3 research outputs found
Additional file 2: Table S1. of A-to-I RNA editing in the rat brain is age-dependent, region-specific and sensitive to environmental stress across generations
RNA editing sites detected with mmPCR-seq. Table S2. Primer sequences used for mmPCR-seq, Real-Time PCR and Htr2c-directed NGS. Table S3. % RNA editing in PFC and AMY of neonatal (P0) vs. adult (P60) rats. Table S4. Age-dependent changes in Htr2c isoform prevalence in PFC and AMY. Table S5. % RNA editing in neonatal (P0) and adult (P60) PFC vs. AMY. Table S6. Htr2c and ADARs correlations with significant non-synonymous editing sites. Table S7. Changes in Htr2c isoform prevalence in PFC vs. AMY at P0 and P60. Table S8. The effects of PRS on RNA editing at learning- and stress-related genes in F0, F1 and F2. Table S9. Statistical analysis of editing differences between oocytes, PFC and AMY. (XLSX 92 kb
Additional file 4: Figure S3. of A-to-I RNA editing in the rat brain is age-dependent, region-specific and sensitive to environmental stress across generations
A-to-I RNA editing in oocytes, AMY and PFC of adult female rats. Editing sites where % editing are high are presented in the top part of the figure; sites where % editing are low (0–4%) are presented in the bottom part. N’s, PFC, 11, AMY 12, Oocytes 5–12. (TIFF 584 kb
Additional file 1: Figure S1. of A-to-I RNA editing in the rat brain is age-dependent, region-specific and sensitive to environmental stress across generations
A Flow chart of sample preparation using the Illumina-based Htr2c-direcetd NGS. (PDF 92 kb