40 research outputs found

    Seguridad Alimentaria y Cambio Climático: Revisión Bibliográfica

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    En los últimos años, como consecuencia de la actividad del ser humano, se ha incrementado la temperatura de nuestro planeta, produciendo cambios en el clima. Estos cambios afectan a la disponibilidad de productos ya que se produce un alto riesgo de pérdidas de cosechas y del ganado, pero también afecta a la estabilidad y al manejo de estos mismos productos. Otros aspecto muy importante es la aparición de nuevos microorganismos cuya multiplicación puede ser favorecida por ese incremento de las temperaturas, pudiendo afectar directamente a la inocuidad de los productos alimentarios y a la salud de los humanos.<br /

    Evaluation of phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and pigment content in emerging and traditional plant-based oils in Mediterranean gastronomy

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    EVOO is an indispensable ingredient in Mediterranean gastronomy that is known for its numerous benefits, such as reductions in cardiovascular risk and its anti-inflammatory effects due to the presence of bioactive compounds and their antioxidant activities. However, recently, other emerging vegetable oils are increasing their culinary presence because of their potential health benefits or interesting attributes for food preparation. The aim of this study was to determine and compare physicochemical parameters, such as the contents of phenolic compounds (TPC), antioxidant capacities, pigments, viscosity and surface tension, of the traditional and emerging plant-based oils used in Mediterranean gastronomy and evaluate the effects of short pan-frying on these parameters. EVOO, olive pomace oil (OPO), sunflower oil (SO), organic flaxseed oil (FO), avocado oil (AO) and extra virgin coconut oil (EVCO) were studied. The results indicated that the TPC content ranged from 8.92 to 142.27 mg/kg. The highest antioxidant capacities were found in OPO and SO. AO had the highest pigment content. Frying the oils resulted in greater losses in the TPC contents in EVOO (27.4%) and AO (21.5%), 59.3% of the antioxidant capacity of AO and between 12% and 40% of the pigments in the different oils studied. Conclusion: EVOO and AO are highlighted for their TPC value, FO and AO for their pigment content and OPO and SO for their antioxidant capacities. In contrast, EVCO had low contents of all the compounds studied. Pigments and physical parameters of these vegetable oils were just lightly affected by short pan-frying, however, the nutritional value provided by its antioxidant capacity and its phenolic compounds was reduced, especially for AO and EVOO

    Revista de Revistas.

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    Revisión de publicaciones de julio, agosto y septiembre de 1990 -Actas Luso-Españolas de Neurología y Psiquiatría, 18, n. 5 (sept.-oct.), 1990. -Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, vol. 82, n. 1, julio; n. 2, agosto; n. 3 septiembre, 1990. -American Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 147, n. 7, julio; n. 8, agosto; n. 9, septiembre, 1990. -Annales medico-psychologiques, septiembre-octubre, 1990. -Archives of General psychiatry, vol. 47, n. 7, julio; n. 8, agosto; n. 9, septiembre, 1990. -British Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 156, n. 7, julio; n. 8, agosto; n. 9, septiembre, 1990. -Family Process, vol. 29, n. 3, septiembre, 1990. -Hospital and Community, vol. 41, n. 7, julio; n. 8, agosto; n. 9, septiembre, 1990. -International Review of Psychoanalysis, vol. 17, parte 3. -L'lnformation Psychiatrique, vol. 66, septiembre, 1990. -Psychological Medicine, vol. 20, n. 3, agosto, 1990

    Revista de Revistas.

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    Revisión de publicaciones de abril, mayo y junio de 1990 -Actas Luso-Españolas de Neurología y Psiquiatría, 18, n.O 2 (marzoabril); 18, n.O 3 (mayo-junio), 1990. -Acta Psichiatrica Scandinavica, vol. 81, n.O 4, abril; n.O 5, mayo; n.O 6, junio, 1990. -American Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 147, n.O 4, abril; n.O 5, mayo; n.O 6, junio, 1990. -Archives of General Psychiatry, vol. 47, n.O 4, abril; n.O 5, mayo; n.O 6, junio, 1990. -British Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 156, n.O 4, abril; n.O 5, mayo; n.O 6, junio, 1990. -Family Process, vol. 29, n.O 2, junio, 1990. -Hospital and Community, vol. 41, n.O 4, abril; n.O 5, mayo; n.O 6, junio, 1990. -L'Information Psyquiatrique, volúmen 66, n.O 3, marzo, 1990

    Revista de Revistas.

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    Revisión de publicaciones de Octubre, Noviembre y Diciembre de 1990 -Actas Luso-Españolas de Neurología y Psiquiatría, 19 -Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Vol. 82, N.o 4, Ocl. 1990. N.o 5, Nov. 1990. N.o 6, Dic. 1990. -American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 147, N.010, Ocl. 1990. N.o 11, Nov. 1990. 1\J.0 12, Dic. 1990. -Archives of General psychiatry, Vol. 47, N.o 10, Ocl. 1990. N.o 11, Nov. 1990. n.o 12, Dic. 1990. -British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 156. N.o 10, Ocl.1990. N.o 11, Nov. 1990. N° 12, Dic. 1990. -Hospital and Community, Vol. 41, N.o 10, Oct.1990. N.o 11, Nov. 1990 N.o 12, Dic. 1990. -Internacional Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 71. -Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, V 178, N.o 10, Oct. 1990 N.o 11, Nov 1990 N.o 12, Dic. 1990. -Journal of Psychiatric Research, Vol. 24, Supl. 2. -L'lnformation Psychiatrique, Vol. 66, Diciembre 1990 -Psychological Medicine, Vol. 20, N.o 4, Noviembre 1990. -Psychosomatic Medicine, Vol. 52, N.o 5, Sept./Oct. 1990. -Psychosomatic Medicine, Vol. 52, N.o 6, Nov./Dic 1990