940 research outputs found

    Interpretation of Jihad in the Qur`an

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    There are a lot of meanings given by the experts about jihad. In board outline,jihad means the war against the enemies, the exertion of every capability andevery power as well as the upholding of the truth. In the contemporary context,jihad means an intensive effort of one or a group for the public purpose that couldimprove a certain realm in a certain region, such as the elimination of terrorismand the abolition of poverty in Indonesia. The context of jihad in the Qur`anverses even one verse does not point deliberately to the war with the exception ofa country is colonized or it is under attack. It neither points to the violence nor theterrorism. The research of this article is intended to strengthen the meaning ofjihad due to various sorts of terrorism that happen in Indonesia, as a result of theinquiry and the case trial in court conducted to the perpetrators, they areoccasionally influenced with jihad doctrine and revenge versus forgiveness. Inanother part, the psychological indications such as frustration, disappointment,injustice, anger versus empathy are the factors that lead to their violent acts too.Unfortunately, the terrorism is propagated in various regions that are made asthe basic training camps. The research of this article depicts the meaning of Jihadbased on the Qur`an. The data for completing this work is based on the classicmanuscripts and the contemporary viewpoints. The research of this work is alsointended to stress on the denial of terrorism in the Qur`an. In academic value, theresearch of this work is expected to be useful to develop the contemporaryperspectives of jihad

    Deteksi Brugia Malayi Pada Armigeres Subalbatus Dan Culex Quinquefasciatusyang Diinfeksikan Darah Penderita Filariasis Dengan Metode PCR

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    . Pemayungdistricts, Batanghari regency of Jambi province classified as filariasis endemic areas in Jambi province since the Mf rate reached 1.5% in 2011. A study was conducted to identify Brugia malayi on experimentally infected Ar. subalbatus and Cx. quinquefasciatus. An experimental study was performed with completely randomized design and six repetitions. Standard of treatment in this study was time (hours) that selected for mosquitoes to bite the patients with filariasis (experimental infection). Selected time is at 9.00 a.m, 5.00 p.m, 9.00 p.m, and at 1.00 a.m. The results showed that filarial L3 larvae did not found on Ar. subalbatus and Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes during surgery at day 11th to 13th after infection. Density of microfilariae in the blood of humans as a source of infection was 17 microfilariae per 20 micro liter blood. Otherwise, after detection by PCR, our study found positive B.malayi on Cx. quinquefasciatus thorax and proboscis. It indicates that Cx. quinquefasciatusas potential vector of B.malayi filariasis compared to Ar. subalbatus

    Penentuan Jenis Nyamuk Mansoniasebagai Tersangka Vektor Filariasis Brugia Malayi dan Hewan Zoonosis di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Filariasis merupakan penyakit yang tidak mudah menular. Filariasis adalah penyakit yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk sebagai vector. Jenis nyamuk yang dapat berperan sebagai vector filariasis dipengaruhi oleh jenis cacing penyebab filaria. Brugia spp. umumnya ditularkan oleh nyamuk Mansonia spp dan Anopheles spp. Vektor dan hewan zoonosis merupakan salah satu factor yang dapat perlu mendapat perhatian dalam pengendalian filariasis. Penelitian terhadap vector dan hewan zoonosis telah dilakukan di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi untuk mengidentifikasi bionomik vektor dan kemungkinan adanya hewan zoonosis yang berperan sebagai penular filariasis. Desain penelitian adalah observasi, yaitu dengan melakukan penangkapan nyamuk dan pemeriksaan darah terhadap kucing. Jumlah kucing yang diperiksa sebanyak 18 ekor. Kucing yang positif microfilaria sebanyak 1 ekor. Jumlah nyamuk Mansonia spp. tertangkap sebanyak 1,167 ekor yang terdiri dari 6 species. Spesies nyamuk tertangkap paling banyak adalah Mansonia uniformis sebanyak 1.010 ekor dengan angka kekerapan 1,0. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, maka diperlukan peran serta masyarakat untuk mengurangi kepadatan nyamuk dengan membersihkan genangan air dan mencegah gigitan nyamuk. Selain itu diperlukan juga penanganan terhadap hewan yang bertindak sebagai zoonosis dengan memberikan pengobatan terhadap kucing agar tidak menjadi sumber infeksi.Keywords : filariasis, Mansonia, vektor, zoonosis, Muaro Jambi.AbstractFilariasisis noteasily transmitted diseases. Filariasisis transmitted by mosquito vectors. Various types of mosquitoes can act as vectors of filariasis, depending on the type of microfilaria. Brugia spp. are generally transmitted by Mansonia spp and Anopheles spp. Vector and zoonotic animal are the factors that can transmit filariasis and need to have attention for controlling filariasis. Research on vector and zoonotic had been done in Muaro Jambi to determine bionomic vector and the possibility of animals can transmit filariasis. The study design was observational survey, that cought mosquitoes and inspection activities zoonotic. Cats that examined were 18. Cat with positive microfilaria was 1 cat. Number of Mansonia spp. captured was 1,167 which consisted of 6 species consisting of 6 species. Mansonia uniformis was the largest species cought numbering 1.010 with 1.00 frequency rate with 1,010 mosquitoes that frequency rate of 1,00. Based on these results, it is necessery for community participation for mosquito control activities and further investigation to cats and cats carried on a positive treatment.Keywords : filariasis, Mansonia, vectors, zoonotic, Muaro Jambi

    Pengaruh Opini Audit, Financial Distress, dan Pertumbuhan Perusahaan Klien terhadap Auditor Switching (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2010-2014)

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    The research examines the effect of audit opinion, financial distress, and growth of the client's company on auditor switching among manufactures companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2014. Secondary data were sourced from the financial statements, published by the capital market reference center at the Indonesia Stock Exchange.The research type used in this research is hypothesis testing, by using purposive sampling method. There are 30 samples of the data that become the object to be researched. This research uses logistic regression analysis to test the hypothesis.The results of this research show that audit opinion, financial distress,and growth of the client's company have effect on auditor switching. Partially the research shows that (1) audit opinion significantly influences auditor switching (2) financial distress do not affects auditor switching, and (3) growth of the company significantly influences auditor switching. Keywords— Audit Opinion, Financial Distress, Company's Growth, Auditor Switchin

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Dan Aktivitas Siswa Menggunakan Model Picture and Picture Berbantuan Handout Materi Organisasi Kehidupan

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    This research aims to improve learning achievement and students activities in biology at the organization of life material using the cooperative model picture and picture aided handout. The form of this research is classroom action research, which consists of three cycles with the planning, action, observation and reflection. The result of research showed which has an improvement of passing grade between cycle 1, 2 and 3 were 7.14% and 14.28%. And which has an improvement of student activities between cycle 1, 2 and 3 were 2.73% dan 13.63%. The implementation of cooperative learning model of picture and picture-aided handout can be an alternative learning school biology because it can improve learning achievement and students activities

    Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengendalian Demamberdarah Dengue (Dbd) di Kelurahan Baturaja Lama dan Sekar Jaya, Kecamatan Baturaja Timur, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu (Oku), Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) District is one of dengue endemic areas in South Sumatera Province. One of the effort to prevent the occurrence of DHF transmission is by controlling mosquito vectors at the larval level. The use of insecticides in the control of DHF vectors, in addition to causing resistance, can also adversely affect the environmental health. Currently, DBD vector control in OKU District is done biologically (biological control), that is by using larvae-eating fish. This study was conducted to determine the level of community participation in the control of dengue vectors using larvae-eating fish. The research location was in Baturaja Lama and Sekarjaya village. The population was all households in both urban villages. The number of samples was determined by reference to the WHO provisions on the minimum standard of DBD entomology survey sample that is 100 houses, the number of household samples that were obtained was 217 chosen by purposive method. The result of index calculation of larvae showed the number of HI in Baturaja Lama village was 42,1% and Sekar Jaya village was 48,2%. CI figures in the Baturaja Lama village was 19.2% and Sekar Jaya village was 16.2%. BI figures in Baturaja Lama village was 51.4% and Sekar Jaya village was 75.5%. Fishing behavior showed significant correlation to larva existence, but the percentage of households maintaining fish in the two sub-districts was low, less than 10%. It is necessary to increase the community's knowledge about the benefits and potential development of larvae-eating fish species in the effort of controlling DHF
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