340 research outputs found

    In silico analysis for the presence of HARDY an Arabidopsis drought tolerance DNA binding transcription factor product in chromosome 6 of Sorghum bicolor genome

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    Expression of the Arabidopsis HARDY (hrd) DNA binding transcription factor (555 bp present on chromosome 2) has been shown to increase WUE in rice by Karaba et al 2007 (PNAS, 104:15270–15275). We conducted a detail analysis of the complete sorghum genome for the similarity/presence of either DNA, mRNA or protein product of the Arabidopsis HARDY (hrd) DNA binding transcription factor (555 bp present on chromosome 2). Chromosome 6 showed a sequence match of 61.5 percent positive between 61 and 255 mRNA residues of the query region. Further confirmation was obtained by TBLASTN which showed that chromosome 6 of the sorghum genome has a region between 54948120 and 54948668 which has 80 amino acid similarities out of the 185 residues. A homology model was constructed and verified using Anolea, Gromos and Verify3D. Scanning the motif for possible activation sites revealed that there was a protein kinase C phosphorylation site between 15th and 20th residue. The study indicates the possibility of the presence of a DNA binding transcription factor in chromosome 6 of Sorghum bicolor with 60 percent similarity to that of Arabidopsis hrd DNA binding transcription factor

    Variation in brachial plexus formation, branching pattern and relation with major vessels

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    Background: Anatomical variations in the formation, branching pattern and relations of the brachial plexus have been described in humans by many authors; however these have not been extensively catalogued. The aim of the study was to describe variations in brachial plexus formation, branching pattern and relation with major vessels.Methods: This study included thorough dissection of 60 brachial plexuses which belonged to 30 cadavers (male: female ratio = 28:02 ) with age range of 20-60 years, obtained from the Department of Anatomy, College of Medical Sciences (CMS-TH), following standard guidelines. Results: Out of 60 limbs dissected in present study, the variation in formation was found in 20 limbs (33.3%), out of which 12 limbs (20%) had variations in the trunk and 8 limbs (13.3%) had variations in the cord, remaining 40 limbs (66.6%) were normal in the formation of brachial plexus. Normal branching pattern of the posterior cord was encountered in 52 (86.67%) limbs, the remaining 8 (13.33%) being variants in one form or the other. The upper subscapular nerve, the thoracodorsal nerve, the lower subscapular nerve and the axillary nerve were found to arise normally in 91.66%, 96.66%, 96.66% and 98.33% of the limbs respectively.Conclusion: The present study carried out on adult human cadavers revealed some rare variations in the formation, branching pattern and relations of the brachial plexus. These variations are of clinical significance for the surgeons, radiologists and the anesthesiologists.

    Eleketroencefalografski pokazatelji za vrijeme anestezije propofolom i ksilazin-ketaminom u koza

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    The use of intravenous anaesthesia for short term surgical procedures in animal husbandry practices is increasing. However, information on the quality of an anaesthetic regime in goats has remained inadequate. Therefore, electroencephalographic studies were conducted on twelve apparently healthy adult female Barbari crossbred goats, aged 2 to 4 years, to assess the anaesthetic quality of a propofol and xylazine-ketamine combination. Quantitative analysis of EEG parameters [Total power, Median Frequency, Spectral Edge Frequency 90 (SEF-90) and Relative Power (RP) of different frequency bands delta (δ), theta (θ), alpha (α) and beta (β)] were assessed pre-experimentally (control), and at one, five, 10, 30 min, one hr, and two hr after intravenous propofol (4 mg/kg) and xylazine (0.05 mg/kg)-ketamine (4 mg/kg) administration. After propofol and xylazine-ketamine administration total power, RP-δ and θ increased significantly (P<0.05) while SEF 90, MF, RP-α and RP-β decreased. Most of the EEG changes were adequately depicted in vertex and parietal channels. Spectral analysis of EEG tracings suggested that propofol produced minimum anaesthetic stress and is a safer and better choice for short term anaesthesia in goats.U stočarskoj praksi se za kratkotrajne kirurške zahvate sve više primjenjuje intravenska anestezija. Nedostaju međutim podaci na temelju kojih bi se ustanovila kvaliteta anestezijskog protokola u koza. Kako bi se procijenila kvaliteta kombinacije anestetika propofola i ksilazin-ketamina, provedena je analiza elektoencefalografskih pokazatelja u 12 zdravih odraslih koza. Koze su bili križanci barbari pasmine u dobi od 2 do 4 godine. Kvantitativna analiza EEG pokazatelja (total power, median frequency, SEF-90, relative power delta-δ, theta-θ, alfa-α i beta-β frekvencijskih pojaseva) procijenjeni su prije pokusa (kontrolna skupina), te 1, 5, 10, 30 minuta, jedan sat i dva sata nakon intravenske primjene propofola (4 mg/kg) i ksilazin (0,05 mg/kg)-ketamina (4 mg/kg). Nakon primjene propofola i ksilazin-ketamina total power, te relative power-δ i relative power-θ znakovito su porasli (P < 0,05), dok su se SEF 90, median frequency, relative power-α i relative power-β snizili. Većina EEG promjena odgovarajuće je prikazana u verteksu i parijetalnim kanalima. Spektralna analiza EEG-a upućuje na to da propofol u anestezijskom protokolu uzrokuje minimalan stres te je, u usporedbi sa ksilazin-ketaminom, za kratkotrajnu anesteziju koza sigurniji i bolji izbor

    Super refractory seizures with autoimmune encephalitis and ventilator associated pneumonia: a case report

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    Autoimmune encephalitis is an immune-mediated syndrome with sub-acute to chronic presentations, such as memory impairment, altered sensorium, behavioral abnormality, psychosis, and seizures. Treatment as such must not be procrastinated due to pending laboratory workup, as early recognition and initiation of therapy prevents long term neurological sequelae. This is a case report of an 11-year-old male who presented with neuropsychiatric symptoms, altered sensorium and high-grade fever which evolved into refractory status epilepticus and autonomic dysfunction. While his MRI had positive findings of encephalitis, he tested negative for infectious diseases and antibody panels.

    A study of drug utilization pattern using WHO prescribing indicators in pediatric patients

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    Background: The study aimed to get drug utilization pattern using WHO prescribing indicators in pediatric patients. Methods: It was an observational prospective study carried out in pediatric in-patients with a sample size of 280 patients based on inclusion, and exclusion criteria for a period of 6 months. The study data were collected using patient case record and analysis was done. Results: Out of 280 patients data collected, majority of patients were in the gender male category 168 (60%) and many were from the age group of early childhood (1-5 years) 126 (45%). Respiratory tract infections were the major diagnosis made among the sample size. The drug class commonly prescribed were oral antibiotics 261 (28.38%). The average number of drugs per prescription were 3.28%. Among the total number of prescription percentage of drugs prescribed by generic name and antibiotics were 2.7%, 76.07%. Percentage of patients prescribed with injection were 79.28%. Conclusions: This study highlights WHO prescribing core indicators in evaluating the usage of rational prescription. It helps in reinforcing rational prescribing practices and increases awareness among physicians and medical students. Irrational prescriptions may result in harmful events. A rational prescription should follow the standard treatment guidelines of WHO. The assessment of these indicators can also help us to decrease the cost burden on the patient. Continuous education with focus on rational drug usage and evidence-based medicine can further increase the understanding and improves health care policies

    Assessment of quality of life of type-2 diabetes mellitus patients in tertiary care teaching hospital in North India

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    Background: Quality of life (QoL) is a standard indicating a person’s life in better condition as compared to a diseased person or patient. Diabetes itself is not a dangerous disease if managed properly, but it becomes life-threatening after a certain time period because of the patient’s poor interest in disease management and treatment adherence. Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine system disorder that invokes lack of insulin secretion in the bloodstream. The study was conducted to assess the QoL of type-2 diabetes mellitus patients with QoL instrument.Methods: Questionnaire based cross-sectional, prospective study was conducted at Teerthanker Mahaveer Hospital, Moradabad, for a duration of 6 months from January - June 2019, on 196 patients of type-2 diabetes mellitus.Results: On an average 56.5% people have accepted that due to the diabetic condition their working proficiency is decreased. 80.3% of patients have accepted that they were facing problems due to diabetic symptoms. Similarly, 84% of patients have accepted that the ongoing treatment was quite expensive than their expectations. Finally, the last section of the patient’s emotional/mental satisfaction showed that 49.7% of patients were very satisfied with their family support while 13.7% of patients were not satisfied.Conclusions: QOL instrument for Indian diabetes patient’s instrument helped to evaluate the patient’s physical strength, psychological strength of the patient during disease condition, the response provided from the family members and relatives, the economical status of the patient and its effects on their living

    Clinical management and outcome of extreme preterm infant with respiratory distress syndrome, early onset sepsis and necrotizing enterocolitis stage 1: a case report

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    Respiratory distress syndrome, although it is common in extreme preterm infants, early and effective management will aid in better outcome. Preterm also comes with multiple co- morbidities which has to be considered and stepwise treatment is utmost important in tackling them. Here, we report a case of an extreme preterm baby who experienced respiratory distress syndrome with early onset sepsis along with necrotizing enterocolitis. Early diagnosis and management helped in the discharge of the infant in stable condition

    Bridging the Gap of Skilled Surgeons in Low and Middle Income Countries Using ICT Based Tools : A Case Study in Super-Speciality Training

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    Introduction: Over the last two decades, advancement of super specialised surgical disciplines has shown improved health outcome, in particular quality and safety. Although medical technology has developed to meet diagnostics and therapeutic needs, there is a scarcity of trained human resources in advanced specialities in low and middle income countries (LMICs). Innovative methods are needed to educate and train people at their workplaces using collaborative technologies and networks. Methods: Over the last 15 years, two general surgeons in Cuttack have been telementored from Lucknow 1,163 km away, using collaborative technologies to develop Endocrine Surgery. This study reviews the last 11 years of the service which includes a clinical decision support system and treatment planning advice using real time videoconferencing. Results: Over the last 11 years, 199 endocrine surgeries per annum were performed with most being thyroid cases as compared with 119 surgeries per annum during the previous five years. Parathyroid and adrenal cases increased significantly during this period (p &lt;0.001). Rates of temporary and permanent vocal cord palsy (1.7% and 0%), hypocalcaemia (5.9% and 1.1%) were comparable with high volume centres. Based on the quantum, safety and quality outcome of endocrine surgery the provincial government has approved creation of a super-speciality department of endocrine surgery in Cuttack. Conclusion: Sustained engagement using telementoring can transfer surgical skills to needy surgeons and enable them to match the expertise of mentors. This model can be replicated in other specialities in a cost effective way to develop specialised human resources for healthcare, in particular in LMICs

    An approach of clinical pharmacist pertaining to solve drug related problems in pediatric patients

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    Background: The objectives of the study were to assess the outcomes of clinical pharmacist intervention in solving drug related problems in pediatric patients and to identify the drug related problems in accordance with the causes observed.Methods: It was a prospective observational study done over a period of six months (October 2019 to March 2020) at Apollo children’s hospital in Chennai.Results: Total of 480 subjects were enrolled into the study, out of which 248 were male children and 232 were female children. The patients were divided into 4 age groups. In this study 60.41% pediatric patients were prescribed with less than 5 drugs 290 (60.41%). Drug related problems which were identified during the study was classified according to Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) and drug-related problem (DRP) classification (v9.00). The most frequent DRP was drug choice problem 37 (33.33%). The total number of caused drug related problems was 73 and same number of interventions was given by clinical pharmacist. The most frequent cause of drug related problems was identified as dose selection 31 (42.46%). Outcomes of interventions revealed that 70 (95.89%) problems were solved overall.Conclusions: In this study, clinical pharmacist’s level of involvement has shown interesting results. Moreover, they play an essential role in improving patient safety and outcome, reducing cost and providing quality of care for ill patients

    Yoga and stress profile for women undergoing infertility treatment: review

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    Infertility is a silent struggle rising rapidly. Women undergoing treatment for infertility experience tremendous stress not only emotionally but socially also. It has been hypothesized that stress can hamper fertility and studies indicate an effective role of yoga in reducing stress. Hence, the review aims to assess if yoga has an effect on stress levels in infertile women thus improving the clinical outcome. Present review was registered on Prospero prospectively (CRD42022336237). A review was carried out to summarize the interventions assessing role of Yoga in reducing stress among women undergoing infertility treatment. Literature search was performed using a pre-defined search strategy on PubMed, Embase, and CTRI along with a manual search of references during the last decade. A total of 2959 articles via database searching and 202 via manual and citation searching were screened. Only two studies were found relevant meeting the inclusion criteria. Three studies with a similar intervention were retrieved but had different study designs and outcomes. All studies supported the recommendation of yoga as a complementary intervention. The review concluded yoga may have the potential in reducing stress thus improving clinical outcomes and suggests Ayush to conceive and plan large scale RCTs on this area to see the effect on clinical outcome
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