667 research outputs found

    Ammonium inhibition of nitrate uptake by phytoplankton: A new relation based on similarity and hyperbolicity

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    A theoretical formulation based on the properties of similarity and hyperbolicity is given for ammonium inhibition of nitrate uptake by phytoplankton. It leads to a new kinetic relation for ammonium inhibition, which is found to represent the data of nitrogen kinetics experiments of McCarthy et al. in the northwest Indian Ocean more accurately than the earlier relations of Wroblewski and O'Neill et al. Analysis of the ƒ-ratio (new production/the sum of new and regenerated production) implied by the three relations shows that there is a qualitative difference among the three. The relation of Wroblewski tends to underestimate the new production, while that of O'Neill et al. tends to overestimate it

    Leptogenesis with Left-Right domain walls

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    The presence of domain walls separating regions of unbroken SU(2)LSU(2)_L and SU(2)RSU(2)_R is shown to provide necessary conditions for leptogenesis which converts later to the observed Baryon aymmetry. The strength of lepton number violation is related to the majorana neutrino mass and hence related to current bounds on light neutrino masses. Thus the observed neutrino masses and the Baryon asymmetry can be used to constrain the scale of Left-Right symmetry breaking.Comment: References added, To appear in Praman

    Tunneling decay of false vortices

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    We consider the decay of vortices trapped in the false vacuum of a theory of scalar electrodynamics in 2+1 dimensions. The potential is inspired by models with intermediate symmetry breaking to a metastable vacuum that completely breaks a U(1) symmetry, while in the true vacuum the symmetry is unbroken. The false vacuum is unstable through the formation of true vacuum bubbles; however, the rate of decay can be extremely long. On the other hand, the false vacuum can contain metastable vortex solutions. These vortices contain the true vacuum inside in addition to a unit of magnetic flux and the appropriate topologically nontrivial false vacuum outside. We numerically establish the existence of vortex solutions which are classically stable; however, they can decay via tunneling. In general terms, they tunnel to a configuration which is a large, thin-walled vortex configuration that is now classically unstable to the expansion of its radius. We compute an estimate for the tunneling amplitude in the semi-classical approximation. We believe our analysis would be relevant to superconducting thin films or superfluids.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    The Battle of the Bulge: Decay of the Thin, False Cosmic String

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    We consider the decay of cosmic strings that are trapped in the false vacuum in a theory of scalar electrodynamics in 3+1 dimensions. We restrict our analysis to the case of thin-walled cosmic strings which occur when large magnetic flux trapped inside the string. Thus the string looks like a tube of fixed radius, at which it is classically stable. The core of the string contains magnetic flux in the true vacuum, while outside the string, separated by a thin wall, is the false vacuum. The string decays by tunnelling to a configuration which is represented by a bulge, where the region of true vacuum within, is ostensibly enlarged. The bulge can be described as the meeting, of a kink soliton anti-soliton pair, along the length of the string. It can be described as a bulge appearing in the initial string, starting from the string of small, classically stable radius, expanding to a fat string of large, classically unstable (to expansion) radius and then returning back to the string of small radius along its length. This configuration is the bounce point of a corresponding O(2) symmetric instanton, which we can determine numerically. Once the bulge appears it explodes in real time. The kink soliton anti-soliton pair recede from each other along the length of the string with a velocity that quickly approaches the speed of light, leaving behind a fat tube. At the same time the radius of the fat tube that is being formed, expands (transversely) as it is no longer classically stable, converting false vacuum to the true vacuum with ever diluting magnetic field within. The rate of this expansion is determined by the energy difference between the true vacuum and the false vacuum. Our analysis could be applied to a network, of cosmic strings formed in the very early universe or vortex lines in a superheated superconductor.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking and the cosmology of Left-Right symmetric model

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    Left-Right symmetry including supersymmetry presents an important class of gauge models which may possess natural solutions to many issues of phenomenology. Cosmology of such models indicates a phase transition accompanied by domain walls. Such walls must be unstable in order to not conflict with standard cosmology, and can further be shown to assist with open issues of cosmology such as dilution of unwanted relic densities and leptogenesis. In this paper we construct a model of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking in which parity breaking is also signalled along with supersymmetry breaking and so as to be consistent with cosmological requirements. It is shown that addressing all the stated cosmological issues requires an extent of fine tuning, while in the absence of fine tuning, leptogenesis accompanying successful completion of the phase transition is still viable

    A coupled physical-biological-chemical model for the Indian Ocean

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    A coupled physical-biological-chemical model has been developed at C-MMACS. for studying the time-variation of primary productivity and air-sea carbon-dioxide exchange in the Indian Ocean. The physical model is based on the Modular Ocean Model, Version 2 (MOM2) and the biological model describes the nonlinear dynamics of a 7-component marine ecosystem. The chemical model includes dynamical equation for the evolution of dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity. The interaction between the biological and chemical model is through the Redfield ratio. The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) of the surface layer is obtained from the chemical equilibrium equations of Penget al 1987. Transfer coefficients for air-sea exchange of CO2 are computed dynamically based on the wind speeds. The coupled model reproduces the high productivity observed in the Arabian Sea off the Somali and Omani coasts during the Southwest (SW) monsoon. The entire Arabian Sea is an outgassing region for CO2 in spite of high productivity with transfer rates as high as 80 m-mol C/m2 /day during SW monsoon near the Somali Coast on account of strong winds

    Fate of the false monopoles: induced vacuum decay

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    We study a gauge theory model where there is an intermediate symmetry breaking to a meta- stable vacuum that breaks a simple gauge group to a U (1) factor. Such models admit the existence of meta-stable magnetic monopoles, which we dub false monopoles. We prove the existence of these monopoles in the thin wall approximation. We determine the instantons for the collective coordinate that corresponds to the radius of the monopole wall and we calculate the semi-classical tunneling rate for the decay of these monopoles. The monopole decay consequently triggers the decay of the false vacuum. As the monopole mass is increased, we find an enhanced rate of decay of the false vacuum relative to the celebrated homogeneous tunneling rate due to Coleman [1].Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure