755 research outputs found

    Computational molecular analysis of deleterious mutations in serum amyloid A3 gene in goats and cattle

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    Serum amyloid A3 (SAA3) protein found within caprine and bovine mammary epithelial cells is said to be important in disease conditions and tissue remodeling. The present investigation aimed at identifying deleterious non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) in SAA3 gene of goats and cattle using an in silico assay. Amino acid sequence data of the protein of goats and SNPs of cattle were retrieved from the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database. Bioinformatics prediction tools used for the detection of deleterious nsSNPs were PROVEAN, SIFT, PolyPhe-2 and PANTHER. A total of eleven nsSNPs were obtained from the aligned sequences of goats, out of which two variants (R123G and G126D) were predicted to be deleterious by three out of the four algorithms. However, in cattle, four out of the eleven nsSNPs were found to be harmful to the transcribed protein. The two mutants in goats and R114Q in cattle were also found to decrease protein stability. Further confirmatory analysis however, revealed that variant R123G was highly deleterious as there were marked differences between it and the native protein in terms of total free energy, stabilizing residues, ordered and disordered regions of protein and secondary structure prediction. Similarly, Cmutant (a combination of R123G and G126D mutations) in goats and Dmutant (a combination of S77R, Q84K, S103W and R114Q mutations) in cattle also appeared to distort SAA3 protein structural landscape and function. The present deleterious nsSNPs when validated using wet lab experimental protocols could be important biological markers for disease detection and therapy in goats and cattle.Keywords: protein, variant, prediction, marker, ruminant

    Regulation of Adrenergic and Imidazole Preferring Receptors in the Rabbit

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    The studies reported in this thesis were designed to investigate the effects of chronic adrenoceptor drug treatment on central and peripheral alpha2-adrenoceptor number in the rabbit. In addition, functional studies were carried out using the central depressor response to clonidine injection and vascular pressor response to bolus doses of alpha-methylnoradrenaline injection to examine central and peripheral responses, respectively. The effects of chronic adrenergic drug treatment on alpha- and beta-adrenoceptor number were examined in rabbit forebrain and hindbrain membranes and were compared with the effects in the periphery (kidney membranes) where appropriate. Also changes in receptor number were then compared with functional changes. In preliminary experiments, it was observed that [3H]yohimbine and [3H] idazoxan which have been described as alpha2-adrenoceptor ligands bind to the tissues used in these studies with different characteristics. This observation led to detailed examination and characterization of these binding sites (chapter three). The displacement of these ligands from their binding sites by a range of adrenergic drugs was examined. It was found that [3H]yohimbine bound to alpha2-receptors while [3H]idazoxan in addition to binding at alph2-receptors bound principally to a non-adrenergic site. In chapter four, the effects of chronic treatment with the alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonists yohimbine and idazoxan on alpha2-adrenergic receptors were examined and compared with effects on the non-adrenergic site labelled by [3H] idazoxan. Functional changes occurring as a result of these treatments were also examined. Chronic yohimbine and idazoxan treatments significantly attenuated both vascular pressor responses to alpha-methylnoradrenaline bolus doses and the central depressor response to intracisternal clonidine. Yohimbine treatment significantly elevated [3H]yohimbine binding to both forebrain and hindbrain but reduced [3H]idazoxan binding to kidney membranes with no change in the brain. Idazoxan treatment significantly increased [3H] yohimbine binding to the forebrain and decreased [3H]idazoxan binding to the kidney. In chapter five, the effects of chronic amitriptyline treatment either alone or in combination with idazoxan or yohimbine on alpha2-adrenergic and non-adrenergic binding sites along with effects on beta-adrenoceptor number were studied. Increasing catecholamine concentrations in the brain indirectly by chronic amitriptyline administration, significantly reduced [3H]yohimbine binding to the hindbrain but not the forebram. [3H] Idazoxan binding sites were not significantly affected by this treatment. Neither treatment with amitriptyline alone nor when combined with alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonists had any significant effects on the number of [3H]dihydroalprenolol ([3H]DHA) binding sites. Chapter six examined the effects of direct infusion of catecholamines into the rabbit brain via intracerebroventricular infusion. Neither adrenaline nor noradrenaline had any significant effect on [3H]DHA or [3H]yohimbine binding sites although chronic adrenaline but not noradrenaline infusion significantly attenuated the depressor response to clonidine injection. Adrenaline infusion significantly reduced [3H]idazoxan binding to the right cerebrum. Chapter seven studied effects of chronic guanabenz infusion on both number and function of alpha2-adrenoceptors. Chronic infusion with the alpha2-adrenoceptor agonist guanabenz significantly reduced [3H] yohimbine binding to both forebrain and hindbrain although no changes in kidney membranes were observed, while the number of [3H]idazoxan binding site in the kidney but not the forebrain or hindbrain was significantly reduced. Both the depressor and pressor responses to clonidine and alpha-methylnoradrenaline respectively were significantly attenuated by this treatment. Chapter eight was aimed at bringing all the results in this thesis together, making comparisons, drawing conclusions and making proposals for future studies. In this thesis it was observed that agonists can cause down regulation and antagonists up-regulation of the [3H] yohimbine binding site. Finally, no changes in beta-adrenoceptor number were observed in the rabbit brain during either catecholamine or amitriptyline treatments. This contrasts with observations in rat brain and reports of changes in beta-adrenoceptor number during catecholamine infusion into the periphery of rabbits. Small subtype changes may have occurred which were not detected, or alternatively, beta-adrenoceptors in rabbit brain are relatively resistant to down-regulation

    Subcutaneous Sarcoidosis in a Nigerian female

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    Sarcoidosis is relatively uncommon in indigenous black Africans, especially along the West African coast. There has not been any report of isolated cutaneous sarcoidosis from our center. We present a patient who was reviewed with an isolated ganglion-like subcutaneous swelling on the ankle region. Excision biopsy revealed a non caseating granulomatous lesion. Systemic evaluation was not remarkable and the lesion was negative for tuberculosis and fungi. The operative wound healed with the use of of a combination therapy with oral chloroquine, prednisolone, and methotrexate. We conclude that cutenous sarcoidosis can occur in the absence of systemic disease and definitive diagnosis is by histological finding of a non caseating granuloma, when other potential causes such as tuberculosis are excluded

    Determinants of female labour force participation in South Africa in 2008

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    Magister Scientiae - MScThis study employs the Human Capital Theory (HCT), which postulates that the education of women is positively related to the likelihood of their labour force participation, in order to investigate quarterly dynamics in the labour force. This approach is an advancement of knowledge gained from previous studies such as Serumanga-Zake and Kotze (2004) and Ntuli (2004) who investigated the annual dynamics in FLFP. Investigating quarterly dynamics in FLFP is prudent as the market economy is very dynamic particularly at a point when the world economy is experiencing recession. Data for the study are extracted from the 2008 Quarterly Labour Force Survey conducted by Statistics South Africa. Logistic regression analysis modeling was employed with the dependent variable, FLFP, as a binary outcome. Other variables controlled in the analysis are gender, population group, age, marital status, education status, sector, main industry, main occupation and province. The results show that there is association between education status and FLFP status. Findings from this research are expected to contribute to the knowledge about trends in FLFP in South Africa and aid in planning of interventions aimed at improving the status of women as one of the critical steps in achieving the Millennium Development Goals.South Afric

    Livestock: An alternative mosquito control measure

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    A survey was conducted to investigate the indigenous methods or measures adopted by urban livestock owners in the control of mosquito in Sokoto metropolis. Fifty (50) respondents who were engaged in urban livestock production were conveniently sampled, In addition, five (5) locations (Sidi farm, Kara market, Sokoto Cinema, Gidan Ashana, U/Rogo) where animals were kept overnight in large flocks/herds were purposively selected. Data was collected on size and type of animal kept, methods of mosquito control, strategies for eliminating breeding sites, methods of protecting animals from mosquito bite etc. Descriptive statistics and chi-square test was used to analyse the data collected. Results showed that the majority of the respondents raised cattle, goats and sheep due to economic benefit obtained from them. Respondents were small scale cattle and average goat and sheep farmers that generally kept their animals tethered at night. It was observed that the population density of mosquitoes was higher in the animal pen than the human room and among the preventive measures employed by the respondents, most used smoke to repel mosquitoes from both animal pen and human room. It can therefore be concluded that there exists a link between human and livestock population particularly in diverting the vector host (mosquito) away from the humans. The livestock are prevented from mosquito bite by smoke, spray and clean environment

    Automation and Modernization of Meteorological Observation Network in Nigeria

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    In Nigeria the beginning of automation of meteorological parameters was dated back to 1998 when five Automatic Weather Observation Systems (AWOSs) were installed at different locations. Unfortunately we were unable to sustain those equipment due to low literacy level of most operational staff available at the time of implementation. The Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) is making frantic efforts to ensure provision of timely and accurate Weather Information through acquisition of weather monitoring systems and training of technical and operational personnel on data capturing and data dissemination systems. In year 2006, NIMET embarked on installation of Automated Weather Observing Systems at four international airports namely Abuja, Lagos, Kano and Port Harcourt respectively. In 2009 additional Aviation Automated Weather Observing Systems (AWOS) at six other Airports such as Ilorin, Enugu, Owerri, Calabar, Katsina and Maiduguri were installed. Today, all synoptic stations in various location in Nigeria have AWOS installed. Keywords: Automatic Weather Observation Systems, Environment, Nigerian Meteorological Agency, Observatio

    Determinants of Non Alcoholic Beverages (NAB) Consumption in North-Western Nigeria: A study of Sokoto Metropolis

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    Non alcoholic beverages (NAB) consumption in Nigeria has been steadily increasing over the years to the point where nearly half of the populace are consumers of these products. This study seeks to determine the role played by socioeconomic characteristics in driving consumption of some selected NABs particularly juice and carbonated soda in Sokoto metropolis of Nigeria. To adequately capture the variables of interest, specifically, location and ethnicity variables, the metropolis was grouped into four clusters, namely Peri-urban, Sokoto main, G R As, and Resident community. In each of the clusters one hundred households were randomly selected to arrive at a sample size of four hundred households. Descriptive, OLSMR and probit analytical tools were used to analyse the data collected. The results shows that about 59% and 71% of the respondents consumed juice and soda respectively while the per capita consumption of juice was slightly higher than that of soda which were 7.57 and 7.32 litres respectively. Household sizes, education and economic status of the household heads play a significant role in determining the consumption level of both juice and soda. While gender and location significantly affected the respective consumption of juice and soda in the metropolis. In both cases gender and household sizes where negative while the rest where positive. The probit analysis showed that age and household sizes negatively affected the probability of both juice and soda consumption, while education and economic status of the household heads positively determined the probability of consumption of the two beverages in the metropolis. Finally, while gender has a negative effect on the probability of juice consumption, ethnicity of the household heads played a positive role in the consumption probability of soda beverages. The study concluded that an improvement in the consumption of NABs in the metropolis requires policies aimed at encouraging the citizenry to have a smaller family size, sound education and raising their real incomes. While the manufacturers should be encouraged to fortify their carbonated drinks with nutrients.Keywords: Juice, Soda, Sokoto metropolis, Probit, OLSMR, Consumptio

    Determinants of female labour force participation in South Africa in 2008

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    Magister Scientiae - MScThis study employs the Human Capital Theory (HCT), which postulates that the education of women is positively related to the likelihood of their labour force participation, in order to investigate quarterly dynamics in the labour force. This approach is an advancement of knowledge gained from previous studies such as Serumanga-Zake and Kotze (2004) and Ntuli (2004) who investigated the annual dynamics in FLFP. Investigating quarterly dynamics in FLFP is prudent as the market economy is very dynamic particularly at a point when the world economy is experiencing recession. Data for the study are extracted from the 2008 Quarterly Labour Force Survey conducted by Statistics South Africa. Logistic regression analysis modeling was employed with the dependent variable, FLFP, as a binary outcome. Other variables controlled in the analysis are gender, population group, age, marital status, education status, sector, main industry, main occupation and province. The results show that there is association between education status and FLFP status. Findings from this research are expected to contribute to the knowledge about trends in FLFP in South Africa and aid in planning of interventions aimed at improving the status of women as one of the critical steps in achieving the Millennium Development Goals.South Afric

    Development of black coating on filtering media and its effect on filter performance at Kpong headworks of Ghana

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    Kpong water Treatment plant is one of the two major Water treatment plants supplying the Accra/ Tema Metropolitan areas. The filtering media at Kpong water works has been observed to develop a black coating after three to four years of commissioning. This appearance results in more water than necessary being used for backwashing the filters. The source and toxicity of the black coating material as well as the possibility of it leaching into the treated water have not been determined. The main objective of this study was to characterize and investigate the development of black coating on the Kpong filtering media and its effect on the filter performance. Another focus of the study was to conduct water quality analysis of effluents from the riparian industries, and the raw water at strategic points within the study area in order to trace the source of the black coating material. The effect of the black coating on filter performance with respect to iron removal was investigated using a laboratory based batch reactor. The study showed the chemical components of the black coating of the Kpong filter media to be mainly iron, manganese, sulphates and sulphides. Other components like copper, lead, mercury occurred in trace concentrations. The blackening of the filter media at Kpong is probably due to occurrence of iron sulphates and sulphides, hydroxides and / oxides of iron and manganese ions in the raw water. The black coating has a limiting effect on the iron removal capacity of the coated (Kpong) filter media. The adsorption phenomenon on the coated media of the Volta River Authority and the fresh filter media was mainly chemisorption.Keywords: Filter media, black coating, filter performance, iro

    Industrial Output Response to Inflation and Exchange Rate in Nigeria: An Empirical Analysis

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    This study investigates the response of aggregate industrial output to relative change in prices and exchange ratein Nigeria using data from 1970- 2011. A vector error correction (VEC) model was employed and the dynamiccorrelations of the variables have been captured by the analyses of impulse response and variancedecomposition. The response of industrial output to the shock to exchange rate was significantly positive morespecifically in the initial years, while shock to prices changes, the industrial output responds negatively althoughwith small magnitude at the beginning. From variance decomposition; the study shows that although the mainsource of variance in output are own shocks, innovation in the exchange rate account for a higher proportion inthe variation of industrial output than that of prices. The study concludes that inflation and exchange rate has thepotentials of causing significant changes in industrial output in Nigeria. This study therefore suggests that morepolicy attention should be given to proper management of the exchange rate and inflation.Keywords: Industrial output, exchange rate, inflation, VEC mode