5 research outputs found

    Kırıkkale'deki Köpeklerde Mikrokültür Yöntemi ve IFAT ile Visseral Leishmaniosisin Prevalansinin Araştirilmasi.

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    PubMed: 20340078This study was carried out in order to compare the seroprevalence of visceral leishmaniasis in dogs from different areas of Kirikkale between 2006-2008 using the microculture method (MCM) which is a new method, and the indirect fluorescent antigen test (IFAT). All of the blood collected from total of 50 dogs was found to be negative by MCM. Only one male Beagle strain dog (3 years old) was found to be seropositive at 1/128 titers (2%) for anti-Leishmania infantum IgG antibodies by IFAT

    Stress responses of stallions during transport period: The variations of complete blood count and serum biochemistry

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    In the present study the objective was to determine the effect of one transport journey on some stress indicators in horses. 11 adult stallion (all stallion) age 3-12 years including 7 Thoroughbred, 2 Arabian, 1 Dutch Warmblood, and 1 Friesian were enrolled. White blood cell counts and other relevant parameters were determined by an automated cell counter before and after transportation. Serum activities of relevant biomarkers were determined by use of an autoanalyzer. Serum cortisole level was detected by a microplate immunoassay technique. Sodium (Na), Potassium (K) and Clor (Cl) and Calsium (Ca) levels were also measured by use of autoanalyser. Mean Platelet (PLT), and Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) White Blood Cell (WBC) counts did not exhibit a variation for healthy horses during the study whereas RBC, Hb and Hct levels exhibited significant increases after transportation (P<0.05). Mean daily glucose concentration showed an increase after transportation (P< 0.05). Mean total protein, albumine, AST and CK levels presented increases on day 2, after transportation (P< 0.05). Mean blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, total bilirubine, ALT, ALP, LDH and GGT did not show significant changes throughout the study. Mean Sodium (Na), Potassium (K) and Clor (Cl) levels showed alterations after transportation (P< 0.05), whereas Calsium (Ca) levels showed significant decreases after transportation (P< 0.05)

    Kırıkkale yöresinde süt siğirlarinda brusellozis, listeriozis ve toksoplazmozis'in seroprevalansi ve birlikte görülme sikliği

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    This study was conducted on a total of 100 dairy cows of Holstein and Holstein crossbred cows of 3-7 years of age between December 2005 and April 2006. The aim of the study was to determine seroprevalence of brucellosis, listeriosis and toxoplasmosis, and the frequency of their co-existence in dairy cows. Clinically, the mean pulsus rate, breathing rate and body temperature were determined as 72±12/min., 24±6/min and 38.2±0.6°C, respectively. Antibodies against Brucella abortus were determined by means of Microplate Agglutination Test (MAT). The titres above 1/40 were considered seropositive. The 'O' antibodies, generated against Listeria monocytogenes, were determined by Osebold method. At least 2 (+) results at the titres above 1/100 were considered seropositive. Toxoplasma gondii antibodies were analyzed by Sabin-Feldman Dye Test (SFBT). The titres above 1/16 were considered seropositive. As a result, in dairy cows of Kirikkale region the seroprevalence of brucellosis, listeriosis and toxoplasmosis were 19%, 37% and 53%, respectively. The frequency of co-existence all three together was 5%. The frequency of co-existence of brucella with listeria was 4%, of brucella with toxoplasma was 7%, and of listeria with toxoplasma was 13%

    The prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis in dogs in Kirikkale.

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    PubMed: 18985575Heartworm infection is one of the most important parasitic diseases in dogs. The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of heartworm in dogs in Kirikkale. Blood samples of 172 dogs were collected. Microfilariae were detected in 10 (5.8%). dogs with the Knott technique. The anal and excretory pores stained with acid phosphates showed that the microfilariae belonged to Dirofilaria immitis. Microfilariae were found in dogs aged between 2-10 years, and especially in Siberian huskies, setters, pointers and crossbred sheepdogs. The serum samples of 142 dogs were analyzed using the commercial ELISA test kit for detection of anti-D. immitis antibody. The occult infection rate was found to be 27.46% in dogs. According to these results, Kirikkale region has a high risk for heartworm infection

    Controlled Synthesis of Polymers Using the Iniferter Technique: Developments in Living Radical Polymerization

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