171 research outputs found

    Form of an evolutionary tradeoff affects eco-evolutionary dynamics in a predator-prey system

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    遺伝的多様性の新しい影響を発見 -わずかな性質の違いが生態系を変化させる可能性-. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2014-10-23.Evolution on a time scale similar to ecological dynamics has been increasingly recognized for the last three decades. Selection mediated by ecological interactions can change heritable phenotypic variation (i.e., evolution), and evolution of traits, in turn, can affect ecological interactions. Hence, ecological and evolutionary dynamics can be tightly linked and important to predict future dynamics, but our understanding of eco-evolutionary dynamics is still in its infancy and there is a significant gap between theoretical predictions and empirical tests. Empirical studies have demonstrated that the presence of genetic variation can dramatically change ecological dynamics, whereas theoretical studies predict that eco-evolutionary dynamics depend on the details of the genetic variation, such as the form of a tradeoff among genotypes, which can be more important than the presence or absence of the genetic variation. Using a predator–prey (rotifer–algal) experimental system in laboratory microcosms, we studied how different forms of a tradeoff between prey defense and growth affect eco-evolutionary dynamics. Our experimental results show for the first time to our knowledge that different forms of the tradeoff produce remarkably divergent eco-evolutionary dynamics, including near fixation, near extinction, and coexistence of algal genotypes, with quantitatively different population dynamics. A mathematical model, parameterized from completely independent experiments, explains the observed dynamics. The results suggest that knowing the details of heritable trait variation and covariation within a population is essential for understanding how evolution and ecology will interact and what form of eco-evolutionary dynamics will result

    Rapid evolution with generation overlap: the double-edged effect of dormancy

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    In life histories with generation overlap, selection that acts differently on different life-stages can produce reservoirs of genetic variation, for example, in long-lived iteroparous adults or long-lived dormant propagules. Such reservoirs provide “migration from the past” to the current population, and depending on the trend of environmental change, they have the potential either to slow adaptive evolution or accelerate it by re-introducing genotypes not affected by recent selection (e.g., through storage effect in a fluctuating environment). That is, the effect of generation overlap is a “double-edged sword,” with each edge cutting in a different direction. Here, we use sexual (quantitative trait) and asexual (clonal) models to explore the effects of generation overlap on adaptive evolution in a fluctuating environment, either with or without a trend in the mean environment state. Our analyses show that when environmental stochasticity scaled by strength of selection is intermediate and when the trend in mean environment is slow, intermediate values of generation overlap can maximize the rate of response to selection and minimize the adaptation lag between the trait mean and the environmental trend. Otherwise, increased generation overlap results in smaller selection response and larger adaptation lag. In the former case, low generation overlap results in low heritable trait variance, while high generation overlap increases the “migration load” from the past. Therefore, to understand the importance of rapid evolution and eco-evolutionary dynamics in the wild for organisms with overlapping generations, we need to understand the interaction of generation overlap, environmental stochasticity, and strength of selection

    Proposal for a Guide for Quality Management Systems for PV Manufacturing: Supplemental Requirements to ISO 9001-2008 (Revised)

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    This technical specification provides a guideline for photovoltaic module manufacturers to produce modules that, once the design has proven to meet the quality and reliability requirements, replicate such design in an industrial scale without compromising its consistency with the requirements

    Preparation and optical properties of novel bioactive photonic crystals obtained from core-shell poly(styrene/α-tert-butoxy-ω-vinylbenzyl-polyglycidol) microspheres

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    Optical properties of polymer microspheres with polystyrene cores and polyglycidol-enriched shells poly(styrene/α-tert-butoxy-ω-vinylbenzyl-polyglycidol) (P(S/PGL) particles with number average diameters Dn determined by scanning electron microscopy equal 237 and 271 nm), were studied before and after immobilization of ovalbumin. The particles were synthesized by emulsifier-free emulsion copolymerization of styrene and polyglycidol macromonomer (poly(styrene/α-tert-butoxy-ω-vinylbenzyl-polyglycidol)) initiated with potassium persulfate. Molar fraction of polyglycidol units in the interfacial layer of the microspheres determined by XPS was equal 42.6 and 34.0%, for the particles with Dn equal 137 and 271 nm, respectively. Colloidal crystals from the aforementioned particles were prepared by deposition of particle suspensions on the glass slides and subsequent evaporation of water. It was found that optical properties of colloidal crystals from the P(S/PGL) microspheres strongly depend on modification of their interfacial layer by covalent immobilization of ovalbumin. The coating of particles with ovalbumin resulted in decreasing their refractive index from 1.58 to 1.52

    ZMIZ1 Preferably Enhances the Transcriptional Activity of Androgen Receptor with Short Polyglutamine Tract

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    The androgen receptor (AR) is a ligand-induced transcription factor and contains the polyglutamine (polyQ) tracts within its N-terminal transactivation domain. The length of polyQ tracts has been suggested to alter AR transcriptional activity in prostate cancer along with other endocrine and neurologic disorders. Here, we assessed the role of ZMIZ1, an AR co-activator, in regulating the activity of the AR with different lengths of polyQ tracts as ARQ9, ARQ24, and ARQ35 in prostate cancer cells. ZMIZ1, but not ZMIZ2 or ARA70, preferably augments ARQ9 induced androgen-dependent transcription on three different androgen-inducible promoter/reporter vectors. A strong protein-protein interaction between ZMIZ1 and ARQ9 proteins was shown by immunoprecipitation assays. In the presence of ZMIZ1, the N and C-terminal interaction of the ARQ9 was more pronounced than ARQ24 and ARQ35. Both Brg1 and BAF57, the components of SWI/SNF complexes, were shown to be involved in the enhancement of ZMIZ1 on AR activity. Using the chromatin immunoprecipitation assays (ChIP), we further demonstrated a strong recruitment of ZMIZ1 by ARQ9 on the promoter of the prostate specific antigen (PSA) gene. These results demonstrate a novel regulatory role of ZMIZ1 in modulating the polyQ tract length of AR in prostate cancer cells