8 research outputs found

    Multicenter validation of the value of BASFI and BASDAI in Chinese ankylosing spondylitis and undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy patients

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    The objectives of this study were to evaluate the reliability of Bath ankylosing spondylitis functional index (BASFI) and Bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index (BASDAI) in Chinese ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy (USpA) patients. 664 AS patients by the revised New York criteria for AS and 252 USpA patients by the European Spondyloarthropathy Study Group criteria were enrolled. BASDAI and BASFI questionnaires were translated into Chinese. Participants were required to fill in BASFI and BASDAI questionnaires again after 24 h. Moreover, BASDAI and BASFI were compared in AS patients receiving Enbrel or infliximab before and after treatment. For AS group, BASDAI ICC: 0.9502 (95% CI: 0.9330–0.9502, α = 0.9702), BASFI ICC: 0.9587 (95% CI: 0.9521–0.9645, α = 0.9789). For USpA group, BASDAI ICC: 0.9530 (95% CI: 0.9402–0.9632, α = 0.9760), BASFI ICC: 0.9900 (95% CI: 0.9871–0.9922, α = 0.9950). In the AS group, disease duration, occipital wall distance, modified Schober test, chest expansion, ESR, and CRP showed significant correlation with BASDAI and BASFI (all P < 0.01). In the USpA group, onset age, ESR, and CRP were significantly correlated with BASDAI (all P < 0.05), while modified Schober test, ESR, and CRP were significantly associated with BASFI (all P < 0.05). The change in BASDAI and BASFI via Enbrel or infliximab treatment showed a significant positive correlation (P < 0.01). The two instruments have good reliability and reference value regarding the evaluation of patient’s condition and anti-TNF-α treatment response

    Avanços e desafios da enfermagem na produção científica sobre psoríase Avances y desafíos de la enfermería en la producción científica acerca de psoriasis Advances and challenges of nursing in the scientific production on psoriasis

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    A psoríase, doença crônica de causa ainda incerta, atinge 1 a 3% da população mundial e gera grande impacto psicológico e modificações na qualidade de vida, constituindo desafiadora realidade. Objetiva-se analisar a produção científica de enfermagem sobre psoríase, examinando-se abordagens e contribuições para o cuidado. Estudo bibliográfico em base virtual de dados Medline, utilizando-se os termos psoríase e enfermagem. Dos 21 artigos selecionados, entre 1997/2008, 19% enfocam a fisiopatologia e diagnóstico diferencial, 48% tratamento, 28% aspectos psicológicos e 42% cuidados de enfermagem. O resgate desse saber científico reforça o desafio de maximização da produção acerca da temática, trazendo contribuições para avanços mais expressivos que visem uma intervenção mais holística e de maior qualidade junto a essa clientela.<br>La psoriasis, enfermedad crónica de causa incierta aflige 1 a 3% de la población mundial, produce varios efectos psicológicos y los cambios en la calidad de vida, una realidad desafiante. El objetivo es analizar la producción científica de la enfermería en la psoriasis los enfoques y las contribuciones a la atención. Estudio bibliográfico por base de datos virtual Medline con los termos psoriasis e enfermería. De los 21 artículos seleccionados en 1997/2008, el 19% se centran en la fisiopatología y el diagnóstico diferencial, 48% tratamiento, 28% psicológica y 42% atención de enfermería. El rescate del conocimiento científico aumenta el desafío de maximizar esta producción científica, ofreciendo importantes contribuciones a los avances del conocimiento para una intervención más global y de mayor calidad con esta clientela.<br>The psoriasis, chronic disease with uncertain cause, affects 1 to 3% of world population, produces great psychological impact and changes in quality of life, a challenging reality. The objective is to analyze the scientific production of nursing on psoriasis, examining the approaches and contributions to care. It's a bibliographic study carried on virtual database Medline using the terms psoriasis and nursing. Of the 21 articles selected, in 1997/2008, 19% focus on the pathophysiology and differential diagnosis, 48% treatment, 28% psychological aspects and 42% in nursing care. The rescue of the scientific knowledge increases the challenge of maximizing the scientific production about this subject, bringing significant contributions to advances to a more holistic intervention and higher quality with this clientele