24 research outputs found
CdSe Ring- and Tribulus-Shaped Nanocrystals: Controlled Synthesis, Growth Mechanism, and Photoluminescence Properties
With air-stable and generic reagents, CdSe nanocrystals with tunable morphologies were prepared by controlling the temperature in the solution reaction route. Thereinto, the lower reaction temperature facilitates the anisotropic growth of crystals to obtain high-yield CdSe ring- and tribulus-shaped nanocrystals with many branches on their surfaces. The photoluminescence properties are sensitive to the nature of particle and its surface. The products synthesized at room temperature, whose surfaces have many branches, show higher blue shift and narrower emission linewidths (FWHM) of photoluminescence than that of samples prepared at higher temperature, whose surfaces have no branches. Microstructural studies revealed that the products formed through self-assembly of primary crystallites. Nanorings formed through the nonlinear attachment of primary crystallites, and the branches on the surfaces grew by linear attachment at room temperature. And the structure of tribulus-shaped nanoparticle was realized via two steps of aggregation, i.e., random and linear oriented aggregation. Along with the elevation of temperature, the branches on nanocrystal surfaces shortened gradually because of the weakened linear attachment
Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene insertion/deletion polymorphism is associated with risk of oral precancerous lesion in betel quid chewers
To investigate whether angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism is related to the risk of oral precancerous lesions (OPL) in Taiwanese subjects who chew betel quid, a total of 61 betel quid chewers having OPL were compared with 61 asymptomatic betel quid chewers matched for betel quid chewing duration and dosage. The frequency of homozygote for ACE D variant is significantly higher in the case subjects than that of the controls (44.3 vs 24.6%; P=0.0108). The adjusted odds ratio of the D homozygous for the risk of OPL is 8.10 (95% confidence interval (CI)=2.04–32.19, P=0.003). In the allelic base analysis, the D allele is also significantly associated with higher risk of OPL. When grouping the study subjects by smoking status, the association between ACE I/D polymorphism and risk of OPL was only observed in nonsmokers. Our results support the theory that genetic factors may contribute to the susceptibility of OPL and suggest that smoking and genetic factors may be differently involved in the development of OPL
Contact metamorphism associated to the Penamacor - Monsanto granitic intrusion (Central Portugal): geochemical, isotopic and mineralogical features
Contact metamorphism related to Variscan and late-Variscan granitic plutons in the Iberian Peninsula is superimposed on medium-grade regional metamorphism, making it often difficult to evaluate per se the thermal effects due to those intrusions and explaining the paucity of scientific literature on the subject. An exhaustive set of geochemical, isotopic and mineralogical data on the contact-zone metasediments hosting the Penamacor-Monsanto granite (Central Iberian Zone, Portugal) provides a significant contribution to the characterization of low- to intermediate-grade contact metamorphism in geological contexts formerly affected by regional metamorphism.
The metasediments hosting the Penamacor-Monsanto pluton belong to the extensive detrital sequence of the ante-Ordovician Schist-Greywacke Complex. Bulk geochemistry, oxygen isotope data and crystal-chemistry of key minerals from those contact-zone and neighbouring metasediments have made it possible to infer metamorphic conditions on the contact zone of this granitic intrusion, and to distinguish them from late boron-metasomatism at the exocontact.
Mineral paragenesis (muscovite + biotite + chlorite quartz plagioclase cordierite, in spotted-schists; biotite + chlorite quartz plagioclase ( cordierite), in hornfelses) and the composition of these coexisting mineral phases indicate that most of the contact rocks reached the biotite zone (or even the cordierite zone, in some cases), equivalent to upper greenschist – lower amphibolite metamorphic grade. The relatively narrow range of O-isotope temperatures estimated for the crystallization of the marginal granites (550-625ºC) explains the absence of significant effects of thermal flow anisotropy on the contact-zone rocks. Besides, textural, paragenetic, mineralogical, isotopic and geochemical nuances observed in hornfelses and spotted-schists seem mainly related to the local host-rock heterogeneities, rather than to thermal effects.
The relatively low temperatures estimated for granitoid emplacement and their restricted isotopic and mineralogical impacts on the metasedimentary host-rocks account for the narrow metamorphic aureole associated with the Penamacor-Monsanto pluton, and suggest this massif may correspond to the outcropping tip of a larger granitic intrusion at depth.Las intrusions graníticas Varíscicas y tardivaríscicas de la Península Ibérica dieron lugar a un metamorfsmo de contacto
que afecta a un encajante previamente sometido a un metamorfsmo regional de grado medio, lo que difculta separar los
efectos térmicos de aquellos regionales, y explica la escasez de estudios sobre el mismo. El estudio detallado de la zona
de contacto entre el Granito de Penamacor-Monsanto (Zona Centro-Ibérica; Portugal) y su encajante metasedimentario
mediante técnicas geoquímicas, mineralógicas e isotópicas supone una notable contribución al conocimiento y caracterización del metamorfsmo de contacto de grados bajos a intermedios en contextos geológicos previamente afectados por
metamorfsmo regional. El encajante metasedimentario del Plutón de Penamacor-Monsanto es parte de la amplia secuencia detrítica ante-Ordovícia conocida como Complejo Esquisto-Grawackico. Datos geoquímicos de roca total y cristaloquímicos
de los minerales más característicos, y relaciones isotópicas de oxígeno en la zona de contacto y metasedimentos aledaños
permiten inferir las condiciones metamórfcas en la zona de contacto de dicha intrusión, y diferenciarla de aquella afectada
por metasomatismo tardío por B. La paragénesis mineral (muscovita + biotita + clorita ± cuarzo ± plagioclasa ± cordierita
en los esquistos moteados; biotita + clorita ± cuarzo ± plagiclasa (± cordierita) en corneanas) y la composición de las fases
minerales coexistentes indican que la mayoría de rocas del contacto alcanzaron la zona de la biotita (e incluso, en algunos
casos, aquella de la cordierita), equivalente a la parte alta del grado metamórfco de los esquistos verdes, o a la parte baja de
las anfbolitas. El rango relativamente pequeño de temperaturas de cristalización de los granitos marginales (550-625°C),
calculado mediante isótopos de oxígeno, explica la carencia de anisotropías térmicas signifcativas en las rocas del contacto.
Las sutiles diferencias texturales, paragenéticas, mineralógicas, isotópicas y geoquímicas en esquistos moteados y corneanas
parecen relacionadas con heterogeneidades locales de los encajantes, y no con efectos térmicos diferenciados. Las temperaturas relativamente bajas estimadas durante la intrusión del granito de Penamacor-Monsanto, y el limitado efecto mineralógico
e isotópico sobre el encajante metasedimentario, dan lugar a una aureola de contacto estrecha, y sugieren que este macizo
puede corresponder al techo de una intrusión mayor en profundidad.Funding was provided by FCT—Fundação para a Ciên cia e Tecnologia, through project METMOB (PTDC/CTE-GIX/116204/2009