1,491 research outputs found

    Strange quarks and lattice QCD

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    The last few years have seen a dramatic improvement in our knowledge of the strange form factors of the nucleon. With regard to the vector from factors the level of agreement between theory and experiment gives us considerable confidence in our ability to calculate with non-perturbative QCD. The calculation of the strange scalar form factor has moved significantly in the last two years, with the application of new techniques which yield values considerably smaller than believed for the past 20 years. These new values turn out to have important consequences for the detection of neutralinos, a favourite dark matter candidate. Finally, very recent lattice studies have resurrected interest in the famed H-dibaryon, with modern chiral extrapolation of lattice data suggesting that it may be only slightly unbound. We review some of the major sources of uncertainty in that chiral extrapolation.Comment: Invited talk at the Asia-Pacific few Body Conference, Seoul Kore

    Systematic uncertainties in the precise determination of the strangeness magnetic moment of the nucleon

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    Systematic uncertainties in the recent precise determination of the strangeness magnetic moment of the nucleon are identified and quantified. In summary, G_M^s = -0.046 \pm 0.019 \mu_N.Comment: Invited presentation at PAVI '04, International Workshop on Parity Violation and Hadronic Structure, Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Grenoble, France, June 8-11, 2004. 7 pages, 16 figure

    The impact of infrastructure investment on economic growth in the United Kingdom

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    ABSTRACT Infrastructure investment has long been held as an accelerator or a driver of the economy. Internationally, the UK ranks poorly with the performance of infrastructure and ranks in the lower percentile for both infrastructure investment and GDP growth rate amongst comparative nations. Faced with the uncertainty of Brexit and the likely negative economic impact this will bring, infrastructure investment may be used to strengthen the UK economy. This study aims to examine how infrastructure funding impacts economic growth and how best the UK can maximize this potential by building on existing work. The research method is based on interviews carried out with respondents involved in infrastructure operating across various sectors. The findings show that investment in infrastructure is vital in the UK as it stimulates economic growth through employment creation due to factor productivity. However, it is critical for investment to be directed to regional opportunity areas with the potential to unlock economic growth and maximize returns whilst stimulating further growth to benefit other regions. There is also a need for policy consistency and to review UK infrastructure policy to streamline the process and to reduce cost and time overrun, with Brexit likely to impact negatively on infrastructure investment. Keywords: infrastructure; economic growth; investment; constructio

    The differing approaches to sustainability between practising and academic Quantity Surveyors

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    Most interpretations of sustainability in construction stem from the definition of sustainable development, which is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the future generation’s needs. Various research and sustainability studies within the construction industry focus on finding economical, social, and environmental balance. Construction professionals, such as Quantity Surveyors, begin their learning journey by studying in colleges and progressing to higher education. As the construction industry evolves through modern techniques, higher education institutions must also follow suit. These modern techniques have arisen due to the shift of ethos towards sustainability. Without the higher education institutions including this new knowledge in their curriculum, future professionals will not be equipped with the correct skills. Few research have been conducted in relation to students’ views on sustainability. Although such research is at a minute level, thus the converse side of the argument is how professional Quantity Surveyors view these topics on sustainability and whether they implement them in their daily duties. Hence, the research explores the differences in understanding between practicing and academic Quantity Surveyors on sustainable development in their various professional duties. The research was conducted using questionnaires that was distributed using survey monkey. The results were analysed through Spearman and ANOVA statistical tests to check their correlations. The study found a difference in the knowledge acquired by practicing and academic Quantity Surveyors. This finding conveys the importance of sustainability knowledge and how it is fundamental in achieving the UN sustainable goals and using such knowledge in practice

    Infrastructure Development in the UK: Key Drivers and Implementation Challenges

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    Infrastructure is a critical factor in fostering strong and sustained economic growth, hence, sufficient attention should be given to the allocation of investment. Although UK infrastructure investment have risen in line with the global trend, the level of investment remains in the lower percentile when compared to other leading countries such as Singapore and China. The study examines the challenges of infrastructure development in the UK and explored the policies required to stimulate investment. Using semi-structured interviews, the views of key stakeholders involved in infrastructure operating across key sectors of transport and energy were captured to gain an insight into the key policy drivers of infrastructure investment. Findings from the research suggests that policy changes are required to stimulate significant investment if the UK is to become a world leader in infrastructure. Key criticisms of UK infrastructure policy focussed on comparatively low level of investment, inadequate collaboration between key stakeholders, and the regional bias of investment in favour of London which disproportionately affects the Northern regions. To facilitate economic growth, the identification of future investible pipeline of infrastructure projects, increasing collaboration with local stakeholders and addressing the regional biases will be critical to ensure synergy and ownership and to scale up the implementation of UK future infrastructure development plans. Considerations should also be given to the need to set up infrastructure banks similar to what is in operation in other countries such as China and Singapore to stimulate private investment and to complement public sector budget allocations. Improving infrastructure project implementation through institutional coordination will boost economic growth post Brexit, support the development of new trading agreements and enhance the country’s economic performance after the pandemi

    Strong contribution to octet baryon mass splittings

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    We calculate the mdmum_d-m_u contribution to the mass splittings in baryonic isospin multiplets using SU(3) chiral perturbation theory and lattice QCD. Fitting isospin-averaged perturbation theory functions to PACS-CS and QCDSF-UKQCD Collaboration lattice simulations of octet baryon masses, and using the physical light quark mass ratio mu/mdm_u/m_d as input, allows MnMpM_n-M_p, MΣMΣ+M_{\Sigma^-}-M_{\Sigma^+} and MΞMΞ0M_{\Xi^-}-M_{\Xi^0} to be evaluated from the full SU(3) theory. The resulting values for each mass splitting are consistent with the experimental values after allowing for electromagnetic corrections. In the case of the nucleon, we find MnMp=2.9±0.4MeVM_n-M_p= 2.9 \pm 0.4 \textrm{MeV}, with the dominant uncertainty arising from the error in mu/mdm_u/m_d

    Success Factors in Mega Infrastructure Projects (MIPs): Developing Nations Perspectives

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    There is a common understanding that megaprojects are important drivers of societal change. Their impact is an important phenomenon because of the influence on both society and economy. Despite the best practices all around the globe, numerous challenges can move a megaproject from a programmed success to a failure scenario. It can create an uncertainty over the result, impact as well as over the justification of the enormous amount of resources spent. Despite much research done so far, it is still not clear what are the causes of megaproject success. However, there seems to be no clear understanding as to what are the major success factors on which a project is judged in developing nation. Hence, this study aims to analyse the most vital success factors that would label a megaproject as being a complete accomplishment. The research was conducted using quantitative survey. The questionnaires were distributed to different stakeholders who have participated in previous megaproject. The questions were based on a Likert's scale rating and analysed using relative important index (RII). The result from the analysis was then used in establishing the main success factors in mega project whilst focusing on what is regarded as the most important success factors as projects are unique with certain needs. The key finding from the study is the Project Managers experience and co existence with other stakeholders which was found as vital factor for the successful delivery of MIPs. Therefore, the research demonstrates the implication of the role of the project managers in terms of coordination of other parties in achieving stakeholders goal

    Improving Trade in Large Ruminants and Products by Transboundary Animal Disease Control in Lao PDR

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    Within the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) the nation of Lao PDR has a small population of ~6.3 million people and a relatively large population of large ruminants (cattle and buffalo) at ~2.7 million head. With the growing demand for red meat in South-East Asia driven by a rising middle class and the associated changes in dietary intake, Lao smallholder farmers have the opportunity to satisfy this demand provided key constraints are addressed. Recent research has highlighted a series of best practice interventions directed at the smallholder level to improve animal health and production. Animal movement and trade have been identified as a major risk factor involved in transboundary animal disease (TAD) transmission including foot and mouth disease. Hence, understanding the supply chain is important for effective TAD control. The results of a survey of 32 large ruminant traders in northern Laos in 2011 were matched to a longitudinal production survey from 6 villages in northern Laos to develop a value chain analysis. The 32 traders provided details on 8,796 large ruminant trades, operating locations, large ruminant purchase prices, transport methods, major costs, livestock destinations and trader views on major constraints to development of the large ruminant market. The 2011 farm gate value of the national large ruminant herd was estimated as USD 835.8 million based on trader purchase price and village herd production data. As improvement of large ruminant production has been linked to reducing regional rural poverty and food insecurity in smallholder communities through opportunities for business development and rural employment, addressing both TADs and the underdeveloped market in the GMS is important. Whilst control of TADs will need to remain a medium term priority, further research is needed to ensure that market development remains aligned with disease control efforts

    Gender Diversity in the UK Construction Industry

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    For many years, there has been an assumption that the UK construction industry is devoid of gender diversity. Part of this assumption was predicated on the representation of workers in construction sites, who are predominantly male. However, there are many positions in the construction industry that are not public-facing, and the question is whether the assumption that males fill most of these roles is also true. This issue has existed in the construction industry for many years; it appears that placing the sole onus on construction companies to employ more women may not be producing the desired level of progress. This research aim to establish whether clients can influence gender diversity in the construction industry with an objective of determining the current position of inequality in the construction industry; and existing incentives and frameworks. The research adopted an exploratory approach, with data collected through existing literature and records of 20 major construction companies, followed by interviews with Six individuals working for UK construction companies and clients of varying sizes. The study will awaken the construction industry and how it can initiate new proposals or support schemes that have worked previously, to encourage more women to join the construction industry. It reveals that clients have an important role to play if the construction industry is to improve on gender diversity through contractual commitments that could be monitored regularly throughout the duration of a project

    Limitations of the heavy-baryon expansion as revealed by a pion-mass dispersion relation

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    The chiral expansion of nucleon properties such as mass, magnetic moment, and magnetic polarizability are investigated in the framework of chiral perturbation theory, with and without the heavy-baryon expansion. The analysis makes use of a pion-mass dispersion relation, which is shown to hold in both frameworks. The dispersion relation allows an ultraviolet cutoff to be implemented without compromising the symmetries. After renormalization, the leading-order heavy-baryon loops demonstrate a stronger dependence on the cutoff scale, which results in weakened convergence of the expansion. This conclusion is tested against the recent results of lattice quantum chromodynamics simulations for nucleon mass and isovector magnetic moment. In the case of the polarizability, the situation is even more dramatic as the heavy-baryon expansion is unable to reproduce large soft contributions to this quantity. Clearly, the heavy-baryon expansion is not suitable for every quantity.Comment: Accepted for publication in EPJ C. Made changes based on referee comments: clarifying sentences to conclusion 1. of Section IV, beginning of Section V, and new footnote in Section VI, page 8. Added more detailed explanation in paragraph 4 of Section III. Added citations of Phys.Rev. D60, 034014, and Phys.Lett. B716, 33