1,333 research outputs found

    Palliative Urinary Diversion in Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate

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    Ten patients with inoperable prostatic carcinoma, producing ureteral obstruction and azotemia, underwent palliative urinary diversion. Good quality survivals of two months to three years were obtained. These results compare favorably with the good results seer) In gynecologic neoplasm of the bladder, colon and breast. In selected cases of carcinoma of the prostate, palliative urinary diversion is indicated when the prospects exist for further benefit from chemotherapy or radiotherapy

    Testing Alternative Theories of the Property Price-Trading Volume Correlation

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    This article examines the correlation between the real housing price and trading volume. Contrary to the predictions of standard rational expectation models, a robust positive correlation between the two variables is identified. While no clear lead-lag relationship is found in the raw data, which is more consistent with the downpayment effect model, the medium-run component of the trading volume tends to lead (and Granger cause) the corresponding component of the property price, which is more consistent with the search theoretic model. An explanation for this difference in behavior is suggested and several future research directions are provided.