1,123 research outputs found

    Anticipated Impact of In-Car Mobile Calls on the Electromagnetic Interaction of Handset Antenna and Human

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    This paper investigates the impact of the in-car mobile call on the electromagnetic interaction of the mobile handset antenna and user’s head. This impact was evaluated from two different perspectives; First, the antenna performance, e.g., total isotropic sensitivity and total efficiency, and second, the specific absorption rate (SAR) induced in the user's head. A Yee-FDTD based electromagnetic solver was used to simulate a mobile phone in hand close proximity to head at cheek and tilt positions, and working at a frequency of 1900 MHz (GSM 1900/PCS) while making a call inside a car. A Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin (SAM) was used to simulate the user’s head, a generic phone was used to simulate the mobile phone, a semi-realistic model with three tissues, i.e., skin, bone and muscle, was used to simulate the user’s hand, and a CAD model of Ferrari F430-brand was used to simulate the car. The results showed a considerable degradation in the mobile phone antenna performance while making a mobile phone call inside a car that may drive the mobile phone increases its radiated power to establish a successful connection with the base-station antenna, and consequently increases the induced specific absorption rate in the user’s head

    Introductory Chapter: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

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    ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengatasi masalah belajar yang dihadapi oleh siswa SMK Prapanca 2 Surabaya dalam mata pelajaran teknik produksi dan penyiaran program pertelevisian dengan mengembangkan media modul pembelajaran. Media modul merupakan media yang fleksibel yang dapat digunakan dalam proses belajar konvensioanal maupun belajar mandiri. Mengingat materi mengoperasikan kamera foto yang merupakan materi dasar fotografi dalam pelajaran teknik produksi dan penyiaran program pertelevisian untuk itulah media modul diperlukan untuk solusi dari permasalahan belajar pada mata pelajaran teknik produksi dan penyiaran program pertelevisian untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas XII di SMK Prapanca 2 Surabaya.Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model pengembangan Research and Development (R&D) dengan jenis data yang digunakan dalam pengembangan ini yaitu data kualitatif dan kuantitatif, yang didapat berdasarkan hasil wawancara kepada ahli media ,materi, dan ahli pembelajaran, wawancara diberikan untuk uji coba perorangan, kelompok kecil, dan kelompok besar.Dari semua aspek reviewer ahli materi mendapatkan nilai hitung sebanyak 84,5 termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. aspek reviewer ahli media mendapatkan nilai hitung sebanyak 84,8 yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Data yang didapat pada uji coba satu-satu sebanyak 2 siswa, bahwa dari semua aspek angket untuk siswa mendapatkan nilai sebanyak 89,3. Sedangkan data yang didapat pada uji coba kelompok kecil sebanyak 10 siswa, bahwa dari semua aspek angket untuk siswa mendapatkan nilai sebanyak 84,3. Selanjutnya untuk mengetahui keefektifan media pembelajaran animasi pengembang menggunakan uji-t dengan d.b = N-1 = 42-1 = 41 dengan taraf kesalahan 5% (0,05),Maka dapat diketahui bahwa t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel dengan perbandingan angka (t hitung = 14,37> t tabel = 2,019).Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran modul pada siswa kelas XII SMK Prapanca 2 Surabaya siswa mengalami peningkatan hasil belajar secara signifikan pada materi gambar bentuk. Kata kunci : Pengembangan, Modul, teknik produksi dan penyiaran program pertelevisian, mengoperasikan kamera foto ABSTRACT The purpose of this research study is to overcome the learning problems faced by vocational students Prapanca 2 Surabaya in subjects production techniques and broadcasting of television programs by developing media learning modules. Media module is a flexible media that can be used in the process of learning konvensional and self-learning. Considering the material operate the camera images which is the basic material of photography in learning production techniques and broadcasting program of television for that media module is required for the solution of problems of learning on the subjects of production techniques and broadcasting program of television to improve the learning outcomes of students of class XII of SMK Prapanca 2 Surabaya.The development model used is a model development Research and Development (R & D) with the type of data used in this development is qualitative and quantitative data.The method of data collection used are observation, documentation, interviews and tests. Of all aspects of the expert reviewer of material to get as many as 84.5 the calculated value is included in the excellent category. The collected data in the experiment one-on-one as many as 2 students, that of all the aspects of the questionnaire to students to get value as 89.3. While the data obtained in the experiment a small group of 10 students, that of all the aspects of the questionnaire to students to get value as 84.3. Furthermore, to determine the effectiveness of an animated instructional media developers use T-test with d.b = N-1 = 42-1 = 41 with level error 5% (0,05), then get 2,019and 14,37 . Therefore greather than that is 14,37 > 2,019. Therefore we can conclude that the use of instructional media modules in class XII SMK Prapanca 2 Surabaya learning results of students has increased significantly in material form an image.Keywords: Development, Modules, engineering production and broadcasting of television programs, operate the camera photo

    Damage Control in Liver Surgery

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    Damage control surgery is an old type of surgery practiced for many years to save the lives of badly injured patients. Damage control was first practiced in the American navy where a damaged vessel would receive minimal repair to keep it afloat. This translates to the field of medicine where minimal surgery is performed to save the life of a patient, and minimal action is taken to avoid major ailments, including hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulation defects during major trauma. Before World War II damage control surgery was popular, but later this type of surgery was abandoned. However, with a better understanding of the physiology of trauma and a revision of the outcome of badly injured patients, surgeons have reverted to damage control surgery, for example the packing of bleeding organs such as the liver and the controlling of sepsis, rather than taking patients to intensive care for further assessment. Damage control surgery has many benefits for badly injured patients and improves their chances of survival

    Use of Intraoperative Ultrasound (IOUS) in Liver Surgery

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    Over the last many years, diagnostic imaging has grown from a state of infancy to a high level of maturity. The various imaging modalities were developed over the last 50 years. Ultrasonography is one of the valuable tools in diagnosis of many diseases for a long time. It replaced X-ray in the diagnosis of many different diseases. It is noninvasive and has no complications if used many times in the day even if it is safe during pregnancy. The use of ultrasonography was spread over the years in all branches of medicine. It is promptly used in emergency medicine. Its use was introduced during operations. It showed excellent results when used for the assessment of liver tumors either primary or secondary liver tumors during open surgery and laparoscopy. The use of high-frequency ultrasound probe intraoperatively will nullify the abdominal wall and bowel gas effects on the result

    Tissue-like P system for Segmentation of 2D Hexagonal Images

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    Membrane computing, which is a new computational model inspired by the structure and functioning of biological cells and by the way the cells are organized in tissues. MC has been adopted in many real world applications including image segmentation. In contrast to the traditional square grid for representing and sampling digital images, hexagonal grid is an alternative efficient mechanism which can better represents and visualizes the curved objects. In this paper, a tissue-like P system with region-based and edge-based segmentation is used to segment two dimensional hexagonal images, wherein P-Lingua programming language is used to implement and validate the proposed system. The achieved experimental results clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of using hexagonal connectivity to segment two dimensional images in a less number of rules and computational steps. Moreover, the results reveal that this approach has the potential of segmenting large images in few number of steps

    Automatic 2d image segmentation using tissue-like p system

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    This paper uses P-Lingua, a standard programming language that is designed specifically for P systems, to automatically simulate the region-based segmentation of 2D images. P-Lingua, which is based on membrane computing, links to Java Netbeans using the PLinguaCore4 Java library to automatically codify the pixels of the input image as long as automatically draw the output segmented image. Many methods have been suggested previously and used for artificial image segmentation, but to the best of our knowledge, none of those techniques were automatic, where the image was codified manually and the visualization of the output image was done manually in the tissue simulator which takes time and effort, especially when dealing with large images in the system. Two types of pixel adjacency have been utilized in this paper, namely; 4-adjacency and 8-adjacency. The jacquard index method has been used to measure the accuracy of the segmentation. The results of the proposed method demonstrated that beside its ability to automatically segmenting 2D images with arbitrary sizes, it is more efficient and faster than the tissue simulator tool, since the latter needs the input image to be codified manually pixel by pixel which makes it impractical for real-world applications

    High-Performance Ultra-Compact Dual-Band Bandpass Filter for Global System for Mobile Communication-850/Global System for Mobile Communication-1900 Applications

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    This work presents a novel microstrip dual-band bandpass filter (BPF) using meandros spirals and patch cells, which is proposed for the first time by this work. It occupies a very compact size of 0.0017 λg2. The proposed filter is designed to operate at Fo1=0.85 GHz and Fo2=1.85 GHz for GSM-850/GSM-1900 applications. In addition to the small size, it has several advantages in terms of wide fractional bandwidths (FBW), low insertion losses and high return losses at both channels. The simulated insertion losses at the lower and upper passbands are 0.05 dB and 0.1 dB, respectively. Another advantage of the proposed BPF of this work is the attenuated harmonics, where it is able to suppress 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th harmonics (4.11 Fo1) with -20 dB maximum harmonic level

    An Area-efficient Microstrip Diplexer with a Novel Structure and Low Group Delay for Microwave Wireless Applications

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    In this work, a novel structure of a microstrip diplexer consisting of coupled patch cells is presented. It works at 2.5 GHz and 4.7 GHz for wireless applications. The proposed structure is well miniaturized with a compact area of 0.015 λg2, fabricated on 0.787 mm substrate height. It has two wide fractional bandwidths (FBWs) of 28% and 17.9% at the lower and upper channels, respectively. Another feature of the proposed design is the low group delays, which are better than 0.4 ns for both channels. Moreover, the designed diplexer can suppress the harmonics up to 10 GHz. Meanwhile, the insertion losses at both channels are low. The design method is based on proposing an approximated equivalent LC circuit of a novel basic resonator. The information about the resonator behavior is extracted from the even and odd modes analysis of the proposed equivalent LC circuit. Finally, our introduced diplexer is fabricated and measured to verify the simulation results, where the simulated and measured results are in good agreement

    A Review on the Structure, Application and Performance of the Passive Microstrip Devices

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    Microstrip technology is widely applied for design and implementation of several communication devices such as filters, diplexers, triplexers, multiplexers, couplers, etc. They are utilized to isolate desired signals and remove disturbing signals. The layout of filters, diplexers and triplexers have two, three and four ports, respectively. Passive filters have at least one pass channel, whereas diplexers have at least two channels to transmit the desired signal, and multiplexers have more passbands with more channels. In order to implement the passive components, first a cell called resonator must be designed. Creativity is very important in resonator design. It must be small and novel to get a better device than previous works. Therefore, the layout of previous reported resonator, used in passive microstrip devices, are studied in this work. There is a fierce competition among designers to miniaturize and increase the device performance. Hence we will investigate them, from the point of view size and performance, in this work. Some diplexers are multi-channel, which are more difficult to design than two-channel diplexers. Therefore, the multi-channel diplexers are less reported than the two-channel diplexers. The design of multiplexers is also very difficult because several channels must be controlled. Hence, they are less designed than filters and diplexers. The diplexers can be bandpass-bandpass or lowpass-bandpass, where the latest is less designed. This is because designing a lowpass-bandpass diplexer needs lowpass and bandpass resonators, whereas the design of a bandpass-bandpass diplexer needs only a bandpass resonator
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