94 research outputs found

    Makna Sekolah Bagi Siswa dan Orangtua di SMPN 3 Satu Atap Sungai Mandau Kecamatan Sungai Mandau Kabupaten Siak

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    Schoolis an educational in stitution that is created by government to educate childrenas a step to prepare the childs potentialin order to achieve the countrys progress. Meaning of school for students and parentsa place to study and place to wardsa bright future.This study a imed to analyze the meaning of school for students and parents. there are factstostate schools is a form of building that can make the school as the center of attention in the community, the parents and the students who attend school. From the school situation, it appears the various positive and negative assumptionsas of the assessment for students and parents to the school situation. Subjec tsandin for mants here are community leaders, teachers, parents and students. To analyze the data conducted qualitative research, the data were collected and analyzed with descriptive qualitative technique. Descriptive qualitative techniqueis one kind of qualitative research that is used to express the state of education in the school.Researchers in this caseattempted to describe the state of the school sareoccupied by students. This research was conductedin the village Bencah Umbai, from there sults showed that of the views of child renand parentsin understanding schoolas a place of study and the school makes a success ful child. What is meant by the school where study in gis the schoolis an institution designed for the teaching or students under the supervision of teacher education. Most countries have systems of for maleducation, which is generally required, in order to create students in order to progress after going througha learning process. School became one of the for mation of personality and intell ectual development of the child, the school not only as avenue for the learning process, but also the educational process. School is a symbol for the acquisition of know ledge. Actually, that dete rmines the success of a person is not the one school, but the people who go to school, and depend on ourselves. Schoolis aplaceto study and give a good lesson or know ledge, the school can be a place to educate children well are given by the teachers are teachers.Keywords: Meaning of Schools, Students and Parent

    The Comparison of Therapeutic Effects and the Side Effects in the Use of Various Dosages of Gabapentin on Patients with Neurophatic Pain

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    Introduction: The use of gabapentin for the treatment of neuropathic is found to provide a good effect of the therapeutic while the side effects still can be tolerated. This study aims to describe the difference in pain score reduction and incidence of drug side effects in patients who suffering from neuropathic pain receiving Gabapentin therapy of 300 mg in once a day, compared with the use of Gabapentin of 300 mg in twice a day. The re- search was conducted at Neurology Department of Hasanuddin University Hospital in Makassar from 19th of April to 8th of June 2016. Methods: It was a prospective cohort study using 50 samples selected with the consecutive sampling technique. The samples were divided into two groups. The first group (n=25) received Gabapentin of 300 mg in once a day; while the second group (n=25) received Gabapentin of 300 mg in twice a day. Each group was examined in terms of the pain score reduction using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and the incidence of side effects using a questionnaire after the first and the second week of the medical treatment. Results: The results revealed that the use of Gabapentin of 300 mg in once a day and Gabapentin of 300 mg in twice a day for two weeks in reducing pain scores (examined based on VAS) resulted in the value of 4.12 and4.92 with P=0,000 (P<0,05). This showed a significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion: The use of Gabapentin of 300 mg in twice a day for two weeks, as a therapy of neuropathic pain at Neurology Departement of Hasanuddin University Hospital in Makassar, resulted in a better decrease in pain scores. Meanwhile, side effects with the highest percentage found in the group using Gabapentin of 300 mg in once a day, in comparison with the group using Gabapentin 300 mg in twice a day were drowsiness and dizziness

    Identifikasi Karakter Kuantitatif Dan Kualitatif Beberapa Varietas Tomat (Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.)

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    Identifikasi karakter kuantitatif dan kualitatif tanaman merupakan tahapan dasar yang sangat penting dalam program pemuliaan tanaman tak terkecuali tanaman tomat. Hal ini menjadi dasar pertimbangan suatu varietas ataupun klon sebagai sumber tetua dalam program pemuliaan tanaman. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Airnaningan, Kec. Airnaningan, Kab. Tanggamus, Lampung dari bulan April hingga bulan Juli 2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK), pengelompokan didasarkan pada letak petakan. Perlakuan tunggal yang digunakan adalah empat varietas tomat introduksi yaitu Celebrity, Ponderosa Red Beef Steak (RBS), Martino\u27s Roma, Marglobe, dan satu varietas nasional yaitu Zambrud dengan 3 kali pengulangan, setiap satuan percobaan terdiri dari 2 tanaman. Perbedaan karakter kuantitatif diuji menggunakan uji beda nyata terkecil (BNT) pada taraf beda nyata 5%, sedangkan untuk karakter kualitatif dicocokan dengan keriteria IPGRI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa kelima varietas tersebut memiliki beberapa perbedaan karakter kuantitatif dan kualitatif, varietas nasional Zambrud memiliki keunggulan karakter generatif berupa rataan jumlah buah tertinggi yaitu 18 buah/tanaman, selanjutnya varietas Marglobe memiliki keunggulan generatif berupa ukuran lingkar buah mencapai 20 cm sedangkan pada karakter kualitatif varietas Martino\u27s Roma memiliki bentuk buah unik yaitu pyriform. Karakter varietas introduksi yang identifikasi memiliki perbedaan karakter dibandingkan karakter dari literatur. Perbedaan karakter terdapat pada tinggi tanaman, bobot per buah, umur panen, jumlah lokus dan ukuran buah. Perbedaan iklim tumbuh berupa suhu dan panjang hari diduga menjadi faktor Perubahan karakter yang muncul, selain itu iklim pada waktu tanam yang buruk berupa intensitas hujan tinggi menjadi faktor penghambat lain bagi tanaman untuk memunculkan potensi genetik secara maksimal

    In Vitro Shoot Regeneration of Indonesian Bananas (Musa Spp.) CV. Ambon Kuning and Raja Bulu, Plantlet Acclimatizationand Field Performance

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    The aim of this study was to observe responses of two banana cultivars ‘Ambon' and ‘Raja Bulu' on different BA concentrations and effects of different media and fertilizer on survival and growth of plantlets. Sterilized explants were cultured on initiation medium (MS with 1mg L-1 BA) for 4 weeks, then subjected to media MS with 2.5, 5.0, or 7.5 mg L-1 BA. Numbers of shoot buds, shoots and propagules were recorded after 4 consecutive passages with 4 weeks intervals. Rooted plantlets were acclimatized in three different media, then treated with or without NPK (32:10:10) fertilizer solution once a week. After 2 months, the survival and growth of plantlets were recorded. Cultures of banana ‘Ambon Kuning' showed higher regenerative capacity compared to ‘Raja Bulu', producing higher numbers of shoot buds, shoots and propagules. The best medium for propagule proliferation of both banana cultivars was MS+5 mg L-1 BA, producing 40.7 propagules for ‘Ambon Kuning', and 12.3 propagules for ‘Raja Bulu' per explant. In all acclimatization media tested, 100% of plantlet survival was achieved. The best plantlet growth was found in sand: compost (1:1,v/v) with application of NPK solutions. The in vitro-derived plants were planted in the field and produced fruits of high quality

    Analisis Penggunaan Waktu Luang Siswasmp Negeri 3 Pujud Diluar Jam Sekolahtahun Pelajaran 2013 / 2014

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    ; The title of this project paper is “ The students' analysis in using spare time outside of school hours at SMP Negeri 3 Pujud in academic year 2013 / 2014 ”. It is descriptive research. In accordance with the symptoms, the writer has some important problems that should be known and overcome. Firstly : “ What are the students' activities at SMP Negeri 3 Pujud outside of school hours ? ” and secondly : “ What are the factors that influnce the students' activities at SMP Negeri 3 Pujud outside of school hours ? ”. The objectives of research are : 1. To obtain general description on how the students' activities at SMP Negeri 3 Pujud outside of school hours and 2. To obtain the factors that influnce the students' activities at SMP Negeri 3 Pujud outside of school hours. The research was conducted at SMP Negeri 3 Pujud. Then, The subject of the research is the students of SMP Negeri 3 Pujud and the object of this research is the students' activities in using spare time outside of school hours. In order to collect the data of this research, writer uses questionnaire and it contains thirty items. After obtain the data, the weriter computes by using the following formula :P = x 100 %.In obtaining the students' activities in using spare time outside of school hours, writer uses the following criteria :10 – 14 is high, 5 – 9 is middle, and 0 – 4 is low.Finally, based on the writer's investigation, the students' activities in using spare time outside of school hours is categorized middle. It means that most of the students of SMP Negeri 3 Pujud use their spare time outside of school hours by doing useful activities. The last, one of the factors that influence the students' activities in using spare time outside of school hours is the internal factor, namely : the students do not have high self motivation to do the positive things as a student

    Perancangan Jaringan Femtocell pada Jaringan 3G di Gedung C Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau

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    The worst network performance of “3” network provider at Building C, Faculty of Engineering has affected to the users in download / upload data from internet. Walking test measuremeat has performed and showed that average power level at each floor is -95,59 dBm. It does not meet 3GPP standard. Therefore, this paper presents the design of femtocell network for 3G indoor communication at Building C, Faculty of Engineering, University of Riau by using Radio Wave Propagation Simulator (RPS). There are two design considerations need to be calculated such as coverage area and network capacity. In terms of coverage area, four (4) Femtocell Access Points (FAPs) are required for each floor. However for netwok capacity, the FAPs are not distibuted equally for each floor, two (2) FAPs are required for 1st and 2nd floor, five (5) FAPs are required for 3rd floor. Three (3) scenarios for FAPs position are performed in this simulation; FAP is at the middle, corner, and random of ceiling. The best simulation results are obtained for random position which gives coverage area of -36.19 dBm and the lowest Signal Interference Ratio (SIR) of 1.50 dB. Both results meet the 3GPP standard