110 research outputs found

    Learning Attentive Pairwise Interaction for Fine-Grained Classification

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    Fine-grained classification is a challenging problem, due to subtle differences among highly-confused categories. Most approaches address this difficulty by learning discriminative representation of individual input image. On the other hand, humans can effectively identify contrastive clues by comparing image pairs. Inspired by this fact, this paper proposes a simple but effective Attentive Pairwise Interaction Network (API-Net), which can progressively recognize a pair of fine-grained images by interaction. Specifically, API-Net first learns a mutual feature vector to capture semantic differences in the input pair. It then compares this mutual vector with individual vectors to generate gates for each input image. These distinct gate vectors inherit mutual context on semantic differences, which allow API-Net to attentively capture contrastive clues by pairwise interaction between two images. Additionally, we train API-Net in an end-to-end manner with a score ranking regularization, which can further generalize API-Net by taking feature priorities into account. We conduct extensive experiments on five popular benchmarks in fine-grained classification. API-Net outperforms the recent SOTA methods, i.e., CUB-200-2011 (90.0%), Aircraft(93.9%), Stanford Cars (95.3%), Stanford Dogs (90.3%), and NABirds (88.1%).Comment: Accepted at AAAI-202

    CP3: Unifying Point Cloud Completion by Pretrain-Prompt-Predict Paradigm

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    Point cloud completion aims to predict complete shape from its partial observation. Current approaches mainly consist of generation and refinement stages in a coarse-to-fine style. However, the generation stage often lacks robustness to tackle different incomplete variations, while the refinement stage blindly recovers point clouds without the semantic awareness. To tackle these challenges, we unify point cloud Completion by a generic Pretrain-Prompt-Predict paradigm, namely CP3. Inspired by prompting approaches from NLP, we creatively reinterpret point cloud generation and refinement as the prompting and predicting stages, respectively. Then, we introduce a concise self-supervised pretraining stage before prompting. It can effectively increase robustness of point cloud generation, by an Incompletion-Of-Incompletion (IOI) pretext task. Moreover, we develop a novel Semantic Conditional Refinement (SCR) network at the predicting stage. It can discriminatively modulate multi-scale refinement with the guidance of semantics. Finally, extensive experiments demonstrate that our CP3 outperforms the state-of-the-art methods with a large margin

    Context-Transformer: Tackling Object Confusion for Few-Shot Detection

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    Few-shot object detection is a challenging but realistic scenario, where only a few annotated training images are available for training detectors. A popular approach to handle this problem is transfer learning, i.e., fine-tuning a detector pretrained on a source-domain benchmark. However, such transferred detector often fails to recognize new objects in the target domain, due to low data diversity of training samples. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel Context-Transformer within a concise deep transfer framework. Specifically, Context-Transformer can effectively leverage source-domain object knowledge as guidance, and automatically exploit contexts from only a few training images in the target domain. Subsequently, it can adaptively integrate these relational clues to enhance the discriminative power of detector, in order to reduce object confusion in few-shot scenarios. Moreover, Context-Transformer is flexibly embedded in the popular SSD-style detectors, which makes it a plug-and-play module for end-to-end few-shot learning. Finally, we evaluate Context-Transformer on the challenging settings of few-shot detection and incremental few-shot detection. The experimental results show that, our framework outperforms the recent state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: Accepted by AAAI-202

    PC-HMR: Pose Calibration for 3D Human Mesh Recovery from 2D Images/Videos

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    The end-to-end Human Mesh Recovery (HMR) approach has been successfully used for 3D body reconstruction. However, most HMR-based frameworks reconstruct human body by directly learning mesh parameters from images or videos, while lacking explicit guidance of 3D human pose in visual data. As a result, the generated mesh often exhibits incorrect pose for complex activities. To tackle this problem, we propose to exploit 3D pose to calibrate human mesh. Specifically, we develop two novel Pose Calibration frameworks, i.e., Serial PC-HMR and Parallel PC-HMR. By coupling advanced 3D pose estimators and HMR in a serial or parallel manner, these two frameworks can effectively correct human mesh with guidance of a concise pose calibration module. Furthermore, since the calibration module is designed via non-rigid pose transformation, our PC-HMR frameworks can flexibly tackle bone length variations to alleviate misplacement in the calibrated mesh. Finally, our frameworks are based on generic and complementary integration of data-driven learning and geometrical modeling. Via plug-and-play modules, they can be efficiently adapted for both image/video-based human mesh recovery. Additionally, they have no requirement of extra 3D pose annotations in the testing phase, which releases inference difficulties in practice. We perform extensive experiments on the popular bench-marks, i.e., Human3.6M, 3DPW and SURREAL, where our PC-HMR frameworks achieve the SOTA results.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. AAAI202

    Unmasked Teacher: Towards Training-Efficient Video Foundation Models

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    Video Foundation Models (VFMs) have received limited exploration due to high computational costs and data scarcity. Previous VFMs rely on Image Foundation Models (IFMs), which face challenges in transferring to the video domain. Although VideoMAE has trained a robust ViT from limited data, its low-level reconstruction poses convergence difficulties and conflicts with high-level cross-modal alignment. This paper proposes a training-efficient method for temporal-sensitive VFMs that integrates the benefits of existing methods. To increase data efficiency, we mask out most of the low-semantics video tokens, but selectively align the unmasked tokens with IFM, which serves as the UnMasked Teacher (UMT). By providing semantic guidance, our method enables faster convergence and multimodal friendliness. With a progressive pre-training framework, our model can handle various tasks including scene-related, temporal-related, and complex video-language understanding. Using only public sources for pre-training in 6 days on 32 A100 GPUs, our scratch-built ViT-L/16 achieves state-of-the-art performances on various video tasks. The code and models will be released at https://github.com/OpenGVLab/unmasked_teacher.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 28 table

    MM-3DScene: 3D Scene Understanding by Customizing Masked Modeling with Informative-Preserved Reconstruction and Self-Distilled Consistency

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    Masked Modeling (MM) has demonstrated widespread success in various vision challenges, by reconstructing masked visual patches. Yet, applying MM for large-scale 3D scenes remains an open problem due to the data sparsity and scene complexity. The conventional random masking paradigm used in 2D images often causes a high risk of ambiguity when recovering the masked region of 3D scenes. To this end, we propose a novel informative-preserved reconstruction, which explores local statistics to discover and preserve the representative structured points, effectively enhancing the pretext masking task for 3D scene understanding. Integrated with a progressive reconstruction manner, our method can concentrate on modeling regional geometry and enjoy less ambiguity for masked reconstruction. Besides, such scenes with progressive masking ratios can also serve to self-distill their intrinsic spatial consistency, requiring to learn the consistent representations from unmasked areas. By elegantly combining informative-preserved reconstruction on masked areas and consistency self-distillation from unmasked areas, a unified framework called MM-3DScene is yielded. We conduct comprehensive experiments on a host of downstream tasks. The consistent improvement (e.g., +6.1 [email protected] on object detection and +2.2% mIoU on semantic segmentation) demonstrates the superiority of our approach

    VideoMAE V2: Scaling Video Masked Autoencoders with Dual Masking

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    Scale is the primary factor for building a powerful foundation model that could well generalize to a variety of downstream tasks. However, it is still challenging to train video foundation models with billions of parameters. This paper shows that video masked autoencoder (VideoMAE) is a scalable and general self-supervised pre-trainer for building video foundation models. We scale the VideoMAE in both model and data with a core design. Specifically, we present a dual masking strategy for efficient pre-training, with an encoder operating on a subset of video tokens and a decoder processing another subset of video tokens. Although VideoMAE is very efficient due to high masking ratio in encoder, masking decoder can still further reduce the overall computational cost. This enables the efficient pre-training of billion-level models in video. We also use a progressive training paradigm that involves an initial pre-training on a diverse multi-sourced unlabeled dataset, followed by a post-pre-training on a mixed labeled dataset. Finally, we successfully train a video ViT model with a billion parameters, which achieves a new state-of-the-art performance on the datasets of Kinetics (90.0% on K400 and 89.9% on K600) and Something-Something (68.7% on V1 and 77.0% on V2). In addition, we extensively verify the pre-trained video ViT models on a variety of downstream tasks, demonstrating its effectiveness as a general video representation learner.Comment: CVPR 2023 camera-ready versio