31 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of the production of nitric oxide (NO) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) from macrophages exposed to high virulent and low virulent strains of Edwardsiella tarda.

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    We previously reported that high virulent strain (NUF251) of Edwardsiella tarda has an ability to prevent the production of reactive oxygen species by macrophages, and is even capable of surviving and multiplying within Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) peritoneal macrophages, whereas the low virulent strain (NUF194) has no such ability. In this study, we found that NUF251 and NUF194 induced NO and TNF-alpha production from Japanese flounder peritoneal macrophages, and NUF251 caused faster induction of NO release and much higher level of TNF-alpha production than NUF194. In addition, similar differences between two strains in terms of the induction of NO and TNF-alpha production were also observed in mouse macrophage cell line RAW264.7 cells. Our results suggest that the potent ability to induce the production of NO and TNF-alpha from macrophages may be one of the factors responsible for the virulence of E. tarda

    パネル トーク タブンカ シャカイ ニ モトメ ラレル ジンザイ トワ パネル トーク タブンカ シャカイ ニ モトメ ラレル ジンザイ トワ タブンカ シャカイ コーディネーター ヨウセイ プログラム ソノ センモンセイ ト リキリョウ ケイセイ ノ トリクミ

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    Membrane-based liquid desiccant dehumidification has attracted increasing interests with elimination of solution droplets carryover problem. In this study, a membrane-based hybrid liquid desiccant dehumidification cooling system is developed, which is mainly composed of a dehumidifier, a regenerator and an evaporative cooler. The system is capable to remove latent load by the liquid desiccant dehumidification unit and simultaneously to handle sensible load with an evaporative cooling unit. This paper presents a performance evaluation study of the hybrid system with calcium chloride as liquid desiccant based on experimental data. Series of tests are conducted to identify influences of operating variables and conditions (i.e. desiccant solution concentration ratio, regeneration temperature, inlet air condition, etc.) on the system performance. The experimental results indicate that the system is viable for dehumidification cooling purpose. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that mass balance between the dehumidifier and regenerator should be achieved for system steady operation. Thermal COPth of 0.70 and 24 electrical COPel of 2.62 are achieved respectively under steady operating condition at CaCl2 concentration ratio of 36%

    Amantadine can Ameliorate Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction and Nocturnal Polyuria in Patients with Parkinson Disease and Vascular Parkinsonism

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    Background:Amantadine is a drug used for patients with Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) and vascular parkinsonism (VP). These patients often have lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and nocturnal polyuria (NP). Thus, we investigated the effect of amantadine on these in parkinsonian patients.Methods:Twenty-two patients with LUTS, including 13 with PD and nine with VP, were recruited. We performed a urinary questionnaire, frequency-volume chart, and residual urine (RU) measurement before and after daily administration of 150 mg and 300 mg amantadine.Results:Before amantadine administration, mean daytime urinary frequency was 9.07(standard error [SE], 0.64), nighttime urinary frequency 2.89 (0.24), urinary urgency per week 24.2 (6.69), urge incontinence per month 15.1( 9.94), urine volume per void 145.6( 12.6) mL, and residual urine volume 12.5( 6.30) mL. After daily 150 mg amantadine administration, mean daytime and nighttime urinary frequency, urinary urgency, and urge incontinence decreased to 6.9( 0.42), 1.97( 0.21), 13.0( 3.58), and 14.2( 10.2), respectively, and urine volume per void increased to 174.1( 11.3) mL. NP( N=8) was ameliorated in six patients. No patient had side effects. After daily 300 mg amantadine administration( N=8), mean daytime and nighttimeurinary frequency, urinary urgency, and urge incontinence decreased to 6.90 (0.33), 1.69 (0.10), 5.88 (1.61), and 2.31 (0.61), respectively, and urine volume per void increased to180.2 (15.0) mL. NP (N=4) was ameliorated in two patients. One patient developed hallucination, and two patients developed flashing sensation.Conclusion:Amantadine has beneficial effects on LUTS and NP in patients with VP and PD

    Characterization of the Varicella-Zoster Virus ORF50 Gene, Which Encodes Glycoprotein M▿

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    The ORF50 gene of the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) encodes glycoprotein M (gM), which is conserved among all herpesviruses and is important for the cell-to-cell spread of VZV. However, few analyses of ORF50 gene expression or its posttranscriptional and translational modifications have been published. Here we found that in VZV-infected cells, ORF50 encoded four transcripts: a full-size transcript, which was translated into the gM, and three alternatively spliced transcripts, which were not translated. Using a splicing-negative mutant virus, we showed that the alternative transcripts were nonessential for viral growth in cell culture. In addition, we found that two amino acid mutations of gM, V42P and G301M, blocked gM's maturation and transport to the trans-Golgi network, which is generally recognized as the viral assembly complex. We also found that the mutations disrupted gM's interaction with glycoprotein N (gN), revealing their interaction through a bond that is otherwise unreported for herpesviruses. Using this gM maturation-negative virus, we found that immature gM and gN were incorporated into intracellularly isolated virus particles and that mature gM was required for efficient viral growth via cell-to-cell spread but not for virion morphogenesis. The virus particles were more abundant at the abnormally enlarged perinuclear cisternae than those of the parental virus, but they were also found at the cell surface and in the culture medium. Additionally, in the gM maturation-negative mutant virus-infected melanoma cells, typical syncytium formation was rarely seen, again indicating that mature gM functions in cell-to-cell spread via enhancement of syncytium formation

    Network Completion Using Dynamic Programming and Least-Squares Fitting

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    We consider the problem of network completion, which is to make the minimum amount of modifications to a given network so that the resulting network is most consistent with the observed data. We employ here a certain type of differential equations as gene regulation rules in a genetic network, gene expression time series data as observed data, and deletions and additions of edges as basic modification operations. In addition, we assume that the numbers of deleted and added edges are specified. For this problem, we present a novel method using dynamic programming and least-squares fitting and show that it outputs a network with the minimum sum squared error in polynomial time if the maximum indegree of the network is bounded by a constant. We also perform computational experiments using both artificially generated and real gene expression time series data

    Bladder, Bowel, and Sexual Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease

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    Bladder dysfunction (urinary urgency/frequency), bowel dysfunction (constipation), and sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction) (also called “pelvic organ” dysfunctions) are common nonmotor disorders in Parkinson's disease (PD). In contrast to motor disorders, pelvic organ autonomic dysfunctions are often nonresponsive to levodopa treatment. The brain pathology causing the bladder dysfunction (appearance of overactivity) involves an altered dopamine-basal ganglia circuit, which normally suppresses the micturition reflex. By contrast, peripheral myenteric pathology causing slowed colonic transit (loss of rectal contractions) and central pathology causing weak strain and paradoxical anal sphincter contraction on defecation (PSD, also called as anismus) are responsible for the bowel dysfunction. In addition, hypothalamic dysfunction is mostly responsible for the sexual dysfunction (decrease in libido and erection) in PD, via altered dopamine-oxytocin pathways, which normally promote libido and erection. The pathophysiology of the pelvic organ dysfunction in PD differs from that in multiple system atrophy; therefore, it might aid in differential diagnosis. Anticholinergic agents are used to treat bladder dysfunction in PD, although these drugs should be used with caution particularly in elderly patients who have cognitive decline. Dietary fibers, laxatives, and “prokinetic” drugs such as serotonergic agonists are used to treat bowel dysfunction in PD. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors are used to treat sexual dysfunction in PD. These treatments might be beneficial in maximizing the patients' quality of life