26 research outputs found
The importance of MEN1 gene variants in AIP mutation negative FIPA patients
Introduction: Pituitary adenomas (PAs) that occur in a familial setting account for no more than 5%, which can be part of familial tumor syndromes such as Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) and type 4 (MEN4), Carney Complex (CNC) or Familial Isolated Pituitary Adenoma (FIPA). The presence of two or more cases of PAs without MEN1 or CNC characteristics in the same family, enable FIPA diagnosis. Heterozygous germline inactivating mutations in thearyl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein(AIP) gene confer predisposition to PAs in different races in the setting of FIPAs. However, we have previously reported our cohort of FIPA patients as negative forAIPpoint mutations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to detect copy number variations (CNVs) inAIPandMEN1, and to investigateMEN1gene variations in this cohort.Patients and methods: Seven families including 16 patients with FIPA diagnosis were involved in this study. Among these families, heterogenous and homogenous FIPA were composed of three and four families, respectively. All homogenous FIPA patients had somatotropinoma. Mean follow-up period of the cohort was 13 (5–40) years. Only 12 patients from these families were available for genetic analyses, who did not have hypercalcemia and other components of familial syndromes. Patients’ genomic DNA were isolated from peripheral blood. All exons, exon-intron boundaries and UTR regions ofAIPandMEN1genes were PCR amplified, followed by Sanger sequencing to detect point mutations. CLC Main Workbench 6.5 was used in sequence data analysis against the reference sequences NM_003977.3 and NM_000244.3 forAIPandMEN1genes, respectively. Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) was performed in CNV detection, where commercially obtained reagents and probe-mixes were used according to the manufacturer’s instructions (P244-AIP-MEN1-CDKN1B, MRC-Holland, the Netherlands).Results: In our cohort, initial screen ofAIPgene revealed no mutations and MLPA anlaysis also showed no CNVs. Afterthan,MEN1sequencing exhibited novel heterozygous variants including c.1846T>A (p.*616Argext*21); rs778272737:T>C; rs972128957:C>T in 2 families having patients diagnosed with Cushing disease, non-functional PA, and acromegaly, respectively. Among them, c.1846T>A (p.*616Argext*21) is a stop codon read-through, whereas the others are 3′UTR variations. Overall,MEN1variation frequency was detected 15% in our cohort.Conclusion: In the long term clinically followed-up of FIPA patients without hypercalcemia,MEN1gene can be of significance and screening should be offered especially to young first-degree relatives with or without MEN1 syndrome features
Association Between Skin Tags and Colonic Polyps in Patients with Acromegaly
The high prevalence of colonic polyps in acromegalic patients is well known. Colonic adenomatous polyps may be precursor lesions for colorectal carcinoma. Skin tags are generally benign skin growths, but it has been reported that there is a correlation between skin tags and colonic polyposis in acromeglic patients. We evaluated association between colonic polyps and skin tags in twenty-five acromegalic patients. The aged over 70, previous colonic disease or polyps, rectal bleeding, positive family history for colon disease and smoking were exclusion criterians in the study. Colonoscopy was performed in all patients and colonic polyps were found in ten of them. Skin tags were detected in eight of ten patients with colonic polyps. The specificity and sensitivity of the presence of polyps with skin tags was high However Fisher's exact test was not statistically significant. As a conclusion, colonoscopy should be performed in all acromegalic patients especially in those with skin tags
Recovery from hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in a young woman with peripartum hypophysitis after steroid replacement therapy.
Three Cases with Hypogonadism, Polyuria, Polydipsia as Pesenting Manifestation of Neurosarcoidosis
Cushing Sendromunda tiroid fonksiyon testleri dinamik değişiklikler gösterir ve bilinenin aksine yakın izlem gerektirir.
Does MEN1 variant (p.Ser183Cys) affect the response to DA therapy in a young prolactinoma patient without other components of MEN1 syndrome?
Akromegali ve prolaktinoma hastalarında Hiperostosis Frontalis Interna (HFİ) sıklığının ve bu hormonal fazlalıkların olası hiperostotik değişiklikler üzerine etkisinin araştırılması
AKROMEGALI VE PROLAKTINOMA HASTALARINDA HIPEROSTOSIS FRONTALIS INTERNA (HFI) SIKLIĞININ VE BU HORMONAL FAZLALIKLARIN OLASI HIPEROSTOTIK DEĞIŞIKLIKLER ÜZERINE ETKISININ ARAŞTIRILMASIÜMMÜ MUTLU1, MEHMET BARBUROĞLU2, SERRA SENCER2, SEMA YARMAN11İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları2İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Nöroradyoloji Bilim Dalı, İstanbulGiriş:Büyüme hormonu kemikler üzerinde pleiotropik etkilere sahiptir. Akromegalide frontal çıkıntıda belirginleş- me, sinüslerde genişleme ve mandibulanın öne büyümesi kortikal kemik kütlesindeki artışa bağlı yaygın kalvariyal kalınlaşma sonucudur. Kalvariyum başlıca frontal, ossipital, parietal ve temporal kemikleri kapsamaktadır. Önceki çalışmalarda akromegali ve hiperprolaktineminin eşlik ettiği akromegali olgularında frontal kemiğin düzensiz kalın- laşması olan Hiperostosis Frontalis İnterna (HFİ) sıklığındaki artışın bu hormonların uyarılarıyla oluşabileceği dü- şünülmüş ancak etyopatogenezi kesin olarak aydınlatılamamıştır. Bu nedenle, akromegali ve prolaktinomalarda HFİ sıklığı, etyolojide olası hormonal etkilerin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.Materyal-Metod:46 akromegali, 25 prolaktinoma çalışmaya alındı. Hastaların demografik özellikleri retrospektif olarak hipofiz poliklinik dosya kayıtlarından, kraniyal MRI’ları radyoloji kayıtlarından sağlandı. Kontrol grubu (n=47) farklı nedenlerle kraniyal MRI’ı istenen ve görüntülemesinde kemik metastazı, kemik tümörü, Paget hastalığı ve fib- röz displazisi olmayan yaş, cins eşleştirilmiş kişilerden rastgele seçildi. Grupların frontal, parietal ve oksipital kemik kalınlıkları kranyal MRI üzerinden aynı nöroradyologlar tarafından ölçüldü.Bulgular:Akromegalide HFİ sıklığı kontrolden anlamlı olarak yüksekti. (%22 vs %2.17, p<0.001). Ancak HFİ pozitif ve negatif hastaların bazal IGF-1 düzeyleri arasında fark bulunmadı. HFİ pozitiflerin IGF-1 indeksi (IGF-1/ULN) HFİ ne- gatif gruba kıyasla yüksekti ancak istatistiksel anlamlı değildi (3.32 vs. 2.73, p=0.119). Oysa IGF-1 indeksi kraniyumun frontal kemik kalınlığı ile pozitif korelasyon gösterirken (p=0.021, CC:0.34), parietal ve oksipital kemik kalınlıkları ile korelasyon göstermedi. Ayrıca akromegalilerde HFİ pozitif ve negatif gruplar arasında hiperprolaktinemi açısından fark saptanmadı (p=0,578). Prolaktinomalarda da HFİ tespit edilmedi. Oksipital kemik kalınlıkları ile IGF-1 indeksi arasında korelasyon saptanmadı.Sonuç:Akromegalide HFİ sıklığı %22’dir. Akromegalide HFİ’nin etyopatogenezinde IGF-1 indeks artışının rolü olabilir ancak hiperprolaktineminin rolü izlenmemiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler:Akromegali, hiperostosis frontalis interna, prolaktinom