2 research outputs found

    Coix 属植物の飼料作物化に関する育種学的研究 XVI : New Coix 系統の湛水条件下における形質発現について(農学部門)

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    栽培環境の変化に伴うNew Coix系統の形質発現の変異と形質間の相関の変動を検討するために, 供試系統を湛水田および畑で栽培し, 標準施肥の3倍量の多肥を与えて形質発現を解析した。水田, 畑両区における形質発現力の差異は, 形質の種類によって異なり, 草丈, 葉面積は施肥量に関係なく畑区がすぐれ, 分げつ数は逆に水田区で増加した。また多肥の効果は概して畑区で強く現われた。一般に環境変化による影響のうけやすい形質の発現力は大きい変動性を示した。水田区の形質発現力は畑区のそれに比べてやや劣るが, なおかなりの生産力を維持しており本系統の耐湿性はかなり強い。New Coix系統間の形質変動性は, 水田区では多肥により増大する形質が多いが, 畑区では逆に減少の傾向が認められた。全試験区を通じて, 草丈, 稈径, 葉厚, 葉面積および花粉稔性の変動性は小さく, 形質発現に安定性が認められる。草丈に対する茎葉諸形質の表現型相関は, 分げつ数を除きいずれの試験区においても高い有意相関を示しており, 遺伝相関はすべて表現型相関を上まわり概して環境相関は低い。草丈と分げつ数との間には, 雑種初期世代で認められたような負の相関は認められない。一般に, New Coix系統の高稈性と多収性にはかなり強い遺伝的関連性があることが推察された。The primary objective of the present study is to analyze the variations of character manifestation and correlation between characters in improved strains of the genus Coix (New Coix strains) cultured in various environmental conditions of field. Six New Coix strains and their parental strains were grown in submerged and upland fields fertilized three times normal amount of manure. The results are summarized as follows : 1) The differences in character manifestation between submerged and upland fields varied with characters. Irrespective of amount of manure, plant height and leaf area in upland field were superior to those in submerged field, and in case of number of tillers the tendency was reversed. Heavy manuring was more effective for character manifestations in general in upland field than in submerged field. Generally, characters which were fluctuable by change of environments varied largely. As the New Coix strains showed fairly high productivities in submerged field in spite of the somewhat inferior character manifestations as compared to those in upland field, the wet endurances of these strains were recognized considerably strong. 2) Variations in many characters due to the differences in strains were increased by heavy manure in submerged field, but they showed a reverse tendency in upland field. The character manifestations of plant height, culm diameter, leaf thickness, leaf area and pollen fertility were considered fairy stable. 3) Significantly high phenotypic correlations were estimated between plant height and some vegitative characters and all the genetic correlations were still higher than those phenotypic correlations, but environmental correlations were generally low. Negative correlation which had been estimated in the early hybrid generations was not recognized between plant height and number of tillers