also, there was no significant difference in the incidence and cure rate of luteal cysts between DO and PS (incidence rate: 2.9% vs. 2.2%, cure rate: 50.0% vs. 50.0%). The incidence of follicular cysts was significantly lower in the DO group than in the PS group (0.8% vs. 2.8%, DO vs. PS, p = 0.037), but there was no significant difference in the cure rates (66.7% vs. 50%). The occurrence of inactive ovary was lower in DO compared to PS (0.2% vs. 1.7%, p = 0.047). There was no significant difference in the pregnancy rate between the DO and PS groups (48.2% vs. 41.8%), although the DO group had a higher rate. What is different from our assumption is that PS did not effectively reduce the incidence of postpartum luteal cysts

    The paleoclimatic footprint in the soil carbon stock of the Tibetan permafrost region

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    Data and code availability The authors declare that the majority of the data supporting the findings of this study are available through the links given in the paper. The unpublished data are available from the corresponding author upon request. The new estimate of Tibetan soil carbon stock and R code are available in a persistent repository (https://figshare.com/s/4374f28d880f366eff6d). Acknowledgements This study was supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program (A) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA20050101), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41871104), Key Research and Development Programs for Global Change and Adaptation (2017YFA0603604), International Partnership Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (131C11KYSB20160061) and the Thousand Youth Talents Plan project in China. Jinzhi Ding acknowledges the General (2017M620922) and the Special Grade (2018T110144) of the Financial Grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Geogenic Cadmium Pollution and Potential Health Risks, With Emphasis on Black Shale

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    Cadmium (Cd) is a non-essential trace element that is toxic to humans. Previous studies of Cd in the environment have primarily focused on pollution resulted from anthropogenic sources, but little is known on naturally occurring sources of Cd. This paper aims to review the geochemical distribution of geogenic Cd and associated environmental risk. The source, accumulation, mobility, transportation, and health risk of Cd are discussed in a geo-environmental perspective, with an emphasis on black shale soils. Cadmium generally occurs in sulfides in black shale, and is easily released when exposed to oxygen and water. Leaching of these rocks tends to elevate Cd concentrations in aquatic systems, and may pose the potential to produce acid rock drainage (ARD) as well. Weathering of Cd-rich rocks also elevates soil Cd concentrations, and influence the geochemical species of Cd. Crops grown in these soils tend to accumulate higher Cd and threaten the food safety. Local inhabitant exposed to high geogenic Cd via food chains may experience Cd-related health risk. High Cd concentrations are observed in urine, and renal damage is also detected in Cd naturally enriched area based on low molecular weight proteins in urine. Overall, the findings in literature have provided with insights for potential health risk of Cd in areas with high Cd geochemical background levels, particular for the black shale exposed areas, more attentions should be paid on the geogenic Cd pollution, and suitable strategies of remediation and geo-environmental management for geogenic Cd pollution need further research

    Identification, expression analysis of quinoa betalain biosynthesis genes and their role in seed germination and cold stress

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    Betalains provide Chenopodium quinoa bright color, and the key enzyme genes for betalain biosynthesis include CYP76AD, DODA, and GTs. In this study, 59 CqCYP76AD, CqDODA and CqGTs genes in quinoa were identified and characterized by gene structural characteristics, phylogenetic relationships and gene expression patterns. The CqCYP76AD genes were divided into ɑ, β and γ types, CqDODA into ɑ and β types, and CqGTs into CqcDOPA5GT, CqB5GT and CqB6GT types according to phylogenetic relationships. The analysis of co-linearity identified eight pairs of duplicated genes which were subjected to purifying selection during evolution. CqCYP76AD and CqDODA, as well as CqcDOPA5GT and CqB5GT may have been evolutionarily linked in genetic inheritance, based on gene location and gene structure study. The tissue expression specificity of CqCYP76AD, CqDODA, and CqGTs genes in response to seed germination and cold stress was studied by RNA-Seq data. The genes CqCYP76AD, CqDODA, and CqGTs were involved in betalain biosynthesis and cold stress. CqCYP76AD, CqDODA, CqcDOPA5GT and CqB5GT gene sequences were consistent in the eight quinoa samples and showed significant variations in expression. In contrast, the inconsistency between changes in gene expression and betalain accumulation indicates that other factors may influence betalain biosynthesis in quinoa. This study offers the theoretical basis for the roles of the CqCYP76AD, CqDODA, and CqGTs genes in betalain biosynthesis and cold stress in quinoa, as well as a guide for the full utilization of betalains in quinoa plants

    Huguangyan Maar Lake (SE China): A solid record of atmospheric mercury pollution history in a non-remote region

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    Mercury is a highly toxic metal that can cause harm to environment and human health. As atmospheric deposition is the main source of total Hg input to aquatic system in remote and pristine regions, almost all the studies on atmospheric Hg pollution history concentrated in these areas, while the studies in non-remote areas are much limited, especially for the long history records. In this study, Huguangyan Maar Lake, an undisturbed lake system at low altitude in China, was selected to reconstruct the atmospheric mercury pollution history. Variation patterns of TOC, Hg and non-residual Sr in the sediment core indicated that, compared to the direct atmospheric Hg deposition, the effect of either Hg scavenging from water column by algae or the catchment inputs of previously deposited Hg on the Hg accumulation in the lake sediment was limited. The sediment Hg content in Huguangyan Lake was mainly controlled by the atmospheric Hg deposition, and thus accurately reflected the atmospheric Hg pollution history. The Hg-a (Hg content from atmospheric deposition) in Huguangyan Lake presented a comparable variation pattern to that in remote sites. It had the same variation trend as the global atmospheric Hg before 1950 CE, which could be attributed to the Industrial Revolution. After that, it was mainly controlled by Hg emissions from Asian countries. The variation of Hg-a also indicated that atmospheric Hg deposition accelerated significantly since 2000 CE. This study, along with other investigations in remote sites in China, showed that the sediment Hg in Huguangyan Lake responded to the atmospheric Hg pollution more sensitively than in the alpine regions. It should be noted that, the more intensive acceleration of Hg deposition in Huguangyan Lake may imply that the South of China suffered from much more serious atmospheric Hg pollution than previous studies revealed