791 research outputs found

    Generic Home Automation System Using IoT Gateway Based on Wi-Fi and ant+ Sensor Network

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    This research article explores the use of internet of things (IoT) technology in home automation, including cloud computing and sensor networks to improve quality of life, and the increasing affordability through mobile connectivity. In this proposed smart home system, our main objective is to build a home automation system for the common consumer, which can help him to use home appliances with confidence and control at a low cost. The paper describes the building of an IoT gateway using the ANT multi-hop wireless network protocol and the Wi-Fi protocol, specifically utilizing the nRF24L01 and Esp8266 chips. Various sensor nodes, such as a water tank level sensor, human presence sensor, smart LED door sensor, and smart switch, will be integrated into the system. The main goal of the research is to develop an affordable solution for smart home technology for everyday consumers

    New Measure Routing Algorithm for PEGASIS Wireless Sensor Network

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    The sensor node spends the maximum energy in data transmission for maintaining this issue we proposed a new routing protocol for sensor nodes in WSN. A sensor network is organized into many sets and all sets collect the data with minimum edge weight in a parallel way so doing this all sets create a minimum edge weight chain. Further, the sets make a head node that is near the base station. All sets have a unique chain in this round after that all set again to select a head node on the basis of high residual energy, less mobility, and minimum distance to the base station that the head node sends the data to the base station. Further, our proposed routing algorithms save energy. We simulated the proposed model in MATLAB all simulation result is better than both routing algorithms

    Finite creep deformation in thick-walled circular cylinder with varying compressibility under external pressure

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    Creep stresses have been obtained for thick-walled circular cylinder of compressibility varying radially under external pressure with the help of transition theory using the concept of generalized principal strain measure. This theory simplifies the constitutive equations by prescribing a priory the order of the measure of deformation. Results have been analysed and discussed numerically as well as graphically. From the numerical results, it has been observed that homogeneous material is on the safer side of the design and also highly compressible cylinder made of either homogeneous or non-homogeneous material is also on the safer side of the design

    Finite creep deformation in thick-walled circular cylinder with varying compressibility under external pressure

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    Creep stresses have been obtained for thick-walled circular cylinder of compressibility varying radially under external pressure with the help of transition theory using the concept of generalized principal strain measure. This theory simplifies the constitutive equations by prescribing a priory the order of the measure of deformation. Results have been analysed and discussed numerically as well as graphically. From the numerical results, it has been observed that homogeneous material is on the safer side of the design and also highly compressible cylinder made of either homogeneous or non-homogeneous material is also on the safer side of the design

    Opportunistic Infections and Complications in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1-Infected Children : Correlation with immune status

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to ascertain the correlation between various opportunistic infections and complications in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1-infected children and the immune status of these patients, evaluated by absolute cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4) count and CD4 percentage. Methods: This study was conducted from January 2009 to June 2010 at the Antiretroviral Treatment Centre of the Pt. B.D. Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, a tertiary care hospital in Rohtak, Haryana, in northern India. A total of 20 HIV-1-infected children aged 4–57 months were studied. Demographic and baseline investigations were performed prior to the start of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). A fixed-dose combination of HAART was given based on the patient’s weight. Baseline investigations were repeated after six months of HAART. Results: There was a significant increase in the patients’ haemoglobin, weight, height and CD4 count after six months of HAART. Significant improvements (P <0.05) were also noted in the patients’ immune status, graded according to the World Health Organization. Conclusion: This study observed that the severity and frequency of opportunistic complications in paediatric patients with HIV-1 increased with a fall in the CD4 count. The treatment of opportunistic infections, along with antiretroviral therapy, may lead to both clinical and immunological recovery as well as a decreased incidence of future opportunistic infections. The CD4 count may give treating physicians an initial idea about the immune status of each child and could also be used as a biological marker of HAART efficacy. Patient compliance must be ensured during HAART as this is a key factor in improving outcomes

    Forecasting Liver Disorders with Machine Learning Models

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    Liver disorders encompass a spectrum of ailments that impact the liver, a crucial organ responsible for a variety of vital bodily functions. These functions encompass metabolic processes, detoxification, protein synthesis, and the production of bile. Liver maladies can arise from various sources, such as viral infections (e.g., hepatitis), excessive alcohol consumption, conditions related to obesity (like non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), autoimmune conditions, genetic predisposition, or exposure to toxins. Common signs and symptoms may encompass fatigue, jaundice, abdominal discomfort, and digestive problems. In our study, we gather data and employ five distinct machine learning classification algorithms: Random Forest, Decision Tree, NaĂŻve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor, and XG Boost. After constructing models and evaluating their performance, we observed that XG Boost achieved an impressive accuracy rate of 99.8%

    Management of Late Blight of Potato

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    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the most important crop and Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary is the oomycete, which was responsible for infamous Irish potato famine during 1843–45 and it continues to cause worldwide devastation of the potato. Moreover, this disease is re-emerging in the forms of different genotypes and causes huge yield loss in the potato crop. The factors which are responsible for huge yield loss of potato are applied improper management strategies and pathogen behavior. Management strategies includes; forecasting, cultural, biological, varietal and chemical management. Forecasting is the better option for management of late blight, if accurately forecasted and promptly information reaches to the end users. As infected potato tubers cause the primary sources of infection in next season. The cultural practices will also helpful in reducing inoculum load and managing the disease. The host resistance is best option for management of this disease. However, due to very divers’ virulence nature of P. infestans; the resistance of the varieties is wiped out within a decade. Several fungicides including contact, systemic and translaminar have been evaluated from time to time; however, the pathogen has shown a remarkable capacity for change with respect to host genotype and fungicides. Nowadays biological control is gaining importance due to its eco-friendly in nature

    The role of inflammatory markers in COVID-19 associated rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis patients

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    Background: India has experienced an unprecedented heave of mucormycosis (MCR) cases during second wave of COVID-19. Possible mechanisms may involve immune and inflammatory processes. The aim of the study is to estimate the role of inflammatory markers for triaging patients of COVID-19 associated rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis (CAROCM) at tertiary care hospital in north India. Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted between September 2021 to December 2021, at Government medical college and hospital, Patiala (Pb), 83 CAROCM patients admitted in ENT department were evaluated for serum ferritin, D-dimer and PCT. Results: The median age of the patients was 50 years. The number of male patients were 45 and female patients were 38. Based upon the medical history and associated comorbidities involved, 83 CAROCM patients were divided into three groups. 43 diabetic patients in group I, 33 patients with multiple risk factors in group II and 7 patients with no comorbidity in group III. The mean D-dimer levels were 702 ng/ml in group 1, 831ng/ml in group II and 399 ng/ml in group III, and ferritin levels were 522 ng/ml, 711 ng/ml and 426 ng/ml in group I, II and III respectively. Mean PCT levels in group I were 0.27 ng/ml, 1.32 ng/ml in group II and 0.42 ng/ml in group III. Conclusions: Our study concluded that a significant association was observed between levels of inflammatory markers and susceptibility factors. Serum ferritin, D-dimer and procalcitonin, can be used for assessing the severity of infection and decreases the mortality and morbidity in CAROCM patients.


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    Hypertension is a condition that is characterized by the persistent raised blood pressure. It is not seen as a disease rather as a major risk factor that is solely responsible for different types of cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure, ischemic heart disease, and left ventricular hypertrophy. Although this condition cannot be cured, hypertension can be managed and prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle that encompasses factors such as diet, physical exercise, reduced alcohol consumption, moderate sodium and potassium intake, and psychological factors. Apart from these, environmental factor like noise has also proved to be associated with the high blood pressure. Different prevalence studies have been conducted to find out the relationship between high blood pressure and different lifestyle factors. This article aims to review and emphasize the prevalence of high blood pressure in slum dwellers and at-risk workers who are shift job workers and occupational noise affected workers. Different research articles pertaining to different authors and countries have been reviewed to portray the concern of this condition. There is the need for proper recognition to these folks of people who are exposed to the precarious and high-risk style of living in the slum dwellers, shift job workers, and occupational noise affected workers. The distress in the physiological functioning of the body leading to hypertension has been found in the slum dwellers and at-risk workers; shift job workers and occupational noise affected workers that are again attributable to aforementioned lifestyle and environmental factor. The proper management of hypertension is extremely required to safeguard these unacknowledged groups of people

    Pattern of rheumatic heart disease in Western Rajasthan- an echocardiographic study: a single centre experience

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    Background: Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a common form of heart valve disease associated with episodes of rheumatic fever. Despite the developments achieved in the field of cardiology, the consequences of acute rheumatic fever remain significantly high in developing countries like India.  Objectives of current study aims to evaluate the pattern of valvular involvement in patients of RHD in Western Rajasthan assessed by echocardiography.Methods: This is an observational study conducted at the department of Cardiology, Dr. S. N. Medical College, Jodhpur, India between September 2015 and February 2019. The study includes analysis of echocardiograms of RHD patients performed during this period.Results: Total 502 echocardiograms of RHD patients between 4 and 75 years of age with mean age of 35.6±11.6 years were evaluated, in which the most common age group was 21-40 years.  There were 191 (38.04%) males, and 311(61.95%) females. Mitral valve was most commonly involved in which mitral stenosis (MS) was seen in 345(68.72%) and mitral regurgitation (MR) was seen in 350(69.72%) patients. Aortic stenosis (AS) was seen in 61(12.15%) and aortic regurgitation (AR) was found in 224(44.62%) cases. Organic tricuspid valve (TV) disease was seen in 18(3.58%). In combined valvular involvement MS+MR was seen in 234(46.61%) cases; followed by MR+AR in 171(34.06%); MS+AR in 161(32.07%); AS+AR in 62(12.35%); MR+AS in 46(9.16%) and MS+AS in 42(8.36%) subjects.Conclusion: The echocardiographic pattern of RHD patients of Western Rajasthan showed a predominant involvement of mitral valve, followed by aortic and tricuspid valves. Further amongst multi-valvular involvement the sequence was predominantly MS+MR followed by MR+AR, MS+AR, AS+AR, MR+AS, and MS+AS
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