6 research outputs found

    Modified lateral spinal decompression in 61 dogs with thoracolurnbar disc protrusion

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    A modified lateral spinal decompression technique was performed in 61 dogs with thoracolumbar disc protrusion. Myelography combined with plain radiography and neurological examination determined the side of greatest compression in 93 per cent of the dogs. Disc material was retrieved in 98 per cent of the cases. Of the 35 non‐ambulatory dogs, 95 per cent regained the ability to walk. The recovery time was three weeks

    Relationship between physical signs of elbow dysplasia and radiographic score in growing Rottweilers

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between physical signs of elbow dysplasia and radiographic appearance of the elbow joints in growing dogs. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 55 Rottweiler pups. PROCEDURE: Owners of clinically normal Rottweiler pups were contacted through breed clubs in 3 Australian states and asked to participate in the study. All those offering to participate were included. PROCEDURE: The first physical examination was performed when pups were 3 months old and included a lameness evaluation and palpation of the elbow joints. Physical examinations were repeated when pups were 5, 6, 9, and 12 months old. Radiographs of the elbows were obtained at 6 and 12 months. Relationships among lameness, decreased range of movement, signs of pain, and radiographic data related to elbow dysplasia were examined. RESULTS: Elbow dysplasia caused clinical lameness in only 3 dogs but 57% of dogs developed radiographic signs of elbow dysplasia by 12 months of age. A grade-2 radiographic score at 12 months of age was significantly associated with clinical elbow dysplasia. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Elbow dysplasia has a prevalence of > 50% in certain breed populations. This study supports radiographic screening at 12 months of age, accompanied by physical examination to detect clinical elbow dysplasia

    Ocorrência de poliúria-polidpsia em eqüinos estabulados - descrição de dois casos de polidipsia psicogênica Incidence of two cases of polyuria-polydipsia in confined horses

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    Dois eqüinos da raça Brasileira de Hipismo, machos, quatro anos de idade, apresentando sinais de poliúria-polidipsia, foram submetidos a completa avaliação clínica e a exames de sangue e urina. Não foram observadas alterações clínicas, hematológicas ou bioquímicas, a não ser um decréscimo na gravidade específica da urina de ambos os animais (1,009 e 1,008). Realizou-se um teste de privação de água de 24 horas e durante esse período a gravidade especifica da urina subiu gradualmente até atingir a normalidade (1,028 e 1,026, respectivamente). O comportamento anormal ocorreu por confinamento excessivo. Os resultados clínicos e de laboratório e o teste de privação de água indicam o diagnóstico de polidipsia psicogênica.<br>Two four-year-old male Brasileiro de Hipismo breed horses presenting signs of polyuria-polydipsia, were submitted to a complete clinical evaluation as well as having blood and urine samples collected for laboratory analysis. No clinical, hematological or biochemical abnormalities were observed, but a significant decrease in urine specific gravity was detected in both horses. One of the horses presented 1,009 and the other 1,008. A 24-hour water deprivation test was carried out and, during this period, the urine specific gravity gradually increased reaching the normal values of 1,028 and 1,026. The abnormal behavior occured as a consequence of an excessive confinement. The clinical and laboratory results associated to the 24-hour water deprivation test indicated a diagnosis of psychogenic polydipsia


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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar os efeitos da laminectomia dorsal do tipo Funkquist A em cães normais. A técnica realizada consistiu em abordagem dorsal à coluna vertebral; remoção (com ou sem a ajuda da elevação dos corpos vertebrais) das lâminas dorsais de T13 e L1; manutenção do ligamento supra-espinhal; colocação de gordura subcutânea como coxim supramedular; sutura da fáscia toracolombar, subcutâneo e pele; e bandagem compressiva por sete dias. Quarenta e oito horas após a cirurgia, todos os 10 cães submetidos a essa técnica exibiram perda das reações posturais e paresia de moderada a grave nos membros pélvicos. Hipoalgesia foi constatada em cinco deles. Tentando descobrir as causas, foram realizados estudos histológicos de medulas espinhais, coletadas 4 e 48 horas após a realização da laminectomia, porém com modificações como: não elevação dos corpos vertebrais durante a cirurgia e prevenção de qualquer tipo de compressão medular após a laminectomia. Analisando esses resultados, foi possível concluir que as disfunções neurológicas decorreram de lesões medulares ocasionadas possivelmente por: elevações dos corpos vertebrais durante a laminectomia, danificação de vasos espinhais, desestabilização da coluna vertebral e uma somatória de forças compressivas atuantes sobre a medula espinhal desprotegida. Na necropsia de cinco cães, acompanhados por quarenta e cinco dias, foi possível constatar: a permanência do ligamento supra-espinhal; que o enxerto de gordura não evita a penetração do tecido fibroso no canal vertebral nem sua aderência à dura- máter; notório (P< 0.01) achatamento do canal vertebral e deformação das medulas espinhais. Com base nos resultados, aconselha-se não realizar esses procedimentos cirúrgicos em cães acometidos de afeções medulares na junção toracolombar. A manutenção do ligamento supra-espinhal não perturba a realização da laminectomia, minimiza a ocorrência de defeitos estéticos na linha média dorsal e pode participar da compressão medular no pós-operatório imediato.<br>The purpose of this research was to check the effects of the Funkquist A dorsal laminectomy in normal dogs. The technique accomplished consisted in dorsal approach to the spine; removal of T13-L1 laminae with or without vertebral bodies elevation; mantainement of the supraspinous ligament; placement of subcutaneous fat as supramedulary pad; suture of thoracolumbar fascia, subcutaneous and skin; and compressive bandage for seven days. Fourty-eight hours latter all the dogs (10) submitted to this technique showed loss of the postural reactions and paraparesis classified of moderated to serious. Hypalgesia was ascertained in five of them. Trying to discover the causes, was accomplished histologic studies of spinal cord collected 4 and 48 hours after the accomplishment of the laminectomies were conducted, however with modifications as: non-elevation of the vertebral bodies during the surgery and prevention of any type of compression spinal after the laminectomie. Examining these results was possible to conclude that the neurologic dysfunctions were originated from cord lesions caused for: elevation of the vertebral bodies during the laminectomy, possible damage of spinal vessels, destabilization of the spine and a somatory of compressive forces acting upon an uncovered spinal cord. At the necropsy of five dogs realized forty - five days latter were possible to verify: the permanence of the supraspinous ligament; that the fat grafts do not avoid the penetration of the fibrous tissue into the vertebral canal neither its adherency to the dura mater; notorious (p < 0.01) flattening of the vertebral canal and deformations of the spinal cords. With support on these results, isn't advise to furfill these surgery procedure in the thoracolumbar junction of dogs. The mantainement of the supraspinatus ligament do not perturb the realization of the laminectomy, minimize the occurrence of the aesthetics defects at the dorsal midline and can participate at the immediate postoperative cord compression

    Avaliação dos resultados clínicos após cirurgia descompressiva em cães com doença de disco intervertebral Evaluation of clinical results of decompressive surgery in dogs with degenerative disk disease

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    Avaliaram-se os resultados clínicos após realização de cirurgia descompressiva em 45 cães com doença do disco intervertebral cervical ou toracolombar. Após a cirurgia, 35 cães (77,8%) recuperaram-se totalmente, oito (17,8%) parcialmente e dois (4,4%) não apresentaram alteração do quadro inicial. Em oito cães com paraplegia e perda da sensibilidade dolorosa profunda houve completa melhora do quadro clínico, com recuperação total em 62,5% dos casos. Em quatro cães com tetraparesia, a cirurgia foi eficaz. A cirurgia descompressiva (slot cervical e hemilaminectomia toracolombar), com a retirada do material do disco do interior do canal vertebral, foi uma forma efetiva de gerar melhora do quadro funcional.<br>Clinical results after decompressive surgery were evaluated in 45 dogs with cervical or thoracolumbar intervertebral disk disease. After surgery, 35 dogs recovered totally, eight (17.8%) partially, and two (4.4%) did not present any change in clinical findings. Eight dogs with paraplegy and loss of deep pain perception showed improvement, with total recovering in 62.5% of cases. Surgery was effective in four dogs with tetraparesy. Decompressive surgery (cervical slot or hemilaminectomy), with removal of disk material from inside the vertebral canal, was an effective form to produce functional improvement in dogs with this disease