38,907 research outputs found

    Application of photodiodes to the detection of electromagnetic bursts

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    A new type of photodiode + scintillator (1 m2 x 1 cm) detector is developed to detect the large electro-magnetic burst under an EX-chamber. The threshold burst size is found to be 4.3 x 10 the 5 particles at the center of the scintillator. Therefore a gamma-ray family of 10 TeV is detectable by it, when it is set under 14 r.1. of iron. In addition, a very fast (2.4 nsec width) and very bright (correspond to 10 to the 6 particles) scintillation pulse has become avarable for this study

    Polarization entanglement visibility of photon pairs emitted by a quantum dot embedded in a microcavity

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    We study the photon emission from a quantum dot embedded in a microcavity. Incoherent pumping of its excitons and biexciton provokes the emission of leaky and cavity modes. By solving a master equation we obtain the correlation functions required to compute the spectrum and the relative efficiency among the emission of pairs and single photons. A quantum regime appears for low pumping and large rate of emission. By means of a post-selection process, a two beams experiment with different linear polarizations could be performed producing a large polarization entanglement visibility precisely in the quantum regime.Comment: 13 pages and 6 figure