24 research outputs found

    Seismic Exploration Using Active Sources at Kuchierabujima Volcano, Southwest Japan

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    Seismic exploration using artificial sources was conducted at Kuchierabujima volcano, southwest Japan in November 2004 by 40 participants from 9 national universities andJapan Meteorological Agency to investigate the subsurface seismic structure. The exploration was the 11th joint experiment under the National Project for Prediction of Volcanic Eruptions. A total of 183 temporal stations equippedwith a 2 Hz vertical component seismometer (including 75 3component seismometers) and a portable data logger were deployed on Kuchierabu Island. Dynamite shots with charges of 10-115 kg were detonated at 19 locations, and seismic signals were successfully recorded. To reveal the P-wave velocity structure, 2955 arrival times of the first motion were picked from the seismograms, and 2187 were classified into ranks A and B. From the record sections and the arrival time data, characteristics reflecting the geological structure were identified. Refracted waves of 5 km/s were observed at stations>5km from the shot points. Apparent velocities near the shot points depend on the surface geology around the shots. P-wave arrived earlier at stations near the summits. Strongly scattered waves were observed similarly near the summits

    Seismic exploration at Fuji volcano with active sources : The outline of the experiment and the arrival time data

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    Fuji volcano (altitude 3,776m) is the largest basaltic stratovolcano in Japan. In late August and early September 2003, seismic exploration was conducted around Fuji volcano by the detonation of 500 kg charges of dynamite to investigate the seismic structure of that area. Seismographs with an eigenfrequency of 2 Hz were used for observation, positioned along a WSW-ENE line passing through the summit of the mountain. A total of 469 seismic stations were installed at intervals of 250-500 m. The data were stored in memory on-site using data loggers. The sampling interval was 4 ms. Charges were detonated at 5 points, one at each end of the observation line and 3 along its length. The first arrival times and the later-phase arrival times at each station for each detonation were recorded as data. P-wave velocities in the surface layer were estimated from the travel time curves near the explosion points, with results of 2.5 km/s obtained for the vicinity of Fuji volcano and 4.0 km5/s elsewhere

    Stress field in northeastern Japan and its relationship with faults of recent earthquakes

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    Abstract Inversion tectonics, in which old normal faults act as reverse faults in current stress fields, are frequently observed in northeastern Japan (Tohoku District); however, the conditions that control these fault activities remain unclear. To improve the identification of faults that are more favorable to slip under current stress conditions, the regional fault mechanisms in the Tohoku District must be better understood. The stress field in the Tohoku District and the likelihood of fault activities were thus estimated using slip tendency (ST) analysis. The results show that in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea (EMJS), the reverse fault type is dominant in the stress field. The maximum horizontal direction changes clockwise from E–W to NW–SE from the northern to the southern regions and counterclockwise from NW–SE to E–W from the Japan Sea to the inland area. In the Tohoku inland area, the estimated direction of the maximum horizontal axis changed after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, from E–W to WNW–ESE. ST values were calculated for seven events in the EMJS area. To avoid the influence of the Tohoku-Oki earthquake, only stress field data prior to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake were used to determine ST values for four of the events in the Tohoku inland area. The results showed eastward-dipping fault planes with low dip angles (approximately 30°–45°) and large ST values (approximately > 0.7). The large ST values indicate that the stress field fault is favorable to slip and the results were consistent with the actual fault plane in the EMJS area. However, in the Tohoku inland area and the southern part of fault model of the 1993 Hokkaido Nansei-Oki earthquake, fault planes with large ST values were found to be inconsistent with the slipped fault plane, thus indicating that slipping was unfavorable. The regional differences are consistent with the volcano distribution and thus, the fluid supply from volcanic activity may have helped the fault slip under difficult stress conditions. Graphical Abstrac

    Focal mechanisms and the stress field in the aftershock area of the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake (M-JMA=6.7)

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    The tectonic stress field was investigated in and around the aftershock area of the Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake (M-JMA = 6.7) occurred on 6 September 2018. We deployed 26 temporary seismic stations in the aftershock area for approximately 2 months and located 1785 aftershocks precisely. Among these aftershocks, 894 focal mechanism solutions were determined using the first-motion polarity of P wave from the temporary observation and the permanent seismic networks of Hokkaido University, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), and High Sensitivity Seismograph Network Japan (Hi-net). We found that (1) the reverse faulting and the strike-slip faulting are dominant in the aftershock area, (2) the average trend of P- and T-axes is 78 degrees +/- 33 degrees and 352 degrees +/- 51 degrees, respectively, and (3) the average plunge of P- and T-axes is 25 degrees +/- 16 degrees and 44 degrees +/- 20 degrees, respectively: the P-axis is close to be horizontal and the T-axis is more vertical than the average of the P-axes. We applied a stress inversion method to the focal mechanism solutions to estimate a stress field in the aftershock area. As a result, we found that the reverse fault type stress field is dominant in the aftershock area. An axis of the maximum principal stress (sigma(1)) has the trend of 72 degrees +/- 7 degrees and the dipping eastward of 19 degrees +/- 4 degrees and an axis of the intermediate principal stress (sigma(2)) has the trend of 131 degrees +/- 73 degrees and the dipping southward of 10 degrees +/- 9 degrees, indicating that both of sigma(1)- and sigma(2)-axes are close to be horizontal. An axis of the minimum principal stress (sigma(3)) has the dipping westward of 67 degrees +/- 6 degrees that is close to be vertical. The results strongly suggest that the reverse-fault-type stress field is predominant as an average over the aftershock area which is in the western boundary of the Hidaka Collision Zone. The average of the stress ratio R = (sigma(1) - sigma(2))/(sigma(1) - sigma(3)) is 0.61 +/- 0.13 in the whole aftershock area. Although not statistically significant, we suggest that R decreases systematically as the depth is getting deep, which is modeled by a quadratic polynomial of depth