908 research outputs found

    The Weight Distributions of Cyclic Codes and Elliptic Curves

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    Cyclic codes with two zeros and their dual codes as a practically and theoretically interesting class of linear codes, have been studied for many years. However, the weight distributions of cyclic codes are difficult to determine. From elliptic curves, this paper determines the weight distributions of dual codes of cyclic codes with two zeros for a few more cases

    Robust Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Fundus Image Segmentation

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    Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) is a learning technique that transfers knowledge learned in the source domain from labelled training data to the target domain with only unlabelled data. It is of significant importance to medical image segmentation because of the usual lack of labelled training data. Although extensive efforts have been made to optimize UDA techniques to improve the accuracy of segmentation models in the target domain, few studies have addressed the robustness of these models under UDA. In this study, we propose a two-stage training strategy for robust domain adaptation. In the source training stage, we utilize adversarial sample augmentation to enhance the robustness and generalization capability of the source model. And in the target training stage, we propose a novel robust pseudo-label and pseudo-boundary (PLPB) method, which effectively utilizes unlabeled target data to generate pseudo labels and pseudo boundaries that enable model self-adaptation without requiring source data. Extensive experimental results on cross-domain fundus image segmentation confirm the effectiveness and versatility of our method. Source code of this study is openly accessible at https://github.com/LinGrayy/PLPB.Comment: 10 pages, WACV202

    STP-LWE: A Variant of Learning with Error for a Flexible Encryption

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    We construct a flexible lattice based scheme based on semitensor product learning with errors (STP-LWE), which is a variant of learning with errors problem. We have proved that STP-LWE is hard when LWE is hard. Our scheme is proved to be secure against indistinguishable chosen message attacks, and it can achieve a balance between the security and efficiency in the hierarchical encryption systems. In addition, our scheme is almost as efficient as the dual encryption in GPV08
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