57 research outputs found

    Chiral topological whispering gallery modes formed by gyromagnetic photonic crystals

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    We explore a hexagonal cavity that supports chiral topological whispering gallery (CTWG) modes, formed by a gyromagnetic photonic crystal. This mode is a special type of topologically protected optical mode that can propagate in photonic crystals with chiral direction. Finite element method simulations show that discrete edge states exist in the topological band gap due to the coupling of chiral edge states and WG modes. Since the cavity only supports edge state modes with group velocity in only one direction, it can purely generate traveling modes and be immune to interference modes. In addition, we introduced defects and disorder to test the robustness of the cavity, demonstrating that the CTWG modes can be effectively maintained under all types of perturbations. Our topological cavity platform offers useful prototype of robust topological photonic devices. The existence of this mode can have important implications for the design and application of optical devices.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Visualization study on operating performance of a dual compensation chamber loop heat pipe under acceleration condition

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    © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/In this article, a novel visual dual compensation chamber loop heat pipe (DCCLHP) under acceleration conditions was experimentally investigated. The working fluid was deionized water and the wick material was sintered nickel powder. Visual windows were installed on both compensation chambers (CCs) and condenser in order to observe the vapor and liquid distribution. The operating performance and physical mechanism of the proposed DCCLHP under both acceleration direction A and B at different heat loads and acceleration magnitudes were analysed in a systematic manner. Direction A refers the acceleration direction which was parallel to the axis of the evaporator and the CC without a bayonet placed at the outer edge of the rotating arm. While direction B is defined as the acceleration direction was perpendicular to the axis of the evaporator and the evaporator was placed at the outer edge of the rotating arm. In the current study, the heat load varies from 30 W to 130 W and the acceleration magnitude ranges from 1 g to 15 g. Experimental results revealed that: (i) The larger the heat load, the higher the operating temperature. Obviously waving of the vapor-liquid interface in the CC is observed at direction A. Bubbles generated in the CCs and the vapor-liquid interface moves back and forth in the condenser during temperature oscillation at both 70 W and 90 W for the case of 13 g and direction B. (ii) Under direction B, the DCCLHP presents lower operating temperature and higher thermal conductance. The maximum temperature is 143.2 °C at 5 g and 90 W under direction A. The maximum thermal conductance is 1.70 W/K at 13 g and 130 W under direction B. (iii) In general, the operating temperature shows a trend of decreasing first and then increasing with the increase of acceleration. Whereas the thermal conductance shows an opposite behavior. The transition acceleration, namely the acceleration magnitude at the minimum temperature, is 13 g for the case of direction A. However, under direction B, the large heat load can result in a large transition acceleration. (iv) Intermittent spattering of liquid drops is observed in the CCs at 70 W and 15 g under direction A. The flow pattern under direction A is different with that under direction B at each heat load. Multiple segments of the liquid and vapor phase alternately distribute and stratified flow forms in the condenser.Peer reviewe

    Experimental and numerical investigation on conjugate performance of fan and heat exchanger of helicopter oil cooling system

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    © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/In this article, a combined experimental and numerical study has been performed to investigate the operating performance of axial fan and oil cooling system. A test rig was established, and six types of plate-fin heat exchangers (HEs) with offset strip and rectangular fins and three different flow lengths of 30 mm, 60 mm and 90 mm at air side were designed and manufactured. The performance of an axial fan with front guide vane was experimentally studied by two different adjusting modes: gradually increasing and decreasing air flow rate. The conjugate performances of the axial fan and different HEs were discussed in detail. Moreover, a three-dimensional (3D) model was developed to investigate the flow distribution of the system including fan and 30 mm offset strip fins HE at different flow rates. The results show that: (1) the total pressure performance curve of the axial fan under two adjusting modes could form a hysteresis region near the stall boundary. In the hysteresis region, the fan performance curves showed significant difference under both adjusting modes; (2) when the offset strip fins HE with large flow resistance is considered, the system could have two theoretical working points in the hysteresis region. For the case of HE with 90 mm offset strip fins, the flow rates of the system at two theoretical working points were 25.1 m³/min and 34.2 m³/min, and the heat transfer capacity of the HE were 23.1 kW and 27.5 kW, respectively. In the current experiment, it was found that the system operated at the point with smaller flow rate; (3) when the HE flow resistance exceeded a certain value, the boundary layer separation of the airflow could occur at the rotor blade. The separation had a small effect on the inlet airflow due to its turbulence kinetic energy was low and basically the same at each blade passage. Therefore, the system did not surge or stall at small flow rate.Peer reviewe

    High hydrostatic pressure harnesses the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites via the regulation of polyketide synthesis genes of hadal sediment-derived fungi

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    Deep-sea fungi have evolved extreme environmental adaptation and possess huge biosynthetic potential of bioactive compounds. However, not much is known about the biosynthesis and regulation of secondary metabolites of deep-sea fungi under extreme environments. Here, we presented the isolation of 15 individual fungal strains from the sediments of the Mariana Trench, which were identified by internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence analysis as belonging to 8 different fungal species. High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) assays were performed to identify the piezo-tolerance of the hadal fungi. Among these fungi, Aspergillus sydowii SYX6 was selected as the representative due to the excellent tolerance of HHP and biosynthetic potential of antimicrobial compounds. Vegetative growth and sporulation of A. sydowii SYX6 were affected by HHP. Natural product analysis with different pressure conditions was also performed. Based on bioactivity-guided fractionation, diorcinol was purified and characterized as the bioactive compound, showing significant antimicrobial and antitumor activity. The core functional gene associated with the biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) of diorcinol was identified in A. sydowii SYX6, named as AspksD. The expression of AspksD was apparently regulated by the HHP treatment, correlated with the regulation of diorcinol production. Based on the effect of the HHP tested here, high pressure affected the fungal development and metabolite production, as well as the expression level of biosynthetic genes which revealed the adaptive relationship between the metabolic pathway and the high-pressure environment at the molecular level

    Ferroelectricity in layered bismuth oxide down to 1 nanometer

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    Atomic-scale ferroelectrics are of great interest for high-density electronics, particularly field-effect transistors, low-power logic, and nonvolatile memories. We devised a film with a layered structure of bismuth oxide that can stabilize the ferroelectric state down to 1 nanometer through samarium bondage. This film can be grown on a variety of substrates with a cost-effective chemical solution deposition. We observed a standard ferroelectric hysteresis loop down to a thickness of ~1 nanometer. The thin films with thicknesses that range from 1 to 4.56 nanometers possess a relatively large remanent polarization from 17 to 50 microcoulombs per square centimeter. We verified the structure with first-principles calculations, which also pointed to the material being a lone pair-driven ferroelectric material. The structure design of the ultrathin ferroelectric films has great potential for the manufacturing of atomic-scale electronic devices.This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFA0703700, 2017YFE0119700, and 2020YFA0406202), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21801013, 51774034, 51961135107, 62104140, 12175235, 22090042, 12074016, 11704041, and 12274009), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (FRF-IDRY-19-007 and FRF-TP-19-055A2Z), the National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals, the Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST (2019-2021QNRC), and Lingang Laboratory Open Research Fund (grant LG-QS-202202-11). Use of the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (1W1A beamlines, China) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is acknowledged. Y.-W.F. acknowledges the support of Masaki Azuma’s group during his stay at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Y.L. acknowledges the support of the Beijing Innovation Team Building Program (grant no. IDHT20190503), the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Z210016), the Research and Development Project from the Shanxi-Zheda Institute of Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering (2022SX-TD001), and the General Program of Science and Technology Development Project of Beijing Municipal Education Commission (KM202110005003).Peer reviewe

    A thermo-mechanical continuum theory with internal length for cohesionless granular materials. Part II. Non-equilibrium postulates and numerical simulations of simple shear, plane Poiseuille and gravity driven problems

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    This article continues Part I. Here the non-equilibrium responses of the constitutive variables t (Cauchy stress tensor), q (heat flux vector), h (equilibrated stress vector), Γ (flux term associated with the internal length l), Π (production term associated with l) and f (equilibrated intrinsic body force) as well as the Helmholtz free energy Ψ are postulated by use of a quasi-linear theory for three of four models deduced in Part I. In so doing, together with the equilibrium responses gained in Part I, a complete set of constitutive equations for the constitutive quantities for each model is obtained. The implemented models are applied to investigate typical isothermal steady granular shearing flows with incompressible grains, namely, simple plane shear flow, inclined gravity-driven flow and vertical channel-flow. The emphasis is on the models in which l is considered a material constant (Model I) and an independent dynamic field quantity (Model III). Numerical results show that Model III is more appropriate than Model I since in the former model the effect of the motion of an individual grain can better be taken into account. Such a result is in particular significant for avalanches, since it verifies the existence of a thin layer immediately above the base of an avalanche, in which the grains are colliding strongly with one another, and provides a quantitative means to measure such a thin layer

    Shearing flows of a dry granular material : hypoplastic constitutive theory and numerical simulations

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    In the present study, the Goodman-Cowin theory is extended to incorporate plastic features to construct an elasto-visco-plastic constitutive model for flowing dry granular materials. A thermodynamic analysis, based on the Müller-Liu entropy principle, is performed to derive the equilibrium expressions of the constitutive variables. Non-equilibrium responses are proposed by use of a quasi- linear theory, in particular a hypoplastic-type relation is introduced to model the internal friction and plastic effects. It is illustrated that the Goodman-Cowin theory can appropriately be extended to include frictional effects into the evolution equation of the volume fraction (i.e. the so-called balance of equilibrated force) and the equilibrium expression of the Cauchy stress tensor. The implemented model is applied to investigate conventional steady isothermal granular flows with incompressible grains, namely simple plane shear, inclined gravity-driven and vertical channel-flows, respectively. Numerical results show that the hypoplastic effect plays a significant role in the behaviour of a flowing granular material. The obtained profiles of the velocity and the volume fraction with hypoplastic features are usually sharper and the shear-thinning effect is more significant than that without such plastic effects. This points at the possible wide applicability of the present model in the fields of granular materials and soil mechanics. In addition, the present paper also provides a framework for a possible extension of the hypoplastic theories which can be further undertaken
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