176 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional imaging of laser imploded targets

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    Copyright 1990 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics, 68(4), 1483-1488, 1990 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.34667

    ERガタ キュウキュウ ニ トリクム ニジ キュウキュウ イリョウ キカン ノ ゲンジョウ

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    Background : In Japan, the emergency doctor’s job has traditionally been to care for critically ill patients presenting to the emergency department(ED), a role similar to that of an intensivist. Recently, US-style emergency medicine, referred to in Japan as ER-style emergency medicine, has been adopted. This emergency medicine is not dissimilar to that practiced in western countries such as the United States. Objectives : The aim of this study was to clarify the role of US-style emergency room(ER)physicians in the ED of a single local hospital in Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. Methods : Using medical records, we analyzed the emergency patients who visited our ED from April2009to March2010. Results : Of the 5497 cases examined, the number of severe, moderate, and mild cases were 145(2.6%), 813(14.8%), and 4539(82.6%), respectively. Of these patients, 2186(39.8%)were transported to the hospital by ambulance and3245(59.0%)made their own way. The number of injured and ill patients were 2756(50.1%) and 2741(49.9%), respectively. The number of cardiopulmonary arrests on arrival was 38. Nine(0.3%)fatal illnesses were identified during this period. Conclusions : ER physicians have to respond adequately to all patients presenting to the ED regardless of the severity or nature of the injury or illness. In addition, it is necessary to maintain relationships between the ER and neighboring hospitals for patient transfer, and this is considered fundamental for building a safety net for community residents

    Clinical utility of silk-elastin sponge in patients with chronic and acute skin ulcers: study protocol of a multi-center clinical trial

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    INTRODUCTION: Not only chronic but also some acute wounds have a risk of infection and become unhealed wounds. Silk-elastin sponge has been developed to treat chronic wounds that are susceptible to infection. Preclinical and clinical studies suggested that silk-elastin sponge is safe for humans and can promote granulation tissue formation by reducing bacterial growth in chronic wounds. The central aim of this trial is to evaluate the clinical utility and safety of silk-elastin sponge for the treatment of chronic and acute skin ulcers. METHODS: This study is a prospective, multicenter, single-arm, uncontrolled clinical trial. In this study, 20 patients with chronic ulcers and five with an acute one will be included; patients with wound infection will be excluded. Silk-elastin sponges are applied and covered with a dressing for 14 days. PLANNED OUTCOMES: The primary endpoint is the frequency of patients with chronic wounds in whom the investigator confirms the formation of a healthy wound bed at 14 days after the initial application of the study device. In addition, safety for acute wounds and handiness of the study device will be assessed. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: jRCT2052210072

    Dual inhibition of TMPRSS2 and Cathepsin B prevents SARS-CoV-2 infection in iPS cells

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    TMPRSS2とカテプシンBを標的とした新型コロナウイルスの感染阻害. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-10-21.A drug cocktail stops SARS-CoV-2 infection of stem cells. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-10-21.It has been reported that many receptors and proteases are required for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Although angiotensin-converting enzyme2 (ACE2) is the most important of these receptors, little is known about the contribution of other genes. In this study, we examined the roles of neuropilin-1, basigin, transmembrane serine proteases (TMPRSSs), and cathepsins (CTSs) in SARS-CoV-2 infection using the CRISPR interference system and ACE2-expressing human iPS cells. Double-knockdown of TMPRSS2 and CTSB reduced the viral load to 0.036±0.021%. Consistently, the combination of the CTPB inhibitor CA-074 methyl ester and the TMPRSS2 inhibitor Camostat reduced the viral load to 0.0078±0.0057%. This result was confirmed using four SARS-CoV-2 variants (B.1.3, B.1.1.7, B.1.351, and B.1.1.248). The simultaneous use of these two drugs reduced viral load to less than 0.01% in both female and male iPS cells. These findings suggest that compounds targeting TMPRSS2 and CTSB exhibit highly efficient antiviral effects independent of gender and SARS-CoV-2 variant

    Side-on measurement of hydrodynamics of laser-driven plasmas with high space- and time-resolution x-ray imaging technique

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    Copyright 2003 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Review of Scientific Instruments, 74(3), 2198-2201, 2003 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.153785

    ビョウインカン レンケイ デ シャカイ フッキ オ メザス : ヤク 10プンカン ノ シンテイシ ニモ カカワラズ ビョウインカン レンケイ デ シャカイ フッキシタ Brugada ショウコウグン ノ イチレイ オ ツウジテ

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    Background : We present a case of Brugada syndrome, who fully recovered from out-ofhospital cardiac arrest(OHCA)because of good coordination between the emergency room(ER) of a community hospital and the intensive care unit(ICU)of a university hospital. However, effects of inter-hospital coordination on outcomes after OHCA need further elucidation. Objectives : To clarify the role of inter-hospital coordination in OHCA cases in Tokushima City, Tokushima, Japan. Methods : In accordance with the Utstein-style, we reviewed medical records of OHCA patients who visited our ER from April2009to December2011. Results : Of149cases,53patients achieved return of spontaneous circulation(ROSC)after OHCA. While seven patients experienced witnessed cardiogenic arrest due to ventricular fibrillation, 3patients(42.9%)among them survived at 1month and 2patients(28.6%)obtained satisfactory neurological recovery. Discussions : The survival rate of OHCA patients in our ER was better compared to the national survey. We speculated the reason of good outcome was that we appropriately transferred the patients to the advanced hospital ICU for high-integrity care. Good inter-hospital coordination should be organized to enhance full recovery in OHCA patients. This strategy may also prevent the concentration of patients requiring emergency medical care to few specific hospitals such as emergency medical centers. Conclusions : We rescued a case of OHCA thanks to good inter-hospital coordination. We should develop a safety net further for community residents

    Artesunate Enhances the Cytotoxicity of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid-Based Sonodynamic Therapy against Mouse Mammary Tumor Cells In Vitro

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    Sonodynamic therapy (SDT) kills tumor cells through the synergistic effects of ultrasound (US) and a sonosensitizer agent. 5-Aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) has been used as a sonodynamic sensitizer for cancer treatment. However, studies have shown that 5-ALA-based SDT has limited efficacy against malignant tumors. In this study, we examined whether artesunate (ART) could enhance the cytotoxicity of 5-ALA-based SDT against mouse mammary tumor (EMT-6) cells in vitro. In the ART, ART + US, ART + 5-ALA, and ART + 5-ALA + US groups, the cell survival rate correlated with ART concentration, and decreased with increasing concentrations of ART. Morphologically, many apoptotic and necrotic cells were observed in the ART + 5-ALA + US group. The percentage of reactive oxygen species-positive cells in the ART + 5-ALA + US group was also significantly higher than that in the 5-ALA group (p = 0.0228), and the cell death induced by ART + 5-ALA + US could be inhibited by the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine. These results show that ART offers great potential in enhancing the efficacy of 5-ALA-based SDT for the treatment of cancer. However, these results are only based on in vitro studies, and further in vivo studies are required

    Genome-wide profiling of promoter methylation in human

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    DNA methylation in the promoter region of a gene is associated with a loss of that gene's expression and plays an important role in gene silencing. The inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes by aberrant methylation in the promoter region is well recognized in carcinogenesis. However, there has been little study in this area when it comes to genome-wide profiling of the promoter methylation. Here, we developed a genome-wide profiling method called Microarray-based Integrated Analysis of Methylation by Isoschizomers to analyse the DNA methylation of promoter regions of 8091 human genes. With this method, resistance to both the methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme HpaII and the methylation-insensitive isoschizomer MspI was compared between samples by using a microarray with promoter regions of the 8091 genes. The reliability of the difference in HpaII resistance was judged using the difference in MspI resistance. We demonstrated the utility of this method by finding epigenetic mutations in cancer. Aberrant hypermethylation is known to inactivate tumour suppressor genes. Using this method, we found that frequency of the aberrant promoter hypermethylation in cancer is higher than previously hypothesized. Aberrant hypomethylation is known to induce activation of oncogenes in cancer. Genome-wide analysis of hypomethylated promoter sequences in cancer demonstrated low CG/GC ratio of these sequences, suggesting that CpG-poor genes are sensitive to demethylation activity in cancer