344 research outputs found

    Improving Influenza Vaccination Rates Through Nursing Journal Clubs

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    The objective of this CNL Internship Project is to improve patient compliance with the flu vaccine for the 2015 fiscal year. Currently the project is set at a teaching hospital in Northern California on the Abdominal Transplant Unit. Participants include six staff nurses who care for End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), End Stage Liver Disease (ESLD) and abdominal transplant patients. To address the barriers to vaccination, specifically patients’ fear of adverse effects, nursing journal clubs (NJC) were implemented on the unit to educate nurses about the current research on flu vaccination for this patient population. As the facilitator, the CNL encouraged discussion on clinical research and reviewed steps to critically appraise journal articles. Results showed an increase in nurses’ knowledge of the most current research on flu vaccination, an increase in their ability to critique clinical research, an increase in understanding of the rationale for implementing evidence-based practice (EBP), and an increase in the nurses’ confidence in implementing EBP at the bedside. In conclusion, nursing journal clubs are an effective teaching method to educate, empower, and encourage nurses to implement EBP and improve patient outcomes

    The 3-rainbow index of a graph

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    Let GG be a nontrivial connected graph with an edge-coloring c:E(G){1,2,...,q},c: E(G)\rightarrow \{1,2,...,q\}, qNq \in \mathbb{N}, where adjacent edges may be colored the same. A tree TT in GG is a rainbowtreerainbow tree if no two edges of TT receive the same color. For a vertex subset SV(G)S\subseteq V(G), a tree that connects SS in GG is called an SS-tree. The minimum number of colors that are needed in an edge-coloring of GG such that there is a rainbow SS-tree for each kk-subset SS of V(G)V(G) is called kk-rainbow index, denoted by rxk(G)rx_k(G). In this paper, we first determine the graphs whose 3-rainbow index equals 2, m,m, m1m-1, m2m-2, respectively. We also obtain the exact values of rx3(G)rx_3(G) for regular complete bipartite and multipartite graphs and wheel graphs. Finally, we give a sharp upper bound for rx3(G)rx_3(G) of 2-connected graphs and 2-edge connected graphs, and graphs whose rx3(G)rx_3(G) attains the upper bound are characterized.Comment: 13 page

    丹戎布拉大学师范教育学院汉语专业 2017 届学生对汉语近义形容词的掌握情况 分析

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    AbstractIn the learning process, because there are subtle differences between synonyms, students are likely to make mistakes in the collocation of similar adjectives in sentences, so I urged the author to investigate the students’ mastery of similar forms.Duo to the diverse classification of Chinese synonyms, so I research scope is limited to synonymous adjective. The function and meaning of adjectives is to distinguish the difference between things. If scholars can distinguish the subtle differences between synonyms, there will be no lack of meaning. This thesis obtains information by testing survey methods. Based on the result of the test analysis it can be concluded that students of the 2017 FKIP UNTAN Chinese language education study program have good mastery of mandarin adjective synonyms. The average correct rate of test questions is 60.47%.Keywords: Synonyms, Adjectives, Master


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    摘要 :“又” 和 “再” 是汉语口语和书面语中经常而且大量使用的两个副词, 由于意思相近,对于很多学习者来说,“又” 和 “再” 在使用和词义辨析以及它们在具体句型上的使用上又是尤为困难的。虽然副词“又”和“再”能自由运用,可是副词“又” 和“再” 在语义, 语义指向方面有很大区别,特别是对于汉语为第二语言的学习者来说, 这两个很难区别。笔者利用对比教学法对丹戎布拉国立大学中文系2014年A班的学生进行副词“又”和“再”的教学。目的就是为了    提高学生对副词“又”和“再”的理解以及掌握好运用的能力,加上使用测试来了解学生学习前和学习后的情况和结果,进行对比。结果很明显学习后的结果比学习前有所提高,这表示对比教学法适合用于进行副词“又”和“再”的教学。 关键词 : 副词“又”和“再” 对比教学法 Abstract: "You" and "zai" are both common auxiliary verb that is often used in Chinese language in writing and speaking, since the meaning of those auxiliary verbs have similarities, for most people who learn it, "you" and "zai" in case of using and meaning of the words, and the using of those auxiliary verb in certain sentence could be very difficult. Even auxiliary verbs of "you" and "zai" can be used freely, however the auxiliary verb of "you" and "zai" in interpretation, in the aspect showing the meaning have a significant differences, especially for students who study Chinese Language as a second language, they will be very difficult to distinguish the auxiliary verbs.The author uses comparison method to teach the auxiliary verbs of "you" and "zai" to Chinese language education student of Tannjungpura University, class A of 2014. The purpose of the research is to increase students’ understanding and to improve students’ auxiliary verbs of “you” and “zai” mastery, including with giving the test to understand the condition and the results of the students before and after the treatment, and making a comparison. The result is very apparent that there has been increased after the treatment, it shows that the comparison method is suitable for teaching auxiliary verbs of "you" and "zai". Keywords: Adverbs “you” and “zai”; Comparative Teaching Metho


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    AbstractMandarin idioms are fixed phrases used in Mandarin for a long time and the source is abundant. But, there are differences in environment and perspective in Indonesia and China.Therefore, by analyzing idioms containing spring, we learn mandarin while understanding its cultural value. The research takes mandarin idioms containing the Chinese character “春”(read: Chun) as the object of research. The research method used descriptive qualitative. Through the analysis method, the writer can make a conclusion that in terms of its meanings and emotional color, the most emotional color of the Chinese character “春”(read: Chun) mandarin idioms are that it contains praise. From the perspective of cultural values, the Chinese character “春”(read: Chun) mandarin idioms include teaching methods, expressing the customs and conditions of the Spring Festival, enjoying the spring scenery, the love of children for their parents, traditional architectural culture, characteristics between spring and autumn, then etiquette to become a good ruler.Keywords: Chinese Idiom, Cultural Values, Emotional Color , Meaning, Sprin


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    AbstractIn learning foreign languages, learning motivation has a very important role and can encourage students in the learning process. Factors of motivation to learn a foreign language can be divided into internal factors and external factors, which include internal factors, namely: interest and initiative. External factors, namely: the value of achievement, use value and teachers. The author conducted this research to find out what factors influence motivation to learn Mandarin in class X students of the Department of Tourism at SMK N I Ketapang. The results of the study state that there are 55% of class X students of the Department of Tourism at SMK N 1 Ketapang who have strong motivation. Viewed from internal factors, motivation to learn Mandarin students of SMKN I Ketapang is strongly influenced by the “initiative” factor. Seen from external factors, motivation to learn Mandarin students of SMK N I Ketapang students is greatly influenced by the factor of “use values”. At the same time the variable X (achievement value,use values,eachers,interests and initiatives) significantly influence motivation to learn Mandarin in class X in the Department of Tourism at SMK N I Ketapang by 70.7%.Keywords: Learning Motivation , External Motivation, Internal Motivatio