507 research outputs found

    On the problem of mass-dependence of the two-point function of the real scalar free massive field on the light cone

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    We investigate the generally assumed inconsistency in light cone quantum field theory that the restriction of a massive, real, scalar, free field to the nullplane Σ={x0+x3=0}\Sigma=\{x^0+x^3=0\} is independent of mass \cite{LKS}, but the restriction of the two-point function depends on it (see, e.g., \cite{NakYam77, Yam97}). We resolve this inconsistency by showing that the two-point function has no canonical restriction to Σ\Sigma in the sense of distribution theory. Only the so-called tame restriction of the two-point function exists which we have introduced in \cite{Ull04sub}. Furthermore, we show that this tame restriction is indeed independent of mass. Hence the inconsistency appears only by the erroneous assumption that the two-point function would have a (canonical) restriction to Σ\Sigma.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Gauged linear sigma model and pion-pion scattering

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    A simple gauged linear sigma model with several parameters to take the symmetry breaking and the mass differences between the vector meson and the axial vector meson into account is considered here as a possibly useful template for the role of a light scalar in QCD as well as for (at a different scale) an effective Higgs sector for some recently proposed walking technicolor models. An analytic procedure is first developed for relating the Lagrangian parameters to four well established (in the QCD application) experimental inputs. One simple equation distinguishes three different cases:1. QCD with axial vector particle heavier than vector particle, 2. possible technicolor model with vector particle heavier than the axial vector one, 3. the unphysical QCD case where both the KSRF and Weinberg relations hold. The model is applied to the s-wave pion-pion scattering in QCD. Both the near threshold region and (with an assumed unitarization) theglobal region up to about 800 MeV are considered. It is noted that there is a little tension between the choice of bare sigma mass parameter for describing these two regions. If a reasonable globa fit is made, there is some loss of precision in the near threshold region.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with extra dimensions

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    We investigate phase structure of the D (> 4)-dimensional gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model with δ(=D4)\delta(=D-4) extra dimensions compactified on TeV scale, based on the improved ladder Schwinger-Dyson (SD) equation in the bulk. We assume that the bulk running gauge coupling in the SD equation for the SU(N_c) gauge theory with N_f massless flavors is given by the truncated Kaluza-Klein effective theory and hence has a nontrivial ultraviolet fixed point (UVFP). We find the critical line in the parameter space of two couplings, the gauge coupling and the four-fermion coupling, which is similar to that of the gauged NJL model with fixed (walking) gauge coupling in four dimensions. It is shown that in the presence of such walking gauge interactions the four-fermion interactions become ``nontrivial'' even in higher dimensions, similarly to the four-dimensional gauged NJL model. Such a nontriviality holds only in the restricted region of the critical line (``nontrivial window'') with the gauge coupling larger than a non-vanishing value (``marginal triviality (MT)'' point), in contrast to the four-dimensional case where such a nontriviality holds for all regions of the critical line except for the pure NJL point. In the nontrivial window the renormalized effective potential yields a nontrivial interaction which is conformal invariant. The exisitence of the nontrivial window implies ``cutoff insensitivity'' of the physics prediction in spite of the ultraviolet dominance of the dynamics. In the formal limit D -> 4, the nontrivial window coincides with the known condition of the nontriviality of the four-dimensional gauged NJL model, 9/(2Nc)<NfNc<9/2Nc9/(2N_c) < N_f - N_c < 9/2 N_c.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures, references added, to appear in Phys.Rev.D. The title is changed in PR

    Cortical oscillatory dynamics and benzodiazepine-site modulation of tonic inhibition in fast spiking interneurons

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    Tonic conductance mediated by extrasynaptic GABAA receptors has been implicated in the modulation of network oscillatory activity. Using an in vitro brain slice to produce oscillatory activity and a kinetic model of GABAA receptor dynamics, we show that changes in tonic inhibitory input to fast spiking interneurons underlie benzodiazepine-site mediated modulation of neuronal network synchrony in rat primary motor cortex. We found that low concentrations (10 nM) of the benzodiazepine site agonist, zolpidem, reduced the power of pharmacologically-induced beta-frequency (15-30 Hz) oscillatory activity. By contrast, higher doses augmented beta power. Application of the antagonist, flumazenil, also increased beta power suggesting endogenous modulation of the benzodiazepine binding site. Voltage-clamp experiments revealed that pharmacologically-induced rhythmic inhibitory postsynaptic currents were reduced by 10 nM zolpidem, suggesting an action on inhibitory interneurons. Further voltage-clamp studies of fast spiking cells showed that 10 nM zolpidem augmented a tonic inhibitory GABAA receptor mediated current in fast spiking cells whilst higher concentrations of zolpidem reduced the tonic current. A kinetic model of zolpidem-sensitive GABAA receptors suggested that incubation with 10 nM zolpidem resulted in a high proportion of GABAA receptors locked in a kinetically slow desensitized state whilst 30 nM zolpidem favoured rapid transition into and out of desensitized states. This was confirmed experimentally using a challenge with saturating concentrations of GABA. Selective modulation of an interneuron-specific tonic current may underlie the reversal of cognitive and motor deficits afforded by low-dose zolpidem in neuropathological states

    Noncommutativity from spectral flow

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    We investigate the transition from second to first order systems. This transforms configuration space into phase space and hence introduces noncommutativity in the former. Quantum mechanically, the transition may be described in terms of spectral flow. Gaps in the energy or mass spectrum may become large which effectively truncates the available state space. Using both operator and path integral languages we explicitly discuss examples in quantum mechanics, (light-front) quantum field theory and string theory.Comment: 31 pages, one Postscript figur

    Conformal Phase Transition and Fate of the Hidden Local Symmetry in Large N_f QCD

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    It is observed that the Hidden Local Symmetry (HLS) for the vector mesons in the ordinary QCD with smaller N_f plays the role of the "Higgsed magnetic gauge symmetry" for the Seiberg duality in the SUSY QCD. For large N_f where the conformal phase transition with chiral restoration and deconfinement is expected to take place, we find that the HLS model also exhibits the chiral restoration by the loop corrections (including the quadratic divergence) in a manner similar to that in the CP^{N-1} model, provided that the bare HLS Lagrangian respects the Georgi's vector limit at a certain N_f (\approx 7).Comment: 4 Pages (RevTeX), 3 PS figures are included Minor corrections are made for the introductory part. This is the version to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in gauge theories with extra dimensions

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    We investigate dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in vector-like gauge theories in DD dimensions with (D4D-4) compactified extra dimensions, based on the gap equation (Schwinger-Dyson equation) and the effective potential for the bulk gauge theories within the improved ladder approximation. The non-local gauge fixing method is adopted so as to keep the ladder approximation consistent with the Ward-Takahashi identities. Using the one-loop MSˉ\bar{\rm MS} gauge coupling of the truncated KK effective theory which has a nontrivial ultraviolet fixed point (UV-FP) gg_* for the (dimensionless) bulk gauge coupling g^{\hat g}, we find that there exists a critical number of flavors, NfcritN_f^{\rm crit} (4.2,1.8\simeq 4.2, 1.8 for D=6,8D=6, 8 for SU(3) gauge theory): For Nf>NfcritN_f > N_f^{\rm crit}, the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking takes place not only in the ``strong-coupling phase'' (g^>g{\hat g} >g_*) but also in the ``weak-coupling phase'' (g^<g{\hat g} <g_*) when the cutoff is large enough. For Nf<NfcritN_f < N_f^{\rm crit}, on the other hand, only the strong-coupling phase is a broken phase and we can formally define a continuum (infinite cutoff) limit, so that the physics is insensitive to the cutoff in this case. We also perform a similar analysis using the one-loop ``effective gauge coupling''. We find the NfcritN_f^{\rm crit} turns out to be a value similar to that of the MSˉ\bar{\rm MS} case, notwithstanding the enhancement of the coupling compared with that of the MSˉ\bar{\rm MS}.Comment: REVTEX4, 38 pages, 18 figures. The abstract is shortened; version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Dynamical Generation of CKM Mixings by Broken Horizontal Gauge Interactions

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    The fermion mass matrices are calculated in the framework of the dynamical mass generation by the broken horizontal gauge interactions. The non-proportional mass spectra between up- and down-sectors and CKM mixings are obtained solely by radiative corrections due to the ordinary gauge interactions.Comment: 20 pages + 1 uuencoded eps figure, PHYZZ


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    Spontaneous breakdown of the continuous symmetry is studied in the framework of discretized light-front quantization. We consider linear sigma model in 3+1 dimensions and show that the careful treatment of zero modes together with the regularization of the theory by introducing NG boson mass leads to the correct description of Nambu-Goldstone phase on the light-front.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Theoretical Physics, Mt. Sorak, Korea, from 27 June to 2 July, 1994

    Chiral Dynamics and Fermion Mass Generation in Three Dimensional Gauge Theory

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    We examine the possibility of fermion mass generation in 2+1- dimensional gauge theory from the current algebra point of view.In our approach the critical behavior is governed by the fluctuations of pions which are the Goldstone bosons for chiral symmetry breaking. Our analysis supports the existence of an upper critical number of Fermion flavors and exhibits the explicit form of the gap equation as well as the form of the critical exponent for the inverse correlation lenght of the order parameterComment: Latex,10 pages,DFUPG 70/9