258 research outputs found

    New solutions of Isochronous potentials in terms of exceptional orthogonal polynomials in heterostructures

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    Point canonical transformation (PCT) has been used to find out new exactly solvable potentials in the position-dependent mass (PDM) framework. We solve 11-D Schr\"{o}dinger equation in the PDM framework by considering two different fairly generic position-dependent masses (i)M(x)=λg(x) (i) M(x)=\lambda g'(x) and (ii)M(x)=c(g(x))ν(ii) M(x) = c \left( {g'(x)} \right)^\nu , ν=2η2η+1,\nu =\frac{2\eta}{2\eta+1}, with η=0,1,2\eta= 0,1,2\cdots . In the first case, we find new exactly solvable potentials that depend on an integer parameter mm, and the corresponding solutions are written in terms of XmX_m-Laguerre polynomials. In the latter case, we obtain a new one parameter (ν)(\nu) family of isochronous solvable potentials whose bound states are written in terms of XmX_m-Laguerre polynomials. Further, we show that the new potentials are shape invariant by using the supersymmetric approach in the framework of PDM.Comment: 17 pages, 5 Figs, Late

    Institutional Structure of Cotton Research in India

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    The chapter traces the landmark events in the contemporary history of cotton in India. The achievements in research and development that transformed India from a chronic importer of cotton to the largest producer and a net exporter of cotton are highlighted. The structure of cotton research undertaken by the institutes under the National Agricultural Research and Education System (NARES) are also elaborated. The institutional mechanism responsible for varietal release, seed production and transfer of technology are briefly described. The immediate challenges facing the cotton sector and approaches to tackle them are also discussed


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    A reliable simulation model is an essential component of health monitoring system for gas turbine engines. Hence a thermodynamic simulation model of a twin spool gas turbine engine is being developed for use in an engine health monitoring (EHM) system. This model is based on mass and energy conservation principles across each component of the gas turbine engine. The model is being developed with limited design point information and measured gas path parameters available from the test bed. Both on-design and off-design models are being developed in Matlab® programming environment. Component characteristics maps available in the open literature are being scaled and used in the off design simulation. The scaling parameters used in the maps are tuned to improve the agreement between simulation model and data collected from engine test bed. Both tuned and un-tuned results of the simulation along with their respective errors are presented. The scheme to incorporate the model in the physics based health monitoring module is also briefly presented. Conf Name: ISSS International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and System

    Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of ofloxacin following single intramuscular and subcutaneous administration in goats

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    Comparative disposition kinetics of ofloxacin following intramuscular (i.m.) and subcutaneous (s.c.) administration was studied in goats @ 10 mg/kg. Ofloxacin was determined by HPLC method and kinetic parameters using a software. Appreciable plasma concentrations were observed within 2.5 min of drug administration and peaked at 1 h. t1/2ka and t1/2β values were 13.59 and 78.41 min after i.m. administration while 17.89 and 103.59 min after s.c. administration and the corresponding bioavailability values were 75.43±5.00 and 102.07±7.00 %. Ofloxacin may be adiministered to goat @10 mg/kg at 12 h interval by s.c. route

    Utjecaj jednokratne intravenske primjene ofloksacina na kinetiku raspodjele meloksikama u koza.

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    The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of ofloxacin (10 mg/kg) on the pharmacokinetics of meloxicam (0.5 mg/kg) in goats, when administered concurrently by intravenous route. Meloxicam concentration in plasma was measured using HPLC assay. The pharmacokinetics of meloxicam were best described by the two-compartment open model. Following concurrent administration of meloxicam and ofloxacin, the mean plasma level of meloxicam was only found to be significantly higher (P<0.05) at 15 min compared to its alone administration. Statistical analysis of data revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in PK parameters between the two treatments, except K21. Therefore, the results of the present study suggest that concurrent administration of ofl oxacin and meloxicam in goats does not require any adjustment in dosage regimens. Based on PK determinants, meloxicam may be administered by i.v. route at 0.86 and 0.65 mg/kg, as loading and maintenance doses respectively, and is to be repeated at 8 h intervals.Istražen je učinak ofloksacina (10 mg/kg) na farmakokinetiku meloksikama (0,5 mg/kg) u koza pod uvjetima istodobne intravenske primjene. Koncentracija meloksikama u plazmi utvrđena je visokotlačnom tekućinskom kromatografijom. Kao najbolji model za opis njegove farmakokinetike korišten je otvoreni model s dvama odjeljcima. Istodobnom primjenom meloksikama i ofloksacina, srednja razina meloksikama u plazmi bila je statistički značajno viša (P<0,05) samo 15 minuta u usporedbi s primjenom samog meloksikama. Statistička analiza podataka pokazala je da između dva načina primjene ne postoje značajne razlike farmakokinetičkih pokazatelja, osim za K21. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da kod koza doziranje ofloksacina i meloksikama prilikom njihove istovremene primjene ne treba mijenjati. Na temelju farmakokinetičkih pokazatelja, meloksikam se može primijeniti intravenski u početnoj dozi od 0,86 mg/kg, te u dozi za održavanje od 0,65 mg/ kg, uz ponavljanje u vremenskim razmacima od 8 sati

    Healthcare Workforce Management: Addressing Challenges in Recruitment, Retention, and Training

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    The healthcare industry is having a hard time handling its workers, especially when it comes to hiring, keeping workers, and teaching them. This essay looks at the complicated problems that come up when managing the healthcare staff and suggests ways to fix them. By looking at a lot of current research and real-world examples, this paper finds the main reasons why it\u27s hard to hire, keep employees, and train new ones in the healthcare business. Changes in the population, changed standards in the workplace, burnout, skill gaps, and the effects of technology are all talked about in great depth. This essay also looks at the successful strategies and new ideas that healthcare groups have used to deal with these problems. Strategies are looked at, such as focused hiring, programs to get employees involved, flexible work plans, chances to keep learning, and using technology for training. The paper also talks about how important it is for healthcare organizations, educational sources, and lawmakers to work together to find long-term answers for managing the healthcare workforce. Healthcare groups can make sure they have a skilled and driven staff to meet the changing needs of patients and the healthcare system as a whole by tackling these problems before they happen. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52710/seejph.49


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    Diuretics are among the most commonly used drugs. They act by diminishing sodium reabsorption at different sites in the nephron, thereby increasing urinary sodium and water losses. The ability to induce negative fluid balance has made diuretics useful in the treatment of a variety of conditions, particularly edematous states and hypertension. A review on physiology of kidney, nephron, urine formation, diuretic drugs with their classification and the mechanism of various diuretics are discussed here with neatly described schematic diagrams. Key words Diuretics, Kidney, Nephron, Physiology of urine formation, Mechanism of action of various diuretic drugs