38 research outputs found

    Detecting Solar System Analogs through Joint Radial Velocity/Astrometric Surveys

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    Earth-mass exoplanets on year-long orbits and cool gas giants (CGG) on decade-long orbits lie at the edge of current detection limits. The Terra Hunting Experiment (THE) will take nightly radial velocity (RV) observations on HARPS3 of at least 40 bright nearby G and K dwarfs for 10 years, with a target 1σ\sigma measurement error of \sim0.3 m/s, in search of exoplanets that are Earth-like in mass and temperature. However, RV observations can only provide minimum mass estimates, due to the mass-inclination degeneracy. Astrometric observations of these same stars, with sufficient precision, could break this degeneracy. Gaia will soon release \sim100-200 astrometric observations of the THE stars with a 10 year baseline and \sim34.2 μ\muas 1σ\sigma along-scan measurement error. The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will be capable of precision astrometry using its wide field imager (target \sim5-20 μ\muas 1σ\sigma measurement error for bright stars) and could extend the astrometric observational baseline to \sim25 years. We simulate and model an observing program that combines data from these three telescopes. We find that (1) THE RVs and Gaia astrometry can detect Earth-like and CGG-like exoplanets around bright Sun-like stars at 10 parsecs and that (2) adding Roman astrometry improves the detection precision for CGG masses and periods by a factor up to \sim10 and \sim4, respectively. Such a survey could provide insight into the prevalence of Solar System analogs, exoplanet architectures reminiscent of the mass and orbital separation hierarchy of our Solar System, for the nearest Sun-like stars.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures. Revised based on comments from anonymous reviewer at AAS Journals. Code available at https://github.com/dyahalomi/rv_and_astrometr

    The Mass of the White Dwarf Companion in the Self-Lensing Binary KOI-3278: Einstein vs. Newton

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    KOI-3278 is a self-lensing stellar binary consisting of a white-dwarf secondary orbiting a Sun-like primary star. Kruse and Agol (2014) noticed small periodic brightenings every 88.18 days in the Kepler photometry and interpreted these as the result of microlensing by a white dwarf with about 63%\% of the mass of the Sun. We obtained two sets of spectra for the primary that allowed us to derive three sets of spectroscopic estimates for its effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity for the first time. We used these values to update the Kruse and Agol (2014) Einsteinian microlensing model, resulting in a revised mass for the white dwarf of 0.5390.020+0.022M0.539^{+0.022}_{-0.020} \, M_{\odot}. The spectra also allowed us to determine radial velocities and derive orbital solutions, with good agreement between the two independent data sets. An independent Newtonian dynamical MCMC model of the combined velocities yielded a mass for the white dwarf of 0.51220.0058+0.0057M0.5122^{+0.0057}_{-0.0058} \, M_{\odot}. The nominal uncertainty for the Newtonian mass is about four times better than for the Einsteinian, ±1.1%\pm 1.1\% vs. ±4.1%\pm 4.1\% and the difference between the two mass determinations is 5.2%5.2 \%. We then present a joint Einsteinian microlensing and Newtonian radial velocity model for KOI-3278, which yielded a mass for the white dwarf of 0.52500.0089+0.0082M0.5250^{+0.0082}_{-0.0089} \, M_{\odot}. This joint model does not rely on any white dwarf evolutionary models or assumptions on the white dwarf mass-radius relation. We discuss the benefits of a joint model of self-lensing binaries, and how future studies of these systems can provide insight into the mass-radius relation of white dwarfs.Comment: ApJ Accepted; 22 Pages, 8 Figures, 6 Tables and 4 Supplementary Table

    A Reply to: Large Exomoons unlikely around Kepler-1625 b and Kepler-1708 b

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    Recently, Heller & Hippke argued that the exomoon candidates Kepler-1625 b-i and Kepler-1708 b-i were allegedly 'refuted'. In this Matters Arising, we address these claims. For Kepler-1625 b, we show that their Hubble light curve is identical to that previously published by the same lead author, in which the moon-like dip was recovered. Indeed, our fits of their data again recover the moon-like dip with improved residuals than that obtained by Heller & Hippke. Their fits therefore appear to have somehow missed this deeper likelihood maximum, as well producing apparently unconverged posteriors. Consequently, their best-fitting moon is the same radius as the planet, Kepler-1625 b; a radically different signal from that which was originally claimed. The authors then inject this solution into the Kepler data and remark, as a point of concern, how retrievals obtain much higher significances than originally reported. However, this issue stems from the injection of a fundamentally different signal. We demonstrate that their Hubble light curve exhibits ~20% higher noise and discards 11% of the useful data, which compromises its ability to recover the subtle signal of Kepler-1625 b-i. For Kepler-1708 b-i it was claimed that the exomoon model's Bayes factor is highly sensitive to detrending choices, yielding reduced evidence with a biweight filter versus the original claim. We use their own i) detrended light curve and ii) biweight filter code to investigate these claims. For both, we recover the original moon signal, to even higher confidence than before. The discrepancy is explained by comparing to their quoted fit metrics, where we again demonstrate that the Heller & Hippke regression definitively missed the deeper likelihood maximum corresponding to Kepler-1708 b-i. We conclude that both candidates remain viable but certainly demand further observations.Comment: Under consideration by Nature Astronomy as Matters Arisin

    Securing the legacy of TESS through the care and maintenance of TESS planet ephemerides

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    Much of the science from the exoplanets detected by the TESS mission relies on precisely predicted transit times that are needed for many follow-up characterization studies. We investigate ephemeris deterioration for simulated TESS planets and find that the ephemerides of 81% of those will have expired (i.e. 1σ\sigma mid-transit time uncertainties greater than 30 minutes) one year after their TESS observations. We verify these results using a sample of TESS planet candidates as well. In particular, of the simulated planets that would be recommended as JWST targets by Kempton et al. (2018), \sim80% will have mid-transit time uncertainties >> 30 minutes by the earliest time JWST would observe them. This rapid deterioration is driven primarily by the relatively short time baseline of TESS observations. We describe strategies for maintaining TESS ephemerides fresh through follow-up transit observations. We find that the longer the baseline between the TESS and the follow-up observations, the longer the ephemerides stay fresh, and that 51% of simulated primary mission TESS planets will require space-based observations. The recently-approved extension to the TESS mission will rescue the ephemerides of most (though not all) primary mission planets, but the benefits of these new observations can only be reaped two years after the primary mission observations. Moreover, the ephemerides of most primary mission TESS planets (as well as those newly discovered during the extended mission) will again have expired by the time future facilities such as the ELTs, Ariel and the possible LUVOIR/OST missions come online, unless maintenance follow-up observations are obtained.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted to AJ; main changes are cross-checking results against the sample of real TOIs, and addressing the impact of the TESS extended missio

    Not So Fast Kepler-1513: A Perturbing Planetary Interloper in the Exomoon Corridor

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    Transit Timing Variations (TTVs) can be induced by a range of physical phenomena, including planet-planet interactions, planet-moon interactions, and stellar activity. Recent work has shown that roughly half of moons would induce fast TTVs with a short period in the range of two-to-four orbits of its host planet around the star. An investigation of the Kepler TTV data in this period range identified one primary target of interest, Kepler-1513 b. Kepler-1513 b is a 8.050.40+0.588.05^{+0.58}_{-0.40} RR_\oplus planet orbiting a late G-type dwarf at 0.530.03+0.040.53^{+0.04}_{-0.03} AU. Using Kepler photometry, this initial analysis showed that Kepler-1513 b's TTVs were consistent with a moon. Here, we report photometric observations of two additional transits nearly a decade after the last Kepler transit using both ground-based observations and space-based photometry with TESS. These new transit observations introduce a previously undetected long period TTV, in addition to the original short period TTV signal. Using the complete transit dataset, we investigate whether a non-transiting planet, a moon, or stellar activity could induce the observed TTVs. We find that only a non-transiting perturbing planet can reproduce the observed TTVs. We additionally perform transit origami on the Kepler photometry, which independently applies pressure against a moon hypothesis. Specifically, we find that Kepler-1513 b's TTVs are consistent with an exterior non-transiting \simSaturn mass planet, Kepler-1513 c, on a wide orbit, \sim5%\% outside a 5:1 period ratio with Kepler-1513 b. This example introduces a previously unidentified cause for planetary interlopers in the exomoon corridor, namely an insufficient baseline of observations.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures. Accepted to MNRAS. Code available at https://github.com/dyahalomi/Kepler151

    Securing the Legacy of TESS through the Care and Maintenance of TESS Planet Ephemerides

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    Much of the science from the exoplanets detected by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission relies on precisely predicted transit times that are needed for many follow-up characterization studies. We investigate ephemeris deterioration for simulated TESS planets and find that the ephemerides of 81% of those will have expired (i.e., 1σ mid-transit time uncertainties greater than 30 minutes) 1 yr after their TESS observations. We verify these results using a sample of TESS planet candidates as well. In particular, of the simulated planets that would be recommended as James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) targets by Kempton et al., ~80% will have mid-transit time uncertainties >30 minutes by the earliest time JWST would observe them. This rapid deterioration is driven primarily by the relatively short time baseline of TESS observations. We describe strategies for maintaining TESS ephemerides fresh through follow-up transit observations. We find that the longer the baseline between the TESS and the follow-up observations, the longer the ephemerides stay fresh, and that 51% of simulated primary mission TESS planets will require space-based observations. The recently approved extension to the TESS mission will rescue the ephemerides of most (though not all) primary mission planets, but the benefits of these new observations can only be reaped 2 yr after the primary mission observations. Moreover, the ephemerides of most primary mission TESS planets (as well as those newly discovered during the extended mission) will again have expired by the time future facilities such as the ELTs, Ariel, and the possible LUVOIR/Origins Space Telescope missions come online, unless maintenance follow-up observations are obtained

    Exploring the Atmospheric Dynamics of the Extreme Ultrahot Jupiter KELT-9b Using TESS Photometry

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    We carry out a phase-curve analysis of the KELT-9 system using photometric observations from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The measured secondary eclipse depth and peak-to-peak atmospheric brightness modulation are 650⁺¹⁴₋₁₅ and 566 ± 16 ppm, respectively. The planet's brightness variation reaches maximum 31 ± 5 minutes before the midpoint of the secondary eclipse, indicating a 5.°2 ± 0.°9 eastward shift in the dayside hot spot from the substellar point. We also detect stellar pulsations on KELT-9 with a period of 7.58695 ± 0.00091 hr. The dayside emission of KELT-9b in the TESS bandpass is consistent with a blackbody brightness temperature of 4600 ± 100 K. The corresponding nightside brightness temperature is 3040 ± 100 K, comparable to the dayside temperatures of the hottest known exoplanets. In addition, we detect a significant phase-curve signal at the first harmonic of the orbital frequency and a marginal signal at the second harmonic. While the amplitude of the first harmonic component is consistent with the predicted ellipsoidal distortion modulation assuming equilibrium tides, the phase of this photometric variation is shifted relative to the expectation. Placing KELT-9b in the context of other exoplanets with phase-curve observations, we find that the elevated nightside temperature and relatively low day–night temperature contrast agree with the predictions of atmospheric models that include H₂ dissociation and recombination. The nightside temperature of KELT-9b implies an atmospheric composition containing about 50% molecular and 50% atomic hydrogen at 0.1 bar, a nightside emission spectrum that deviates significantly from a blackbody, and a 0.5–2.0 μm transmission spectrum that is featureless at low resolution