902 research outputs found

    Geomorphological Criteria for Evaluating Liquefaction Potential Considering the Level-2 Ground Motion in Japan

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    In response to a bitter experience in the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nambu (Kobe) earthquake, the level-2 ground motion, extraordinarily strong shaking motion that would be caused by an earthquake directly under the area such as the 1995 earthquake, has been considered in seismic design of various kind of structures in Japan, in addition to the level-l general ground motion. Geomorphological criteria in the manual for zonation on liquefaction hazard issued by Land Planning Agency, which have been used a qualitative estimate of liquefaction potential were demanded to keep up with the above-mentioned trend of the time. The purpose of this study is to develop geomorphological criteria for evaluating liquefaction potential for the level-2 ground motion as well as the level-l ground motion based on case histories in the past earthquakes. The newly developed criteria are applied to the 1948 Fukui earthquake that induced the level-2 destructive motion. A liquefaction potential map is drawn up for the Fukui Plain affected by the earthquake. The result of the assessment based on the criteria was consistent with the actual performance of the ground during the 1948 event

    A Quarter Century after the Monitor Model

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    Ths paper endeavors to ovewiew Ktashen’s Moni秋)r Model theory and itS面廿cs. The Moni紋)r Model, which oonsists of五ve hypotheses, has been one of the most h1∬uential alld oolltroversial theories hl seoond language acquisition. Most of the 面tics came f以)m the de舳tions of terminology血the hypotheses. In the lat£1970s and tlle 1980s, when the theory had reached the height of itS popUlarity and declned, syntax was thought to be the core of language acquisition and vocabular sc, peripheral. In the 1990s, vocab曲y research became conspicuous in place of grammar. Krashen made a breathtaking 90・degree tum over to the reading Hypothesis, Frree Voluntary Readng for the defense of the Moni軟)r Model. Research on vocabUlary in conteXt including the af50rdanoe theory win have an important烈)le in unoovering the mystery of seoond language acquisition

    Can the Cheetach Catch the Warthog? Reading stamina in EFL

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    This paper emphasizes the importance of stamina in the EFL context and makes an attempt to seek a way of doing research on‘reading stamina’in the future. First, we will give an overview of the present situation of reading class in Japan and leam that we might have underestimated stamina in EFL. Second,‘reading stamina’will be introduced. Third, the way to develop reading stamina will be proposed by clarifying the type of knowledge we need to have in EFL, claiming the efficacy of extensive reading, and presenting a modified model of Cummin’s dual iceberg analogy. Finally, we will discuss what we have to examine in the research on reading stamina

    エイゴ タドク ジュギョウ ハ イチネン デ ジュウブン

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    From Input to Intelligence Stamina

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    Input has been one of the major issues in the fields of fbreign language leaming, teaching, and research. There have been various kinds of leanling and teaching methods that would have been thought to increase the amount of input and some theories examined in research of English as a second  language, or ESL and English as a foreign language, or EFL. However, the leamers of ESL and EFL may not be able to use English proficiently no matter how much input they have if they do not care about the environmental conditions and their physical condition. The environment surrounding  the leamers should not be ignored because it always influences their use of English. Language learning in a different environment leads to far from proficient use of language. Stamina is indispensable when they keep using English. Lack of stamina will prevent the learner from executing  sustainable language communication. This paper aims to cast a spotlight on the environment of learning EFL and stamina in language use. Keywords:Dexterity, EFL,.Flow, Input, Intelligence Stamina

    A Development of Dynamic Deforming Algorithms for 3D Shape Modeling with Generation of Interactive Force Sensation

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    Dexterity and Its Development in EFL : Beyond input-output paradigm

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    This paper tries to examine the concept of‘dexter晦, and seeks a way to app}y it to an EFL context. A Russian scientist in biomechanics and physiology ca霊led Nicholai A. Bernstein wrote a book‘‘On 1)extert’ 閨C and its Development,, more than half a century ago, bu¢i¢was not published because of the politica且situation in those.days in U.S.S。R. It appearedi in print in 199L Although it was written more than sixty years ago, his works still stimulate our imagination in the field of cognitive science・Dexterity is a capacity or an ability which defines the relati・nship between the nerv・us systems and skills・lt is a motor ab曲y to quickly find a correct solution for a problem in any situation, which is to exhibit motor witS in any conditions. It may enable us to learn how we acquire’ skills of a fbreign language no吐 through the viewpoint of hnguistics b皿t through that of biomechanics and physiology

    Reading Stamina in EFL

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    Flow and Extensive Reading in EFL

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    This present paper aims to uncover what prevents EFL(English as a fbreign language)leamers 倉om continuing to read English extensively and what encourages them to do it better by the concept of/10w by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Flow is a state of mind when we feel happy by doing what we like to do and get involved in it. Autotelic, one of major elements of.flow, will support the concept of Free Voluntary Reading. Optimal experience, another major element offlow, will be an ideal state of reading a book extensively. The nine elements of.flow are powerful to explain about the requirement of extensive reading(ER)

    Improvement of the optical properties of GaN epilayers on Si(111): Impact of GaAs layer thickness on Si and pre‐growth strategy

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    This paper reports the effect of the GaN coating layer on the optical properties of GaN epilayers grown on GaAs/Si(111). Almost crack free GaN epilayers are found to be grown when a thin (∼25 nm) GaN coating layer is inserted on 0.5 and 2 μm GaAs layers at 550 °C. Then nitridation of the GaAs layer is done through the coating layer by NH3 flow while the substrate temperature is ramped at 1000 °C for epilayer growth. An attempt has also been made by implementing an additional GaN interlayer at 800 °C while growth is continued for epilayer growth. For this growth strategy, cracks also happened without improvement of the epilayer quality. PL measurements show high excitonic peak energy and high excitonic to yellow band intensity ratio for GaN epilayers grown on the 0.5 μm GaAs converted layer (CL) using a thin GaN coating layer. Those values are also found to be comparable/ better than for epilayers grown on 2 μm CL