19 research outputs found

    Optical properties of melanin in the skin and skin-like phantoms

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    ABSTRACT Experimental study and computer modeling were used to investigate the optical properties of melanin in the skin and skinlike phantoms. To investigate light scattering by melanosomes in skin we made skin-like phantoms on the base of gelatin with different content of melanin particles. Spectra of total transmittance and diffuse reflectance of the phantoms were obtained in the wavelength range from 400 to 800 nm. Absorption and reduced scattering coefficients of melanin were calculated. Mie theory was used to estimate the optical properties ofmelanin particles. Wavelength dependence of refractive indices of eumelanin particles (isolated and purified from the ink of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis) and synthetic melanin particles was estimated

    Применение двух форм ингаляционного бесфреонового беклометазона дипропионата у больных бронхиальной астмой

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    The aim of this study was to compare clinical efficiency of Freon-free ultra-fine metered dose aerosol of beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) (Beclason ECO) and Easy-Breath system (Beclason ECO EB), or an inhaler with larger BDP particles (Beclojet). Methods. The study involved 120 moderate to severe asthma (BA) patients (the average age, 50 yrs; the mean length of the disease, 12 to 13 yrs). More than 75 % of the Beclason and Beclojet group patients have received inhaled steroids when starting the study (the mean doses, 542 ± 308 and 641 ± 379 mcg daily, respectively). The patients have been treated with Beclason ECO 500 mcg daily or Beclojet 1 000 mcg daily (moderate BA), Beclason ECO EB 750 mcg daily or Beclojet 1 500 mcg daily (severe BA) for 12 wks. Results. FEV1 increased by 18 and 20 % in Beclason ECO / Beclason ECO EB group and Beclojet group, correspondingly; FVC increased by the 11 and 21 %, and FEF25–75 grew by 26 and 24 % correspondingly by the end of the study. Daytime symptoms improved by 1.6 and 1.3 scores in the Beclason ECO / Beclason ECO EB patients and Beclojet patients correspondingly and nighttime symptoms improved by 1.0 score in both the groups. The need in beta-2-agonists reduced during the study by 3.1 and 3.4 doses daily correspondingly in the groups. Quality of life improved in both the groups, the difference between the groups was not significant. The inhaled drugs were well-tolerated, rate of unwanted events was low and quite similar in both the groups. Therefore, the freon-free ultra-fine aerosols of BDP (Beclason ECO and Beclason ECO EB) have the comparable clinical efficiency with freon-free non-ultra-fine aerosol (Beclojet) in the dose ratio 2 : 1.Цель исследования — изучение клинической эффективности применения в 2 раза меньшей дозы бесфреонового ультрамелкодиспесного беклометазона дипропионата (БДП) в обычном дозированном аэрозольном ингаляторе (Беклазон ЭКО) и в форме ингалятора Легкое Дыхание (Беклазон ЭКО ЛД) по сравнению с немелкодисперсным аналогом (Беклоджет). Методы. В исследование были включены 120 больных бронхиальной астмой (БА) тяжелого и среднетяжелого течения (средний возраст — около 50 лет, средняя длительность заболевания — 12–13 лет). Свыше 75 % больных на момент включения в исследование принимали иГКС (средняя доза — 542 ± 308 и 641 ± 379 мкг / сут. в группах больных, принимающих Беклоджет и Беклазон). Больные в течение 12 нед. получали терапию Беклазоном или Беклоджетом (среднетяжелая астма — Беклазон ЭКО 500 мкг / сут. либо Беклоджет 1 000 мкг /сут.; тяжелая астма — Беклазон ЭКО ЛД 750 мкг / сут. либо Беклоджет 1 500 мкг / сут.). Результаты. К концу исследования ОФВ1 вырос в среднем на 18 и 20 % в группах Беклазона ЭКО / Беклазона ЭКО ЛД и Беклоджета, ФЖЕЛ — на 11 и 21 %, МОС25–75% — на 26 и 24 % соответственно. Выраженность дневных симптомов уменьшилась в среднем на 1,6 и 1,3 балла в группах Беклазона ЭКО / Беклазона ЭКО ЛД и Беклоджета, выраженность ночных симптомов — на 1,0 и 1,0 балла соответственно. Во время исследования в обеих группах больных значительно сократилось число ингаляций β2-агонистов короткого действия — в среднем на 3,1 и 3,4 инг. в сутки. Отмечено значительное клинически значимое улучшение качества жизни у больных сравниваемых групп, при этом различий отмечено не было. Сравниваемые препараты хорошо переносились больными, число побочных эффектов было невелико и практически не различалось между группами больных. Выводы. Препараты бесфреонового БДП в виде ультра-мелкодисперсной формы (ингаляторы Беклазон ЭКО и Беклазон ЭКО ЛД) по своей клинической эффективности сравнимы с препаратами бесфреонового немелкодисперсного БДП (Беклоджет) при соотношении доз БДП 2 : 1

    Endoscopic interventions in tumor of trachea

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    OBJECTIVE. The authors assessed possibilities of endoscopic methods for restoration and maintenance of trachea patency. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The article presents results of endoscopic treatment of 26 patients with trachea tumors. Tumor lesions of trachea was the main cause of contraction (primary tracheal cancer had 9 patients; esophageal cancer with invasion inside trachea - 5 patients; relapse of trachea cancer - 1case; relapse of larynx cancer - 1 case; lung cancer with invasion inside trachea - 3 cases; thyroid cancer - 2 patients). RESULTS. Endoscopic interventions were applied in order to restore the trachea patency such as tumor bougienage, electro-excision, tumor cutting, trachea stenting. There was observed bleeding in 3 patients, though it didn’t influence on operation approach. The patency of trachea was restored in all cases. Trachea stenting was performed in 19 patients as a preventive measure (silicone stents in 4 cases; self-expandable metal stent in 15 cases). Medical care remained actual in both restoration and trachea patency supporting. CONCLUSIONS. Endoscopic methods showed the high efficacy in treatment of patients with trachea tumors


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    The article presents the results of diagnostics and treatment of 12 patients with Boerhaave’s syndrome (men - 9, women - 3). The age of the patients was 19- 68 years old. The prescription of spontaneous rupture of the oesophagus was 7 h- 2 days from moment of the rupture to hospital admission. General aspects of disease were noted in 10 patients, though only 5 patients were directed to the hospital with suspicion on Boerhaave’s syndrome. Emergency surgeries were performed on all patients. At first the opening was carried out, than drainage of posterior lower mediastinum were performed by Savinykh-Rozanov method with wound closure of the oesophagus walls. The complications were noted in 2 patients (the first case-pleural empyema, the second case-pulmonary embolism). Late complications, such as esophagostenosis in the place of wound closure were followed up in 3 patients in terms more than one month after operation


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    Aim. Study of the effect of antimicrobial peptides (AMP) on the sensitivity of the conditional pathogenic of bacteria to the action of antagonistic active of representatives mutualistically microflora. Materials and methods. The study used peptides from platelets of chicken obtained by the method of reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography in stepwise and linear gradients of increasing concentrations of organic solvent. The effect of AMP on the sensitivity of microorganisms to antagonistic active substances of the dominant bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus, and Enterococcus were investigated in a joint incubation. Antagonistic activity of bacteria studied the gup method. Results. Shown an increased expression of antagonistic activity of indigenous microflora in relation to associative microflora after concubinage with a peptide fractions from platelets of chicken. Conclusion. The obtained results allow to assume the existence of new mechanisms of formation of the colonization resistance of the biotope

    Амбулаторная респираторная терапия больных хроническими веспецифическими заболеваниями легких с дыхательной недостаточностью

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    Experience gained in a group outpatient respiratory therapy of 362 patients with different chronic non-specific pulmonary diseases (in their remission stage) is generalized. The management of these patients was conducted at the Respiratory and Rehabilitation Centre organized under the auspices o f the Municipal Polyclinic No. 7 and directly supported by “ ETON ” , Russian — Bulgarian Joint Venture on Pulmonology Industry. Along with kinesiatrics and aerosoltherapy, the course of respiratory réadaptation included a number of equipment-aided and non -chemothepapeutic methods of respiratory treatment of patients with chronic non-specific pulmonary diseases, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema and pneumosclerosis as well as subjects diagnosed as having frequent acute respiratory infections. Initial experience of prescribing long -term home oxygen therapy in serious cases of chronic respiratory insufficiency concurrent with arterial hypoxem ia and sometimes with hypercapnia, using “ DeVilbiss” Oxygen Concentrators for the purpose, is analysed. The obtained positive results confirm the idea of setting up a network of outpatient respiratory centres in different parts of this country bearing in mind unravorable environmen tal factors and high percentage of patients suffering from chronic pulmonary diseases.Обобщен опыт групповой амбулаторной респираторной терапии 362 больных с различным и хроническим и неспецифическим и заболеваниям и легких (в стадии ремиссии) в условиях респираторно-восстановительного центра, организованного на базе городской поликлиники при участии русско-болгарской лаборатории по пульмонологическому приборостроению «ЭТОН». В программу курса дыхательной реадаптации , наряду с кинезитерапией и аэрозолетерапией , включены различные аппаратные и немедикаментозные методы респираторной % помощи больным с хроническим и не специфическими заболеваниями легких: бронхитом, бронхиальной астмой, эмфиземой легких и пневмосклерозом , часто болеющим острым и респираторными заболеваниями . Анализирован первый опыт долговременной кислородотерапии на дому тяжелобольным с хронической дыхательной недостаточностью, сопровождающейся артериальной гипоксемией, а у ряда больных и гиперкапнией, с применением концентраторов кислорода фирмы «ДеВИЛБИСС» . Полученные положительные результаты подтверждают целесобразность создания сети амбулаторных респираторных центров в различных регионах страны с учётом неблагоприятных экологических факторов и высокого контингента больных, страдающих хроническим и заболеваниями лёгких