713 research outputs found

    Electroweak Phase Transition and LHC Signatures in the Singlet Majoron Model

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    We reconsider the strength of the electroweak phase transition in the singlet Majoron extension of the Standard Model, with a low (~TeV) scale of the singlet VEV. A strongly first order phase transition, of interest for electroweak baryogenesis, is found in sizeable regions of the parameter space, especially when the cross-coupling lambda_{hs}|S|^2|H|^2 between the singlet and the doublet Higgs is significant. Large Majorana Yukawa couplings of the singlet neutrinos, y_i S nu_i^c nu_i, are also important for strengthening the transition. We incorporate the LEP and Tevatron constraints on the Higgs masses, and electroweak precision constraints, in our search for allowed parameters; successful examples include singlet masses ranging from 5 GeV to several TeV. Models with a strong phase transition typically predict a nonstandard Higgs with mass in the range 113 GeV < m_H < 200 GeV and production cross sections reduced by mixing with the singlet, with cos^2(theta) significantly less than 1. We also find examples where the singlet is light and the decay H -> SS can modify the Higgs branching ratios relative to Standard Model expectations.Comment: 36 pages, 18 figure


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    Sequence analysis of Rtsp-1, an active LTR retrotransposon in the sweetpotato genome,revealed a possible novel Rtsp-1 RNA/tRNAMet complex for initiation of reverse transcription and the first DNA strand transfer. The Rtsp-1 RNA has a primer binding site (PBS) that is partly complementary to the 3’ end of tRNAMet, and possesses an additional sequence complementary to the 5’ end of tRNAMet downstream of the PBS. These additional base-pairings might stabilize the Rtsp-1 RNA/primer complex. In the free form, the 5’ LTR of Rtsp-1 appears to form a stemloop structure apparently preventing the initiation of reverse transcription. While the stemforming site adjacent to the PBS is complementary to the tRNAMet, the other stem-forming site on the LTR complements a region just upstream of the 3’ LTR. Additionally, another region at the 3’ end of the Rtsp-1 RNA shows sequence complementarity to the tRNAMet. As the 3’ end of Rtsp-1 approaches the tRNAMet bound to the PBS, the stem-forming strands dissociate and basepair with their complementary regions in the tRNAMet and the 3’ end of Rtsp-1, respectively. Consequently, the LTR loop opens, allowing reverse transcription to initiate. After the initial reverse transcription stops at the 5’ end of the Rtsp-1 RNA, the synthesized minus strand DNA needs to be transferred to the 3’ end of the RNA to synthesize internal sequences. The Rtsp-1 RNA/tRNAMet complex may have evolved to facilitate this DNA transfer. Similar RNA/tRNA initiation complexes have been reported from reverse transcription in retroviruses and yeast retrotransposons (Ty1 and Ty3).カルスにおける転移が示されたサツマイモ LTR 型レトロトランスポゾン(Rtsp-1)の塩基配列を調べたところ,逆転写が開始される際,転写された Rtsp-1の RNA と最初の逆転写のプライマーに使われる tRNAMETとの間で,特徴的な逆転写開始複合体を形成し,この複合体が最初の逆転写とその後の過程で必要な逆転写産物(cDNA)の転移などを確実なものとしていることが示唆された.その内容は,1)転写された Rtsp-1の RNA 逆転写開始部位の塩基配列は自身の LTR 配列とステム構造をとること,2)tRNAMETが結合する Rtsp-1の Primer Binding Site 部位には,プライマーの機能を果たす tRNAMETの3'末端の相補配列に加えて,その隣接部位に tRNAMETの5'末端部位と相補的な結合部位が存在するために,tRNAMETの両末端が結合すること,3)Rtsp-1の3'末端側に,tRNAMET及びステム構造に関わる5'LTR の部位との相補配列があり,この3セ末端側が転写開始複合体と結合することにより,ステム構造が崩れて逆転写が開始されると推定されること,4)逆転写が開始された後も,tRNAMETの結合によってRtsp-1の5'末端と3'末端側に近接した状態が保たれることである.Rtsp-1の3セ末端側の転写開始複合体への結合を転写開始の条件とすることにより,最初に合成される cDNA の3'末端への転移が容易となることなどが示唆された

    Every Color Chromakey

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    In this paper, we propose a region extraction method using chromakey with a two-tone checker pattern background. The proposed method solves the problem in conventional chromakey techniques that foreground objects become transparent if they have the same color with the background. The adjacency condition between two-tone regions of the background and the geometrical information of the background grid lines are utilized for extracting foreground objects. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. Same color (a) Conventional chromakey. Same color as C 1 or C