2,149 research outputs found

    Achievement of interventions on HIV infection prevention among migrants in China: A meta-analysis

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    In China, migrants with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) have become a serious problem in the field of AIDS prevention. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of interventions for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection prevention for migrants in China and to identify factors associated with intervention efficacy. A computerized literature search of the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wan Fang, and PubMed databases was conducted to collect related articles published in China. Only self-control intervention studies or studies containing sections regarding self-control interventions wherein the method of intervention was health education were included. Rev Manager 5.3 software was used to analyze the intervention effects in terms of knowledge, attitude, and behavior indexes. Relative to pre-intervention, the HIV interventions showed statistically significant efficacy in terms of sexual transmission of HIV, condom use for HIV prevention, change in attitude towards HIV/AIDS patients, incidence of commercial sex behavior, and recent condoms use during sex (P < .01). Moreover, the baseline rate of migrants, intervention time, peer education, region, and education background were factors influencing the efficacy of the intervention. Significant improvement in terms of knowledge of sexual transmission of HIV and attitudes and behaviors among migrants was observed; however, based on the findings of previous studies, the interventions should be customized for different people from different districts in China. Further research is needed to evaluate subgroups of migrants in China according to their baseline characteristics.Keywords: migrants, AIDS/HIV, intervention, meta-analysis, precision interventio


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    The title compound, [Cu2(C7H3NO5)2(C10H8N2)(H2O)2], exhibits a centrosymmetric binuclear molecule. Each completely deprotonated 4-hy­droxy­pyridine-2,6-dicarb­oxy­lic acid mol­ecule assumes a tridentate chelating coordination mode. The square-pyramidal coordination geometry around the CuII ion is completed by the bridging bipyridine ligand and an apical water molecule. Adjacent complexes are connected via O—H⋯O and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds to generate a three-dimensional supra­molecular structure

    Missed opportunities for screening congenital syphilis early during pregnancy: A case report and brief literature review

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    Congenital syphilis is a significant public health problem. Pregnant women infected with Treponema pallidum present with various clinical manifestations, mainly including skin or visceral manifestations. The extensive clinical manifestations of T. pallidum infection mimic those of many other diseases during pregnancy, which may lead to delayed diagnosis and serious consequences. We report a case of fetal T. pallidum infection and premature delivery in a woman whose syphilis screening was negative at 16 weeks of gestation. Despite presenting to the dermatologist at 24 weeks of gestation with maculopapular rash which is usually associated with secondary syphilis, the diagnosis of syphilis was not considered. This case shows that even if early syphilis screening of pregnant women is negative, they may still get infected with T. pallidum later on in pregnancy. Therefore, in patients presenting with a rash without an obvious cause, T. pallidum infection should be excluded. The health status of patients' spouses should be assessed during pregnancy. Additionally, perinatal health education is necessary for women and their spouses during pregnancy. The abovementioned factors could reduce the probability of T. pallidum infection in pregnant women and their infants

    Tetra-μ-acetato-bis­[(pyridine N-oxide)copper(II)](Cu—Cu)

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    The mol­ecule of the title binuclear copper(II) complex, [Cu2(CH3COO)4(C5H5NO)2], occupies a special position on a crystallographic inversion centre; the coordination environment of the CuII atom is slightly distorted square-pyramidal and is made up of four O atoms belonging to four acetate groups in the basal plane with the O atom of pyridine N-oxide ligand in the apical position. The Cu—Cu distance is 2.6376 (6) Å

    Tetra­sodium (dihydrogenhepta­oxido­digermanato)bis­(dihydrogentetra­oxido­germanato)dicopper(II) monohydrate

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    In the hydro/solvothermally synthesized title compound, Na4[Cu2(H2Ge2O7)(H2GeO4)2]·H2O, the framework building units include CuO4, GeO2(OH)2 and GeO3(OH) tetra­hedra, the latter being condensed into H2Ge2O7 4− dimers. All the tetra­hedra are connected by corner-sharing into four-membered-ring (4MR) secondary building units containing two CuO4, one GeO2(OH)2 and one GeO3(OH) entity. The 4MRs form chains by corner-sharing the Cu unit and adjacent chains are linked by H2Ge2O7 4− dimers, generating layers containing ten-membered rings. Three sodium cations (one with site symmetry and one with site symmetry 2) and a water mol­ecule (O-atom site symmetry 2) complete the structure. A network of O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds helps to consolidate the packing

    Effect of Oral Administration of Enterococcus faecium Ef1 on Innate Immunity of Sucking Piglets

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of orally administered Enterococcus faecium EF1 on innate immune responses of jejunal mucosa in newborn piglets. Twenty-four commercial crossbred healthy newborn piglets were randomly divided into two groups, control (T0) and treatment (T1) group. Each group consists of 12 piglets. T1 was administered sterilized skim milk 2 ml piglet-1 day-1 with addition of E. faecium EF1 (5~6×108 cfu/ml) by oral gavage on alternative odd days (1st, 3rd and 5th) after birth. T0 fed with the same volume of sterilized skim milk without probiotics. The merciful killing of piglets at the 25th day after birth was performed to collect the samples of jejunal mucosa to measure the innate cytokine responses and the Toll-like receptors gene expression by quantitative real time PCR. The results showed that TGF-β1 and TNF-α concentrations increased and mRNA expression levels also improved significantly in T1 as compared to T0. While, the production of IFN-γ and IL-8 decreased significantly in T1 and gene expression modification was not observed. In addition, TLR (Toll-like receptor) 2 and TLR 9 transcription levels were up-regulated in treatment (T1) group. These findings revealed that oral administration of E. faecium EF1 was effective to activate innate immunity and could modulate the TLRs expression in jejunal mucosa of piglets