1 research outputs found

    The Survey and Analysis of Chinese Teaching in School of Rattana Kosinsomphotbowanniwetsalaya School of Thailand

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    笔者以乐达那古信沙拉雅位中学为研究对象,通过调查分析,研究该校的汉语教学情况。笔者曾在这所学校实习,从事汉语教学工作。在实习的过程中,笔者对该校的汉语教学有了较多的感性认识,在平时的工作中注意观察,与此同时,通过问卷调查法与访谈调查法的使用,从各个角度充分了解乐达那古信沙拉雅位中学的汉语教学情况。对该校的汉语教师情况、汉语学习的基本情况、汉语课程情况、教学材料方面情况、学生汉语学习方面情况等有了较好的把握。本论文在调查结果分析的基础上,总结出了乐达那古信沙拉雅中学汉语教育存在的问题,并提出了相应的改进建议,为该校改善汉语教学提供参考与借鉴。 笔者共分为六章来进行论述:第一章为绪论,阐述了本论...This thesis is based on the study and analysis of Chinese teaching at Rattana Kosinsomphotbowanniwet salaya high school. The writer did her teaching internship in the above mentioned school which gave her the foundation for the research. During the process of teaching practice, the writer acquired an in-depth knowledge of this school, in addition to the experience of working in the school, the wri...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:海外教育学院_汉语国际教育硕士学号:2652014115454