272 research outputs found


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    Setagaya Ward established a consultation service in July 2013 to develop vacant houses into useful bases for the community. This service matches owners of vacant houses with non-profit organizations and produced 22 bases in 10 years. Through analysis of the bases, it became clear that the majority of the bases were using vacant rooms rather than the entire house. Many bases that contribute to social welfare, such as child and disability welfare, have been created. This service can deal with cases that are difficult for private real estate companies to handle. It shows the significance for local governments to operate vacant house utilization system


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    The municipal government of Setagaya Ward established a consultation program for individual owners of vacant houses in July 2013 to convert them into useful places for the community. This service aims to match with owners of vacant houses and citizen groups such as non-profit organizations and has established 22 bases for the community in 10 years. The authors found that the majority of them are used for social welfare offering places for children, disabilities, or the elderly. These facts indicate the necessity of the role of the public sector’s program rather than private companies to promote the re-utilization of vacant houses into places of inclusionary use for the community

    Moduli trapping mechanism in modular flavor symmetric models

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    We discuss how the moduli in modular flavor symmetric models dynamically select enhanced symmetry points at which the residual modular symmetry renders extra matter fields massless. The moduli dynamics non-perturbatively produces the extra matter particles, which gives (time-dependent) effective potential that traps the moduli to enhanced symmetry points. We show analytic estimates of particle production rate consistent with numerical results, and the dynamics of moduli based on the analytic estimates.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figure

    Dynamics of Superconformal Axion: Quality and Scalegenesis

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    We explore a dynamical mechanism to realize the emergence of a global U(1)PQU(1)_{\rm PQ} symmetry and its spontaneous breaking at an intermediate scale for an axion solution to the strong CP problem. Such a dynamics is provided by a new supersymmetric QCD near the middle of conformal window that couples to fields spontaneously breaking the U(1)PQU(1)_{\rm PQ} symmetry. A large anomalous dimension of the U(1)PQU(1)_{\rm PQ} breaking fields leads to the suppression of explicit U(1)PQU(1)_{\rm PQ}-violating higher dimensional operators. The U(1)PQU(1)_{\rm PQ} breaking vacuum is generated at a scale hierarchically smaller than the Planck scale by a non-perturbative effect. The U(1)PQU(1)_{\rm PQ} breaking drives the conformal breaking, and all the new quarks become massive. The axion potential is generated by the ordinary color SU(3)CSU(3)_C effect as the U(1)PQU(1)_{\rm PQ} symmetry is only anomalous under the SU(3)CSU(3)_C. The saxion direction is stabilized by supersymmetry breaking and cosmologically harmless.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Duality in ABE: Converting Attribute Based Encryption for Dual Predicate and Dual Policy via Computational Encodings

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    We show a generic conversion that converts an attribute based encryption (ABE) scheme for arbitrary predicate into an ABE scheme for its dual predicate. In particular, it can convert key-policy ABE (KP-ABE) into ciphertext-policy ABE (CP-ABE), and vice versa, for dually related predicates. It is generic in the sense that it can be applied to arbitrary predicates. On the other hand, it works only within the generic ABE framework recently proposed by Attrapadung (Eurocrypt\u2714), which provides a generic compiler that compiles a simple primitive called pair encodings into fully secure ABE. Inside this framework, Attrapadung proposed the first generic dual conversion that works only for subclass of encodings, namely, perfectly secure encodings. However, there are many predicates for which realizations of such encodings are not known, and hence the problems of constructing fully secure ABE for their dual predicates were left unsolved. In this paper, we revisit the dual conversion of Attrapadung, and show that, somewhat surprisingly, the very same conversion indeed also works for broader classes of encodings, namely, computationally secure encodings. Consequently, we thus solve the above open problems as we obtain the first fully secure realizations of completely-unbounded CP-ABE and CP-ABE with short keys for Boolean formulae, via applying the conversion to previously proposed KP-ABE. Moreover, we provide a generic conversion that converts ABE into its dual-policy variant. Dual-policy ABE (DP-ABE) conjunctively combines both KP-ABE and CP-ABE into one primitive, and hence can be useful in general-purpose applications. As for instantiations, we obtain the first realizations of fully secure DP-ABE for formulae, unbounded DP-ABE for formulae, and DP-ABE for regular languages. The latter two systems are the first to realize such functionalities, let alone are fully secure

    Dynamically emergent gravity from hidden local Lorentz symmetry

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    Gravity can be regarded as a consequence of local Lorentz (LL) symmetry, which is essential in defining a spinor field in curved spacetime. The gravitational action may admit a zero-field limit of the metric and vierbein at a certain ultraviolet cutoff scale such that the action becomes a linear realization of the LL symmetry. Consequently, only three types of term are allowed in the four-dimensional gravitational action at the cutoff scale: a cosmological constant, a linear term of the LL field strength, and spinor kinetic terms, whose coefficients are in general arbitrary functions of LL and diffeomorphism invariants. In particular, all the kinetic terms are prohibited except for spinor fields, and hence the other fields are auxiliary. Their kinetic terms, including those of the LL gauge field and the vierbein, are induced by spinor loops simultaneously with the LL gauge field mass. The LL symmetry is necessarily broken spontaneously and hence is nothing but a hidden local symmetry, from which gravity is emergent.Comment: 7 pages; version accepted for publication in Phys. Lett. B; a table, footnotes, references, and comments adde
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