25 research outputs found

    Identification method based on Zadeh filter models

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    Mathematical modeling which provides the description of objects and proper organization of control operations in future is an integral stage in the automation of production. One of the approaches to build a mathematical model of an object is to represent nonlinear systems as combinations of inertial and nonlinear inertialess elements. The models thus obtained are called block-oriented. In this paper, we consider nonlinear dynamic objects represented as the models of the Zadeh filter class. In the process of the method development the identification equations were derived for the case when the test signal is a single sinusoid. Then the case of two sinusoids was considered. Such investigations allowed us to identify the patterns and describe the general case for several test components in the signal. The results of digital modeling using the sum of harmonic signals confirm the feasibility and validity of the proposed approach for identifying nonlinear models of the Zadeh filter class

    Fast satellite imagery of lengthy territories with complex configuration

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    When solving a number of remote sensing problems, there arose a need for fast satellite imagery of arbitrarily-spaced lengthy territories with complex configuration (borders, roads, rivers, coastlines, etc.), The distinctive features of Earth remote sensing satellites equipped with optical-electronic scanners providing sub-meter spatial resolution are a narrow swath width, which does not allow to take images of arbitrarily-spaced lengthy territories in one-orbit period, and a small pixel size of CCD photocells (i.e., low sensitivity), which does not allow to take images of low-contrast objects, as well as take pictures from neighbouring orbits at low angles of the Sun. An effective technique for controlling the high-resolution remote sensing spacecraft orientation in the process of retargeting (i.e., with non-zero angular velocities) is proposed, which allows to choose the best scan mode and take images of arbitrarily-spaced lengthy territories with complex configuration in one-orbit period, i.e. much faster. Moreover, non-zero angular velocities allow to increase the exposure time and take pictures of low contrast, low light or camouflaged objects. The main characteristics and disadvantages of Earth remote sensing satellites equipped with optical-electronic scanners providing sub-meter spatial resolution are shown in the article. The features of planning high-resolution satellite imagery and remote sensing data processing require consideration of a larger number of additional influencing factors than when using traditional imagery with optical-electronic scanners characterized by sub-meter spatial resolution. The main stages of modeling and planning ultra-fast satellite imaging of lengthy territories, as well as the basic design formulas are considered in the article. To approximate a lengthy object defined by the nodal points on the map, smoothing with a cubic interpolating spline is used. For short forecast periods and low earth circular orbits, sufficient accuracy is achieved with the propagator SGP4, which allows to work with the initial conditions in TLE files generated by NORAD

    Satellite imagery of coastlines

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    An advanced technique for satellite imagery of lengthy coastlines with complex configuration using Earth remote sensing satellites equipped with optical-electronic scanners characterized by ultrahigh spatial resolution has been developed. It has been proposed to image coastal areas directly in the process of satellite retargeting (i.e., with non-zero angular velocities). The paper provides an assessment of comparative efficiency of the technique implemented using automatic satellite attitude program control in the process of retargeting, both in terms of improving the efficiency of satellite imagery, and in terms of coverage in one-orbit period. Approximate methods for lengthy objects with complex configuration using cubic splines are described. When planning such imagery, besides the standard set of parameters (lighting conditions, swath width, onboard equipment constraints, instrument errors, etc.), it is necessary to consider the limits for the angular region and angular velocities of retargeting types of imagery were modelled, as well as the features of imagery with significant deviations of the viewing axis from nadir. The results of modelling various types of imagery for a given area using measurement data of cloud amount are presented

    Application of fuzzy logic methods to modeling of the process of controlling complex technical systems

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    In recent decades, the concept of "fuzzy" control has emerged in engineering practice, including machinery building, when a complex technical object is controlled in conditions of incomplete and / or insufficiently formalized information. Such systems are often characterized by insufficient reliability and degree of initial data formalization. One of the approaches to such objects is to use fuzzy logic methods. The first step of such processes modeling should include determination of input and output variables and their membership functions and creation of a knowledge base in the form of a set of "IF-THEN" rules. The Mathcad computing system is considered as a tool for modeling processes with fuzzy logic methods using the battery charging control process as an example. This paper presents detailed analysis of advantages and describes software implementation for the Mamdani algorithm. However the proposed approach can be used for other algorithms

    A cost estimation approach for IoT projects

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    Engineering Economics and IT management made a lot of progress towards understanding the concept of the Internet of things (IoT). Nevertheless the authors consider that some aspects of IoT project cost management still need to be further developed. At the initial stage of the research the authors were interested in the existing cost estimation approaches for IoT projects. This paper is devoted to estimation of project costs at a design stage. The general findings of the literature review revealed the problem of estimating total project cost. To establish paradigms for effective implementation and use of the Internet of things in software engineering it is necessary to consider the issues of its cost estimation. The research is focused on parametric estimate, a more accurate technique for estimating total costs and defining factors which influence the cost of IoT. The object of our inquiry are the aspects of IoT technology which influence costs. The main purpose of this paper is to help customers as they need to know the project cost before the completion. The analysis of the results allowed us to draw a conclusion that Program Evaluation and Review Technique offers the advantage of accurate estimating IoT project cost

    Quality assurance of electrical components for spacecraft on-board equipment

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    The paper considers the problems of ensuring high-level contractual requirements for single and complex reliability indicators of the spacecraft being designed. An original approach is proposed to ensure the quality of batches of electronic devices used to complete the on-board equipment of the spacecraft. The method of experimental quantitative estimation of coefficients taking into account changes in the operational intensity of failures from various factors, as well as the procedure for their reasonable assignment, is analysed

    How to use neural network and web technologies in modeling complex technical systems

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    This paper discusses the problem of integrating modern methods of forecasting and modeling complex technical objects into the learning process. As an example, the problem of solving a system of ordinary differential equations is considered, which has significant practical application. In particular, solving a system of differential equations can be an essential part of patents. The neural network method to solve this problem by using Matlab simulation software and visual modeling tool Simulink is considered. Efficient cloud-based solution to ordinary differential equations is presented