8 research outputs found

    Multi-hop optimal position based opportunistic routing for wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor network is a collection of a group of sensors connected to monitor an area of interest. Installation flexibility, mobility, reduced cost and scalability have given popularity to wireless sensor networks. Opportunistic routing is a routing protocol that takes the advantage of broadcasting nature of wireless sensor network for multi-hop communication. Considering the importance of communication between source-destination pairs in a wireless sensor network a Multi-hop Optimal position based Opportunistic Routing (MOOR) protocol is proposed in this paper. The algorithm chooses the path with minimum distance and number of hops between source and destination for transmission of data in the network. It is illustrated by simulation experiments that the proposed protocol has a good effect on End-to-End delay and lifetime of the network. In addition, it is observed that the average End-to-End delay is lesser for different simulation times when compared with existing EEOR protocol

    Maximizing Efficiency of Large Scale Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks is a set of sensors deployed in the area of interest, for the purpose of monitoring physical or environmental conditions. Due to limited battery capacity of sensors, Wireless Sensor Networks have limited lifetime. A large number of sensors deployed in a circular grid, sending the sensed data to base station located at the center are considered and the parameters of interest are monitored. This paper proposes two algorithms to enhance the lifetime, reliability and throughput of the Wireless Sensor Network. The first algorithm Reliable Zone Based Transmission (RZBT) reschedules the packet transmission time of the sensor nodes, to reduce the loss of packets and ensures reliability of network functioning. The second algorithm Energy Efficient Reduced Transmission (EERT) reduces the number of transmissions, without the loss of data, thus extending lifetime of the network. Simulation results prove that RZBT outperforms conventional DiReCT Transmission (DRCT) and EERT reduces the packets transmitted in each round, thus improves the lifetime of the sensor node and the network

    Zone Based Transmissions for Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    —Wireless Sensor Network is a set of sensors deployed in the area of interest, for the purpose of monitoring physical or environmental conditions. Due to limited battery capacity of sensors, Wireless Sensor Networks have limited lifetime. A large number of sensors deployed in a circular grid, sending the sensed data to base station located at the center are considered and the parameters of interest are monitored. This paper proposes three algorithms to enhance the lifetime, reliability and throughput of the Wireless Sensor Network. The first two algorithms Reliable Zone Based Transmission (RZBT) and Reliable Circular Transmission (RCT) reschedule the packet transmission time of the sensor nodes, to reduce the loss of packets and ensures reliability of network functioning. The third algorithm Energy Efficient Reliable Transmission (EERT) reduces the number of transmissions, without the loss of data, thus extending lifetime of the network. Simulation results prove that 1) RCT outperforms conventional DiReCt Transmission (DRCT) and RZBT with respect to throughput and 2) EERT reduces the packets transmitted in each round, thus improves the lifetime of the sensor node and the network

    Zone Based Transmissions for Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Network is a set of sensors deployed in the area of interest, for the purpose of monitoring physical or environmental conditions. Due to limited battery capacity of sensors, Wireless Sensor Networks have limited lifetime. A large number of sensors deployed in a circular grid, sending the sensed data to base station located at the center are considered and the parameters of interest are monitored. This paper proposes three algorithms to enhance the lifetime, reliability and throughput of the Wireless Sensor Network. The first two algorithms Reliable Zone Based Transmission (RZBT) and Reliable Circular Transmission (RCT) reschedule the packet transmission time of the sensor nodes, to reduce the loss of packets and ensures reliability of network functioning. The third algorithm Energy Efficient Reliable Transmission (EERT) reduces the number of transmissions, without the loss of data, thus extending lifetime of the network. Simulation results prove that 1) RCT outperforms conventional DiReCt Transmission (DRCT) and RZBT with respect to throughput and 2) EERT reduces the packets transmitted in each round, thus improves the lifetime of the sensor node and the network

    Chain Routing for Convergecast Small Scale Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks have many applications involving autonomous sensors transmitting their data to a sink placed in the network. A protocol by name Chain Routing for Convergecast Small Scale (CRCSS) Wireless sensor networks is proposed in this paper. The set of sensor nodes in the network send the data periodically to the sink located in the area of interest. The nodes who cannot reach sink in one hop choose one of the neighbours for forwarding the data to the sink by forming a chain of links. The selection of forwarding node and the waiting period before forwarding plays an important role in the protocol. The proposed CRCSS protocol exhibits improvement in energy spent per packet and latency per packet for a wireless sensor network as compared to ConverSS protocol for small scale wireless sensor networks. In CRCSS protocol energy spent per packet is independent of the network radius

    EESOR: Energy efficient selective opportunistic routing in wireless sensor networks

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    Opportunistic Routing in wireless sensor networks is a multi-hop routing. In this routing neighbors of a node overhear the transmission and form multiple hops from source to the destination for transfer of information. The set of neighbor nodes participating in the routing are included in the forwarder list in the order of priority. A node with highest priority is allowed to forward the packet it hears. This paper implements Energy Efficient Selective Opportunistic Routing (EESOR), reduces the size of forwarder list by applying a condition that the forwarding node is nearer to the destination. The path followed by acknowledgment packet follows opportunistic routing, assuring reliability of transmission and energy balancing. The simulated results obtained in NS2 simulator show that proposed EESOR protocol performs better than existing Energy Efficient Opportunistic Routing (EEOR) protocol in terms of average End-to

    Trust-Based Hierarchical Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Network Lifetime is an important issue in Wireless Sensor Networks. It depends on many factors like the amount of data to be communicated, number of nodes in the network and initial energy of the sensor nodes. This paper proposes a novel routing protocol by name Trust-Based Hierarchical Routing (TBHR) protocol for multi-hop hierarchical wireless sensor network. The proposed protocol is based on trust evaluated for every sensor node in the network. Trust of a sensor node comprises of components derived from communication and social networks. Trust of a sensor node depends on the residual energy of the node and the number of transactions it has with its neighbors and its cluster head. The proposed protocol has two fold benefits. First it allows more number of nodes in the network to participate in transmission to balance energy in the nodes and thus improves the network lifetime. Second it ensures better packet delivery ratio though the number of untrustworthy nodes increases in the network. The data packet is flooded in the network by the source node when the number of trustable nodes in the network falls below 35 % of total nodes in the network. Flooding achieves optimum packet delivery ratio in the network. The same facts are verified by simulation results by analyzing the factors sensor node trust, network lifetime and delivery factor

    Multi-Hop Routing Algorithm For Delay Reduction And Lifetime Maximization In Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor network has become a necessity than luxury in common man’s life. A new routing protocol by name Chain Routing for Convergecast Small Scale (CRCSS) wireless sensor networks is proposed in this paper. The set of sensor nodes send the data sensed periodically to the base station located in the area of interest. The nodes that fail to send the data to the sink node in one hop send the data to one of the neighbors so that they can forward the data to the base station. The proposed protocol is energy efficient and faster when applied to small scale sensor networks. The impact of network radius on energy per packet and average number of hops is studied. The effect of various degrees of asymmetry in the network on latency and energy per packet are plotted in comparison with existing algorithms