10,126 research outputs found

    Electronic transport properties of intermediately coupled superconductors: PdTe2 and Cu0.04PdTe2

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    We have investigated the electrical resistivity, Seebeck coefficient and thermal conductivity of PdTe2 and 4% Cu intercalated PdTe2 compounds. Electrical resistivity for the compounds shows Bloch-Gruneisen type linear temperature (T) dependence for 100 K < T < 480 K, and Fermi liquid behavior (~ T^2) below 50 K. Seebeck coefficient data exhibit strong competition between Normal (N) and Umklapp (U) scattering processes at low T. Though our results indicate the transfer of charge carriers to PdTe2 upon Cu intercalation, it is difficult to discern any change in the Fermi surface of the compound by Nordheim-Gorter plots. The estimated Fermi energies of the compounds are quite comparable to good metals Cu, Ag and Au. The low T, thermal conductivity (k) of the compounds is strongly dominated by the electronic contribution, and exhibits a rare linear T dependence below 10 K. However, high T, k(T) shows usual 1/T dependence, dominated by U scattering process. The electron phonon coupling parameters, estimated from the low T, specific heat data and first principle electronic structure calculations suggest that PdTe2 and Cu0.04PdTe2 are intermediately coupled superconductors.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    In silico analysis for the presence of HARDY an Arabidopsis drought tolerance DNA binding transcription factor product in chromosome 6 of Sorghum bicolor genome

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    Expression of the Arabidopsis HARDY (hrd) DNA binding transcription factor (555 bp present on chromosome 2) has been shown to increase WUE in rice by Karaba et al 2007 (PNAS, 104:15270&#x2013;15275). We conducted a detail analysis of the complete sorghum genome for the similarity/presence of either DNA, mRNA or protein product of the Arabidopsis HARDY (hrd) DNA binding transcription factor (555 bp present on chromosome 2). Chromosome 6 showed a sequence match of 61.5 percent positive between 61 and 255 mRNA residues of the query region. Further confirmation was obtained by TBLASTN which showed that chromosome 6 of the sorghum genome has a region between 54948120 and 54948668 which has 80 amino acid similarities out of the 185 residues. A homology model was constructed and verified using Anolea, Gromos and Verify3D. Scanning the motif for possible activation sites revealed that there was a protein kinase C phosphorylation site between 15th and 20th residue. The study indicates the possibility of the presence of a DNA binding transcription factor in chromosome 6 of Sorghum bicolor with 60 percent similarity to that of Arabidopsis hrd DNA binding transcription factor

    The Effect of Corporate Break-ups on Information Asymmetry: A Market Microstructure Analysis

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    This paper investigates the information environment during and after a corporate break-up utilizing direct measures of information asymmetry developed in the market microstructure literature. The analysis is based on all corporate break-ups in the United States in the period 1995-2005. The results document that information asymmetry declines significantly as a result of a break-up. However, this reduction takes place not at the time of its announcement or its completion, but after it has been fully consummated. At the same time, not all investors are equally affected, but informed investors who generate private information by skilled analysis of public information come to play a more important role compared to traditional corporate insiders. This might explain why financial advisors promote break-ups among their corporate clients, as they are likely beneficiaries. The positive stock-market reaction to break-up announcements is significantly related to reductions in insider-related information asymmetry, indicating that the advantage of skilled information analysts does not offset the overall improvement in the information environment due to a break-up.Spin-off, Divestiture, Information asymmetry

    Informed Trading, Information Asymmetry and Pricing of Information Risk: Empirical Evidence from the NYSE

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    We analyze commonality in informed trading across stocks, and how informed trading varies with the structural and trading characteristics of a firm. We thereby isolate the residual level of informed trading that is unrelated to commonality, trading characteristics, and structural charac-teristics and analyze this measure with respect to its characteristics and pricing relevance. We find evidence of commonality in informed trading, and a systematic dependence of the level of informed trading on firm characteristics, such as, tick size, the existence of options, and the size of the ownership stake of outside parties. Most importantly, we find that the residual level of in-formed trading is the component of informed trading most strongly related to required returns. This indicates that an important part of the information risk premium is related to the inability to differentiate between price fluctuations that are caused by changes in fundamental value from random price moves.Market microstructure; Common factors; Risk factors; Asymmetric information

    Are Short-sellers Different?

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    While theoretical models strongly suggest that short-sales are mainly driven by private information, recent empirical evidence of has been rather mixed. This paper contributes to the discussion by looking at various potential motives to sell short and compares these with regular buys and sales with regards to variation in the information contents and timing of short-sales. We find that short-sellers have different private information than regular buyers and sellers, which seems to have a longer life-time, being related to previous buying pressure. The information advantage of short-sellers seems originating from skilled analysis of publicly available data rather than corporate insider information. Short-sales provide an important stabilizing role by providing liquidity in periods of uninformed buying pressure. Overall, we find that short-sales are driven by multiple trade motives, which sets short-sellers apart from regular buyers and sellers.Short-selling; Information asymmetry; Microstructure

    Electronic Spectral Studies of 4-Bromo-2-Fluoro Phenol in Various Solvents

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    Understory vegetation in natural and plantation forest ecosystem of Sarguja (C.G.), India

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    Understory vegetation serves a special role in maintaining the structure and function of forest ecosystem as they strongly influence regeneration, seedling establishment, growth, nutrient cycling and thus the dynamics of the whole forest ecosystem. The present investigation is aimed to study the composition, structure and diversity of understory vegetation in natural forests and teak plantation of Sarguja forest division of Chhattisgarh. A total of 23 species comprising 5 shrubs and 18 herbs were recorded in natural forest while in teak plantation 3 shrub and 20 herb species were found. In natural forest a total of 4500 shrubs/ha and 8,32,000 herbs/ha were recorded while in plantation site it was 5500 shrubs/ha and 6,96,000 herbs/ha, respectively. In shrub layer the value of species diversity was 1.10 for teak plantation and 2.20 for natural forest. Simpson index was 0.23 for natural forest and 0.57 for teak plantation. The Margalef’s index of richness varied from 0.23-0.48, least in plantation site and peak in natural forest, Equitability index varied from 1.00 to 1.37, lowest in plantation site and higher in plantation site and ? diversity was 1.20 in natural forest and 2.00 in plantation site. In case of herb layer the value of Shannon index, species richness and equitability values were higher in teak plantation while the Simpsons index and beta diversity were found more in natural forest