12 research outputs found

    Exploring the parameter space of MagLIF implosions using similarity scaling. I. Theoretical framework

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    Magneto-inertial fusion (MIF) concepts, such as the Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) platform [M. R. Gomez et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 155003 (2014)], constitute a promising path for achieving ignition and significant fusion yields in the laboratory. The space of experimental input parameters defining a MagLIF load is highly multi-dimensional, and the implosion itself is a complex event involving many physical processes. In the first paper of this series, we develop a simplified analytical model that identifies the main physical processes at play during a MagLIF implosion. Using non-dimensional analysis, we determine the most important dimensionless parameters characterizing MagLIF implosions and provide estimates of such parameters using typical fielded or experimentally observed quantities for MagLIF. We then show that MagLIF loads can be "incompletely" similarity scaled, meaning that the experimental input parameters of MagLIF can be varied such that many (but not all) of the dimensionless quantities are conserved. Based on similarity-scaling arguments, we can explore the parameter space of MagLIF loads and estimate the performance of the scaled loads. In the follow-up papers of this series, we test the similar scaling theory for MagLIF loads against simulations for two different scaling "vectors", which include current scaling and rise-time scaling.Comment: 24 pages, submitted to Physics of Plasma

    Exploring the parameter space of MagLIF implosions using similarity scaling. II. Current scaling

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    Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) is a magneto-inertial-fusion (MIF) concept, which is presently being studied on the Z Pulsed Power Facility. The MagLIF platform has achieved interesting plasma conditions at stagnation and produced significant fusion yields in the laboratory. Given the relative success of MagLIF, there is a strong interest to scale the platform to higher peak currents. However, scaling MagLIF is not entirely straightforward due to the large dimensionality of the experimental input parameter space and the large number of distinct physical processes involved in MIF implosions. In this work, we propose a novel method to scale MagLIF loads to higher currents. Our method is based on similarity (or similitude) scaling and attempts to preserve much of the physics regimes already known or being studied on today's Z pulsed-power driver. By avoiding significant deviations into unexplored and/or less well-understood regimes, the risk of unexpected outcomes on future scaled-up experiments is reduced. Using arguments based on similarity scaling, we derive the scaling rules for the experimental input parameters characterizing a MagLIF load (as functions of the characteristic current driving the implosion). We then test the estimated scaling laws for various metrics measuring performance against results of 2D radiation--magneto-hydrodynamic HYDRA simulations. Agreement is found between the scaling theory and the simulation results.Comment: 19 pages, submitted to Physics of Plasma

    Radiatively Cooled Magnetic Reconnection Experiments Driven by Pulsed Power

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    We present evidence for strong radiative cooling in a pulsed-power-driven magnetic reconnection experiment. Two aluminum exploding wire arrays, driven by a 20 MA peak current, 300 ns rise time pulse from the Z machine (Sandia National Laboratories), generate strongly-driven plasma flows (MA7M_A \approx 7) with anti-parallel magnetic fields, which form a reconnection layer (SL120S_L \approx 120) at the mid-plane. The net cooling rate far exceeds the Alfv\'enic transit rate (τcool1/τA1>100\tau_{\text{cool}}^{-1}/\tau_{\text{A}}^{-1} > 100), leading to strong cooling of the reconnection layer. We determine the advected magnetic field and flow velocity using inductive probes positioned in the inflow to the layer, and inflow ion density and temperature from analysis of visible emission spectroscopy. A sharp decrease in X-ray emission from the reconnection layer, measured using filtered diodes and time-gated X-ray imaging, provides evidence for strong cooling of the reconnection layer after its initial formation. X-ray images also show localized hotspots, regions of strong X-ray emission, with velocities comparable to the expected outflow velocity from the reconnection layer. These hotspots are consistent with plasmoids observed in 3D radiative resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the experiment. X-ray spectroscopy further indicates that the hotspots have a temperature (170 eV) much higher than the bulk layer (\leq 75 eV) and inflow temperatures (about 2 eV), and that these hotspots generate the majority of the high-energy (> 1 keV) emission

    Mixed double planar wire arrays on Michigan's Ltd generator

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    International audienceDouble Planar Wire Arrays (DPWA), which consist of two parallel rows of wires, have previously demonstrated high radiation efficiency, compact size, and usefulness for various applications in experiments on a University-scale high-impedance Z-pinch generator1. Recently, we successfully performed two experimental campaigns with PWAs on the University of Michigan's low-impedance MAIZE (Linear Transformer Driver (LTD)-driven generator, 0.1ohm, 0.5-1 MA, 100-180 ns) in collaboration with the UM team. The details and the analysis of the results of the first experimental campaign can be found in Ref. [2]. The second experimental campaign was focused on studying the implosion and radiative characteristics of DPWAs using a diagnostic set similar to the first campaign, including: filtered X-ray diodes, X-ray spectrographs and pinhole cameras, and a new four-frame shadowgraphy system with 2-ns, 532 nm frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser. Here we present the results of four, mixed-DPWA shots with the load consisting of one plane with 6 Al wires of 10¿¿m diameter and another plane of 6 stainless steel wires of 5.1 ¿¿m diameter. The rise-time of the current varies between 175 and 225 ns and shadowgraphy images cover the broad span of time from as early as 116 ns to as late as 304 ns. The shadowgraphy images show ablating and imploding mixed DPWAs that are very different from the images of uniform DPWAs. There is a clearly observed asymmetry of implosions of two wire array planes dependent on the material of each plane, (early time images in particular), captured also by X-ray pinhole images. WADM is used for the analysis of shadowgraphy images. X-ray spectra display both K-shell Al and L-shell Fe features analyzed with non-LTE modeling. Advantages of using mixed wire arrays are discussed. [1] V. L. Kantsyrev et al, Phys. Plasmas 15, 030704 (2008). [2] A.S. Safronova, V.L. Kantsyrev, M.E. Weller, V.V. Shlyaptseva, I.K. Shrestha, M. Lorance, M. Schmidt-Petersen, A. Stafford. M. Cooper, A.M. Steiner, D.A. Yager-Elorriaga, S.G. Patel, N.M. Jordan, R.M. Gilgenbach, A.S. Chuvatin, IEEE TPS, Special Issue on Plenary and Invited papers from ICOPS 2015, to be published, April 2016. * This work was supported by NNSA under DOE Cooperative Agreement DE-NA0001984

    Double and Single Planar Wire Arrays on University-Scale Low-Impedance LTD Generator

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    International audiencePlanar wire array (PWA) experiments were performed on Michigan Accelerator for Inductive Z-pinch Experiments, the University of Michigan's low-impedance linear transformer driver (LTD)-driven generator (0.1 Ω, 0.5-1 MA, and 100-200 ns), for the first time. It was demonstrated that Al wire arrays [both double PWA (DPWA) and single PWA (SPWA)] can be successfully imploded at LTD generator even at the relatively low current of 0.3-0.5 MA. In particular, implosion characteristics and radiative properties of PWAs of different load configurations [for DPWA from Al and stainless steel wires with different wire diameters, interwire gaps, and interplanar gaps (IPGs) and for Al SPWA of different array widths and number of wires] were studied. The major difference from the DPWA experiments on high-impedance Zebra accelerator was in the current rise time that was influenced by the load inductance and was increased up to about 150 ns during the first campaign (and was even longer in the second campaign). The implosion dynamics of DPWAs strongly depends on the critical load parameter, the aspect ratio (the ratio of the array width to IPG) as for Al DPWAs on high-impedance Zebra, but some differences were observed, for low-aspect ratio loads in particular. Analysis of X-ray images and spectroscopy indicates that K-shell Al plasmas from Al PWAs reached the electron temperatures up to more than 450 eV and densities up to 2 x 10²⁰ cm⁻³. Despite the low mass of the loads, opacity effects were observed in the most prominent K-shell Al lines almost in every shot

    Double and single planar wire arrays at high and low impedance university-scale generators

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    International audienceSingle Planar Wire Arrays (SPWA) and Double Planar Wire Arrays (DPWA), which consist of one or two parallel rows of wires, respectively, have demonstrated high radiation efficiency (up to 30 kJ), compact size (1.5-3 mm), and usefulness for various applications in experiments on the high-impedance Zebra (1.9Ω, 1 MA, 100 ns). For example, DPWAs are very suitable for the new compact multi-source hohlraum concept, astrophysical applications, and as an excellent radiation source. Their implosion dynamics strongly depends on the critical load parameter, the aspect ratio Φ (width to inter-planar gap Δ) as well as on load wire material and mass. We have studied implosion dynamics and radiative properties of DPWAs at the enhanced Zebra current of 1.5-1.7 MA and have demonstrated the new regimes of implosions with asymmetric jets, no precursor formation, and very early radiation for larger sized (Δ=9 mm, Φ=0.54) and precursor formation and strong cold Ka emission for standard sized (Δ=6 mm, Φ=1.28) DPWAs

    A Primer on Pulsed Power and Linear Transformer Drivers for High Energy Density Physics Applications

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    The objectives of this tutorial are as follows: 1) to help students and researchers develop a basic understanding of how pulsed-power systems are used to create high-energy-density (HED) matter2) to develop a basic understanding of a new, compact, and efficient pulsed-power technology called linear transformer drivers (LTDs)3) to understand why LTDs are an attractive technology for driving HED physics (HEDP) experiments4) to contrast LTDs with the more traditional Marx-generator/ pulse-forming-line approach to driving HEDP experimentsand 5) to briefly review the history of LTD technology as well as some of the LTD-driven HEDP research presently underway at universities and research laboratories across the globe. This invited tutorial is part of the Mini-Course on Charged Particle Beams and High-Powered Pulsed Sources, held in conjunction with the 44th International Conference on Plasma Science in May of 2017