9,808 research outputs found

    Exact polynomial solutions of second order differential equations and their applications

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    We find all polynomials Z(z)Z(z) such that the differential equation X(z)d2dz2+Y(z)ddz+Z(z)S(z)=0,{X(z)\frac{d^2}{dz^2}+Y(z)\frac{d}{dz}+Z(z)}S(z)=0, where X(z),Y(z),Z(z)X(z), Y(z), Z(z) are polynomials of degree at most 4, 3, 2 respectively, has polynomial solutions S(z)=i=1n(zzi)S(z)=\prod_{i=1}^n(z-z_i) of degree nn with distinct roots ziz_i. We derive a set of nn algebraic equations which determine these roots. We also find all polynomials Z(z)Z(z) which give polynomial solutions to the differential equation when the coefficients of X(z) and Y(z) are algebraically dependent. As applications to our general results, we obtain the exact (closed-form) solutions of the Schr\"odinger type differential equations describing: 1) Two Coulombically repelling electrons on a sphere; 2) Schr\"odinger equation from kink stability analysis of ϕ6\phi^6-type field theory; 3) Static perturbations for the non-extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"om solution; 4) Planar Dirac electron in Coulomb and magnetic fields; and 5) O(N) invariant decatic anharmonic oscillator.Comment: LaTex 25 page

    On the 2-mode and kk-photon quantum Rabi models

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    By mapping the Hamiltonians of the two-mode and 2-photon Rabi models to differential operators in suitable Hilbert spaces of entire functions, we prove that the two models possess entire and normalizable wavefunctions in the Bargmann-Hilbert spaces only if the frequency ω\omega and coupling strength gg satisfy certain constraints. This is in sharp contrast to the quantum Rabi model for which entire wavefunctions always exist. For model parameters fulfilling the aforesaid constraints we determine transcendental equations whose roots give the regular energy eigenvalues of the models. Furthermore, we show that for k3k\geq 3 the kk-photon Rabi model does not possess wavefunctions which are elements of the Bargmann-Hilbert space for all non-trivial model parameters. This implies that the k3k\geq 3 case is not diagonalizable, unlike its RWA cousin, the kk-photon Jaynes-Cummings model which can be completely diagonalized for all kk.Comment: LaTex 15 pages. Version to appear in Reviews in Mathematical Physic

    Super Coherent States, Boson-Fermion Realizations and Representations of Superalgebras

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    Super coherent states are useful in the explicit construction of representations of superalgebras and quantum superalgebras. In this contribution, we describe how they are used to construct (quantum) boson-fermion realizations and representations of (quantum) superalgebras. We work through a few examples: osp(12)osp(1|2) and its quantum version Ut[osp(12)]U_t[osp(1|2)], osp(22)osp(2|2) in the non-standard and standard bases and gl(22)gl(2|2) in the non-standard basis. We obtain free boson-fermion realizations of these superalgebras. Applying the boson-fermion realizations, we explicitly construct their finite-dimensional representations. Our results are expected to be useful in the study of current superalgebras and their corresponding conformal field theories.Comment: LaTex 20 pages. Invited contribution for the volume "Trends in Field Theory Research" by Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 2004. Accepted for publication in the volum

    Hidden sl(2)sl(2)-algebraic structure in Rabi model and its 2-photon and two-mode generalizations

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    It is shown that the (driven) quantum Rabi model and its 2-photon and 2-mode generalizations possess a hidden sl(2)sl(2)-algebraic structure which explains the origin of the quasi-exact solvability of these models. It manifests the first appearance of a hidden algebraic structure in quantum spin-boson systems without U(1)U(1) symmetry.Comment: LaTex 14 pages. Version to appear in Annals of Physic

    Relationship between Nichols braided Lie algebras and Nichols algebras

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    We establish the relationship among Nichols algebras, Nichols braided Lie algebras and Nichols Lie algebras. We prove two results: (i) Nichols algebra B(V)\mathfrak B(V) is finite-dimensional if and only if Nichols braided Lie algebra L(V)\mathfrak L(V) is finite-dimensional if there does not exist any mm-infinity element in B(V)\mathfrak B(V); (ii) Nichols Lie algebra L(V)\mathfrak L^-(V) is infinite dimensional if D D^- is infinite. We give the sufficient conditions for Nichols braided Lie algebra L(V)\mathfrak L(V) to be a homomorphic image of a braided Lie algebra generated by VV with defining relations.Comment: LeTex 18 pages, need JOLT-macros to compile. To appear in Journal of Lie Theor

    One loop amplitude from null string

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    We generalize the CHY formalism to one-loop level, based on the framework of the null string theory. The null string, a tensionless string theory, produces the same results as the ones from the chiral ambitwistor string theory, with the latter believed to give a string interpretation of the CHY formalism. A key feature of our formalism is the interpretation of the modular parameters. We find that the SS modular transformation invariance of the ordinary string theory does not survive in the case of the null string theory. Treating the integration over the modular parameters this way enable us to derive the n-gons scattering amplitude in field theory, thus proving the n-gons conjecture.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    On Nichols (braided) Lie algebras

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    We prove {\rm (i)} Nichols algebra B(V)\mathfrak B(V) of vector space VV is finite-dimensional if and only if Nichols braided Lie algebra L(V)\mathfrak L(V) is finite-dimensional; {\rm (ii)} If the rank of connected VV is 22 and B(V)\mathfrak B(V) is an arithmetic root system, then B(V)=FL(V);\mathfrak B(V) = F \oplus \mathfrak L(V); and {\rm (iii)} if Δ(B(V))\Delta (\mathfrak B(V)) is an arithmetic root system and there does not exist any mm-infinity element with puu1p_{uu} \not= 1 for any uD(V)u \in D(V), then dim(B(V))=\dim (\mathfrak B(V) ) = \infty if and only if there exists VV', which is twisting equivalent to VV, such that dim(L(V))=. \dim (\mathfrak L^ - (V')) = \infty. Furthermore we give an estimation of dimensions of Nichols Lie algebras and two examples of Lie algebras which do not have maximal solvable ideals.Comment: 29 Pages; Substantially revised version; To appear in International Journal of Mathematic